Concrete M200: composition, preparation, proportions

Concrete M200: composition, preparation, proportions
Concrete M200: composition, preparation, proportions

Cement mortar is in demand in a wide range of construction and repair work. It is used both for the construction of multi-storey structures, and for single-storey buildings. Today the market offers a wide range of these products. Building materials differ in varieties of brands and technical characteristics.

200 grade concrete

Concrete M200 class B15 refers to heavy solutions. It is more rational to use it for pouring monolithic objects, paths, as well as frame structures.

Concrete heavy class B15 M200
Concrete heavy class B15 M200

Based on high technical performance, it can be noted that this material is not afraid of the negative effects of the environment. And the quality of this solution ensures the longevity of the erected structures. This type of building materials is divided into subspecies:

  • for binders - gypsum, silicate, cement-polymer;
  • depending on the type of fraction - with large or small particles;
  • according to the consistency of the mass - can be dense, porous or specialized;
  • lightweightand heavy concrete M200.

The choice depends on the particular application. In each case, a certain type of concrete is suitable.


The strength of cement depends on the proportions of its components. The higher the grade, the more rational it is to use less material.

Concrete M200 refers to medium quality compositions. This is because it contains cement, which has hydrophobic and fast setting properties. The use of such a composition contributes to an increase in the operational period of the erected structures. In our country, when carrying out construction work, Portland cement is often used. It responds well to temperature changes, when it can drop to 10 ºС in a day.

Be sure to include sand in the composition of the solution. It is necessary to use material cleaned of dirt so as not to impair the quality of the future product. It is desirable that the sand fraction is large. It serves as the main filler, which ensures the plasticity of the concrete mass. You can also use crushed stone as an additive. His fraction should be medium.

Concrete M200 characteristics
Concrete M200 characteristics

Accompanying additives can be used if necessary. They are mainly used for the plasticity of the solution and its frost resistance. There are also special plasticizers (additives) that can both slow down and speed up the drying process of the mixture. The final component is water, which should not contain any foreign chemical components.

Concrete grades

The strength of concrete depends on the composition andelements that were involved in the manufacturing process of the mixture. These factors also indicate the areas of use of the solution.

Concrete M200 class B15
Concrete M200 class B15

Typically, more cement is used in the mortar making process to achieve a high grade.

The range of concrete grades is large, and each classification has its own application:

  1. M100 - used for buildings that will be affected by small loads.
  2. M150 - the difference from the previous category is small. The scope of operation is similar.
  3. M200 - used for reinforced concrete structures.
  4. M250 - a slight difference from the previous brand. The solution can be used for the same purpose.
  5. M300 - it is rational to use for landings and roads on which regular traffic occurs.
  6. M350 is an analogue of the M300 mixture. Used in critical structures.
  7. M400 - used in the construction of foundations and the bearing layer of the building.
  8. M450 - is one of the strong brands of solutions. It is operated during the construction of critical building elements. Withstands enormous loads.
  9. M500 is the most reliable solution. It is operated in construction, where there will be the greatest loads. This brand of concrete gives the constructed structure extreme reliability.

The required brand of mortar is selected in construction in accordance with the type of structure or building being erected.


The quality and technical characteristics of M200 concrete dependon the composition of the elements added to it and their proportions.

M200 concrete class
M200 concrete class

The presented mixture has the following features:

  1. High quality due to low composition density.
  2. The mixture dries quickly.
  3. Low thermal conductivity, which allows the material to be used for thin-layer work, with insulation.
  4. It is not recommended to use the mixture if the temperature is below +5 ˚С.
  5. Frost resistance – F100.

Due to its plasticity during shrinkage, M200 concrete does not crack, and working with it takes place without much difficulty. This is a demanded material for construction work.

Recommended proportions

There are four main factors that contribute to a good mortar consistency.

Concrete M200 GOST
Concrete M200 GOST

These include:

  1. Cement grade.
  2. characteristics of fillers.
  3. Desired plasticity and strength of the solution.
  4. Proportions and ratios.

