Soil mechanics - the theory of a reliable foundation

Soil mechanics - the theory of a reliable foundation
Soil mechanics - the theory of a reliable foundation

Soil mechanics is a scientific discipline that studies the stability, strength and strain-stress state of soil massifs. Soil mechanics also investigates the general compressibility of soil layers, their structural-phase deformations and contact resistance to shear. The applied value of this scientific discipline lies in the use of its results in the design and construction of various buildings.

Soil mechanics
Soil mechanics

In the construction of industrial, hydraulic and underground structures, as well as in marine, river, housing, urban, road and airfield construction, data and research results provided by soil mechanics are used. Foundations and foundations, designed and built taking into account all the recommendations of this scientific discipline, are strong, reliable and durable. Also, the primary tasks of soil mechanics are the study and solution of the problems of deformation and stability of earth technical structures, slopes, supportingwalls and more.

Soil mechanics. Foundations and foundations
Soil mechanics. Foundations and foundations

Soil mechanics is a necessary theoretical basis for the correct calculation of the bases and foundations of structures. The correct design and construction of foundations largely depends on a proper assessment of the physical and mechanical properties, as well as the characteristics of the occurrence of soil massifs, on the rational choice of the type of foundations and the dimensions of the foundation.

From the point of view of this scientific discipline, all types of soils that are used as the basis of the foundation of various construction projects are divided into natural and artificial. Soil massifs of natural occurrence are called natural base, and those that were previously strengthened in various ways (silicification, cementation, resinization, bitumization, etc.) - artificial base.

By origin, soils are classified as follows:

  • Igneous. Created by the planet's geological activity (eruption and lava cooling).
  • Metamorphic. Formed as a result of physical and chemical transformation processes from igneous or sedimentary rocks under the influence of factors such as temperature and pressure.
  • Sedimentary soils. Formed by sedimentation.
  • Artificial. They are the result of human production and economic activity.
foundation foundation
foundation foundation

The structure of soil masses, which is also studied by soil mechanics, is reflected by its textural andstructural indicators. The structure of the soil is the cumulative characteristics of the dimensions of its constituent elements, their shape, the nature of the surface, as well as the quantitative ratio of the components and their relationships. The main types of soil structures are lumpy, walnut, platy, blocky, scaly, dusty-microaggressive and others. The main structural bonds are considered to be water-colloidal type and crystallization. It is on these parameters that the choice of the type of foundation and the suitability of the soil massif for the construction of a structure of this type depend.
