Water-dispersion primer: application and description

Water-dispersion primer: application and description
Water-dispersion primer: application and description

Before painting, all kinds of building structures should be primed. Compositions for this can be used in a variety of ways. For example, very often the enclosing structures of buildings and structures are treated with a water-dispersion primer before painting. Means of this variety are inexpensive and create a reliable, good adhesion layer between surfaces of different materials and paintwork materials.

General Description

Structurally, these primers are a dispersion of acrylate polymers in water. As can be judged by their name, this type of products are made without the use of chemical solvents. They are produced on the basis of ordinary water.

Types of primers
Types of primers

In fact, such primers are liquids that contain a very large number of undissolved microscopic particles. After the water dries, the latter remain on the surface, polymerize and form a thin, durable film.

Benefits of using

The main advantage of water-dispersion primersconsidered to be completely harmless. Unlike formulations prepared on the basis of chemical solvents, when kneaded or applied to surfaces, this type of product does not emit any unpleasant odors. The only thing is that the master working with such soil should try to avoid getting his drops into his eyes. It is not necessary to open windows and doors when using such a composition indoors.

The unconditional advantages of this type of primers are also ease of use and non-combustibility. Such compositions are applied to the walls using a conventional paint roller or brush. Work on surface treatment with their use can be done very quickly even if it is necessary to coat in two layers. These primers dry very quickly. Since these products are prepared on the basis of water, they cannot burn in principle.

Of course, the advantages of such primers include their effectiveness. The film they create is an excellent base for paints.

What are the disadvantages?

There are practically no disadvantages of primers of this type. Plasterers-painters consider some disadvantage of this type of funds only that they are allowed to be stored only at positive, better than room temperature. When freezing, water-dispersion primers lose their qualities. They are also supposed to be transported subject to certain rules.

It is possible to apply products of this group on the surface only at a temperature of +5 ˚С and at air humidity up to 80%. In other conditions, the dispersion film on the enclosing structuresit simply won't form. This, of course, can also be considered some disadvantage of this variety.

A distinctive feature of water-dispersion primers is, among other things, that they, unlike chemical compositions, create a very thin film on surfaces. Therefore, prepare walls, ceilings and facades before using them as carefully as possible.

How to prime surfaces
How to prime surfaces

What varieties are there?

All currently produced water-dispersion primers are divided into three main varieties:

  • polyvinyl acetate - the cheapest, poorly tolerate high humidity;
  • butadiene styrene - not too expensive, not afraid of moisture, but not particularly frost-resistant;
  • acrylic - the most expensive, versatile, well tolerated low temperatures and high humidity.

It is the last type of funds that is most popular among plasterers-painters. Acrylic water-dispersion primers are, among other things, resistant to abrasion and flexible.

According to the scope of use, funds of this type are classified into:

  • universal;
  • adhesive;
  • deep penetration;
  • anti-corrosion.
Primer universal
Primer universal

Technical characteristics of water dispersion primer

Produce such compositions of the company in Russia, taking into account the standards stipulated by GOST R 52020-2003. Products of this type put on the marketmust meet the following requirements:

  • number of non-volatile substances - no more than 28;
  • drying speed - up to 14 hours;
  • density - 1 kg/dm3.

When buying this product, you should also look at such an indicator as consumption. For water-dispersion primers, according to the regulations, this value should be 0.1-0.6 l/m2.

Application areas

One of the absolute advantages of water-dispersion products is their versatility. According to the regulations, it is allowed to coat surfaces with such compositions before painting:

  • mineral - concrete, blocks, bricks, plasters;
  • wood, OSB, chipboard, etc.;
  • GKL;
  • metal;
  • plastic.

Very widely such products are used for all these surfaces. At the same time, the preparation of such materials before dyeing with the use of water-dispersion agents is very high quality.

Universal formulations

Primers of this variety are in most cases used for pre-treatment of plastered, brick or plasterboard surfaces.

Ceiling primer
Ceiling primer

Means of this type are able to improve the adhesion of all materials and at the same time strengthen them. Also, such primers are distinguished by antiseptic properties. That is, the fungus on the surfaces when they are subsequently used, for example, does not form. Accordingly, the walls themselves, treated with such a composition before painting, are able to last as long as possible.


Primers of this group are used for the treatment of very smooth surfaces. It can be, for example, concrete or plastic. They can also be used for ceramics, glass, painted materials.

It is to this type that the water-dispersion primer "Concrete Contact" is very popular among plasterers-painters and home craftsmen. Means of this type are able to significantly increase the adhesive properties of smooth surfaces. The paint on such materials subsequently lays down in an even layer and lasts a very long time.

Concrete priming
Concrete priming

Deep penetration tools

Compositions of this type are very often used to process fairly loose surfaces - cellular concrete, wood, old plastered. A feature of water-dispersion deep penetration primers is, among other things, that they are absorbed into the surface structure by several millimeters. At the same time, such compounds stick together the pores of the material, significantly increasing its strength. Subsequently, plaster or concrete treated in this way does not crumble.

Anti-corrosion agents

Primers of this type contain substances that can prevent rust. Water-dispersion agents of this group are used for the treatment of metal surfaces. According to the regulations, they can be used for preliminary preparation of any materials of this type. Both non-ferrous and ferrous metals can be treated with such primers.

If necessary, such funds, of course,can be applied to other surfaces. For example, plaster and putty are often treated with anti-corrosion primers. The adhesive layer in this case also turns out to be of very high quality.

Floor priming
Floor priming

Technology of use

Applying water-dispersion primers on surfaces is extremely simple. The technology of their use includes three main stages:

  • surface preparation;
  • preparing the primer itself;
  • actual application.

Walls and ceilings are thoroughly cleaned of dirt before priming, leveled and dried if necessary. The composition itself is shaken before application. If it is too viscous, add some water to it. Apply the primer to the surface with a roller in a thin even layer. Rubbing such products into the walls is supposed to be as thorough as possible.

Primer for wood
Primer for wood

This is how surfaces are treated before painting, for example, using the Birss Beton Contact water-dispersion primer, anti-corrosion compounds, deep penetration and any others.