The quality of the solution depends on the proportions. For 1 m3 concrete M200 the composition should be:

  • if cement M400 is used, then when mixing the mortar, add another 4.8 parts of crushed stone and 2.8 parts of sand to one part of the cement;
  • if dry mix M500 is used, the proportion requires mixing with one part of cement 5.6 parts of crushed stone and 3.5 parts of sand.

Mixing concrete M200 heavy class B15 per 1 m3 implies the use of components in the following proportions:

  • 330 kg of cement;
  • 1250 kg of crushed stone;
  • 180 liters of water;
  • 600 kg of sand;

The combination of the above components forms a volume of 1.76 m3. But in fact, due to water and sand, which displace air from crushed stone, the actual volume is 1 m3. If you follow these recommendations, you will be able to get a good quality solution without any extra effort.


Knowing the proportions for preparing the solution, you can start the mixing process. Cement can be purchased ready-made. This option will be more costly. The price of M200 concrete in the Russian market is 2750-2800 rubles per 1 m3. This is a ready-made solution that can be purchased at the enterprise. The choice must be made very carefully. When buying a ready-made solution, you need to request documentation, make sure that the manufacturer follows the standards of GOST concrete M200.

Composition of concrete M200
Composition of concrete M200

When preparing the mass of the solution yourself, you should pay attention to the brand of cement, since the mixing proportions are based on this indicator. Often dry material M400 and above is taken as a basis. When using lower grades, it is recommended to add plasticizers to increase the strength of the solution.

Knead in small batches so that it can be used in one go. Otherwise, a hardening process may occur, and then the mixture will become unusable. And this will increase the cost of the material.

Preparing the solution is divided into the following steps:

  1. Sand should be thoroughly mixed andcement, in parallel, add additives if necessary (for frost resistance, elasticity, water repellency, etc.) The consumption of additional additives is indicated in the instructions or on the package.
  2. Gradually add water and then gravel.

It is also worth considering that you should not deviate from the desired proportion. If these standards are observed, the excellent quality of M200 concrete is obtained, the price of which will be significantly lower than when buying from the manufacturer.


Concrete M200 class B15 is used in a wide range of construction works, as it has excellent density and resistance to low temperatures.

Heavy concrete M200
Heavy concrete M200

Use the material to build various structures, such as:

  • flights of stairs;
  • different types of platforms that can be used for both people and vehicles;
  • reinforced concrete structures (curb, support pillars);
  • paving slabs;
  • foundation;
  • rewalls that will not be subjected to heavy loads;
  • fences;
  • strings.

For more serious work with heavy loads, a mixture of concrete M400, M500 is used.

Usage Tips

The process of pouring the foundation using M200 concrete mix requires the following steps:

  1. All the necessary tools should be prepared in advance.
  2. The container with the mass should be nearby, near the work area. This is explained by the rapid hardening of the solution. Therefore, the distance shouldmake it minimal.
  3. Use a chute to pour concrete.
  4. It is not recommended to work in bad weather conditions.
  5. The mixed mass should be used up in one go.
  6. If it starts to rain during operation, cover the solution with plastic wrap.
  7. On hot days, the solution should be sprayed with water. This will ensure it dries evenly.

Following these recommendations will guarantee a quality surface that will last many years.

Summing up

This type of mortar is in great demand in construction, so it is not surprising that M200 concrete is purchased by customers more often than other types. And all this thanks to its special technical characteristics. With the help of such concrete, you can fill in an excellent foundation of a monolithic type, as well as construct an excellent fence that will last for many years. It is only important to adhere to the correct proportions when manufacturing in order to obtain the desired quality.

When buying components for the preparation of the mixture, you should pay attention to their quality, especially the cement dry material. The service life of the solution after its production is 3 months. You must always adhere to the ratios of the proportions of materials on m3.

If all recommendations and norms are followed, a good quality mortar is obtained, and structures from it serve for many years.
