Do-it-yourself plasticine monsters

Do-it-yourself plasticine monsters
Do-it-yourself plasticine monsters

Many children, especially boys, are very fond of playing with unusual toy creatures: robots, cartoon characters and scary creatures. Rubber zombies, stretching slimes, artificial spiders, snakes and plastic skeletons attract attention and develop children's imagination. The most popular are unusual DIY plasticine monsters.

Horror stories at the peak of popularity

Images of monsters and other similar creatures captivate children from TV screens. The modern film industry is teeming with a variety of animated stories of this nature:

  • "Ghostbusters";
  • "Monsters Inc";
  • "Monsters vs Aliens";
  • "Monster High School" and others

Plasticine figurines will be interesting for children. You can also buy a scary toy on store shelves, but it’s much more interesting to mold a character yourself from improvised materials.

monster outplasticine
monster outplasticine

Plasticine figurines

You can make a scary story from natural materials, household items, s alt dough or clay. But the plasticine monsters are much more interesting. Designed specifically for children's crafts, this material is ideal for making flexible monster pieces, making it more intimidating and original. Small details in the form of eyes and fangs will complete the idea.

The monster will turn out bright and unusual if you use the appropriate colors of plasticine. The following colors are well suited for making toys:

  • red;
  • orange;
  • green;
  • light green;
  • purple;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • pink.

Characters will get interesting if you add a few different colored details.

do-it-yourself horror stories
do-it-yourself horror stories

How to mold a monster out of plasticine?

Before starting work, the child must prepare all the necessary materials on his own or with the help of an adult:

  • plasticine;
  • board and plastic knife;
  • additional elements: eyes, matches, threads, etc.

To sculpt a monster, they take both a plain piece of plasticine and the remains of different colors.


Creating a fantasy creature is easy:

  1. Plasticine mass is thoroughly kneaded in hands until it becomes soft. Divide into two identical balls.
  2. One smooth with fingers, giving the shape of an oval or pear. This will be the body.weirdo.
  3. The head can be depicted both in the form of a circle and in the form of any other geometric figure.
  4. We connect two parts together with a match or a toothpick. It is necessary to stick a thin stick into the core of the body, and "put on" the plasticine firebrand of the "evil zombie" on its tip.
  5. From two small pieces of plasticine we sculpt triangular ears resembling a shark fin. Sculpt on the head.
  6. We take a small plasticine piece of the same color as the monster. This will be the jaw. We attach small fangs to it (from white plasticine, the tips of matches or toothpicks, transparent beads). Sculpt "predatory mouth" to the lower part of the face.
  7. We outline a place for the eyes: with the help of a pen we make indentations. In this area we sculpt white balls with black dots in the middle.
  8. From two miserable plasticine rings we sculpt wide nostrils. Place them right under the eyes, in the center of the face.
  9. Twist two plump sausages. We sculpt under the head on both sides of the body. You can make thick fingers on big paws.
  10. Supplement the front part of the torso with a round tummy.
  11. The lower limbs are made from four flat circles. Flatter ones should be attached to the sides of the lower body. Then we sculpt two horizontal cakes to them. Get a sitting monster.
  12. Toes cut with a knife.

You can give expressiveness by making big ears, long thin arms, huge feet. Antennae on the top of the head, a tubular nose, a gaping mouth, a bulging belly and a spiked tail complete the scaryimage.

You can also make small circles from bright or black plasticine, like polka dots, and attach them to the head, body and tail. We decorate each cut finger on the paw with a black sharp nail.

Plasticine monsters will successfully decorate the shelf in the nursery and allow you to beat the most fantastic fairy tale stories.
