A woodworking tool makes it easier for home-made and specialized specialists to work. The toolkit is divided into three main types: amateur, semi-professional and professional. The offered units are suitable for almost any wood finishing operation.

To simplify the work with the tree, a lot of various tools have been created, the classification of which is carried out according to various criteria. Devices are mainly classified according to the following parameters:
- Hand tools.
- Portable electrical devices.
- Woodworking machines.
Tools for woodworking at home are mainly included in the following list:
- Axes and saws.
- Crank (mechanical drill).
- Hammer, planer, square, measuring tape.
- Sets for fine wood finishing (sandpaper, varnish, brush, chisel).
The above set of tools is considered the main set, with which a lot of do-it-yourself operations are performed. The features and properties of elementary woodworking tools are listed below.
Planer and hacksaw
A woodworking tool called a planer is designed for planing boards. With this device, you can level the surface, reduce its thickness, build different depths of excavation.
This tool has been known for a long time and is constantly being improved. Now electric models are quite popular, increasing productivity and accuracy of work with less physical effort.
A saw or a hacksaw is a plate with many teeth for cutting different materials with a handle made of wood or polymers. The saw is a metal plate, on the working part of which there are teeth of different sizes and different divorce.

Chisel, hammer and mallet
Chisel - one of the main carpentry tools, used to create recesses in wood, clean grooves, chamfer. The design of the chisel includes a blade and a handle. Flat modifications have one-sided sharpening; for oval models, the grooves are located outside the blade. When performing work, the chisel is pressed manually, sometimes tapping with a special hammer (mallet) on the handle.
Hammer used to drive nailsinto wood and adjusting other hand tools. Using a mallet, you can process thin plywood or chipboard. In addition, this device allows you to smooth and bend easily bending material.
Jig saw and sandpaper
Working wood with hand tools often requires attention and precise calculation. The most accurate manipulation will allow a manual or electric jigsaw. The mechanical model consists of an arc-shaped frame with a handle and clamps for fixing the working canvas. It allows you to adjust the direction of the cut. There is a gap between the frame and the canvas, thanks to which it is possible to bypass the edges of the workpiece when working. You can also cut along a line inside the workpiece.
A significant disadvantage of a mechanical jigsaw is the low mechanical strength of the blade and the small size of the frame, due to which the working part may burst, and it is also difficult to cut at a great distance from the edges of the workpiece.
Sandpaper or sandpaper has a different grain size and is used to finish the part. This process removes burrs and gives the product a marketable appearance.

Mechanized fixtures
Electric woodworking tool greatly simplifies and speeds up the production process. The main mechanized devices include:
- Electric planer. Used for planing a wooden surface, quickly making it smooth and ready for furtherservice.
- Circular or chain saw allows you to cut the product quickly, evenly and efficiently in accordance with the required dimensions.
- An electric drill is used to drill holes of the required size.
- A screwdriver is a device that allows you to quickly screw and unscrew fasteners.
As a wood turning tool, a hand mill is used. With it, you can perform complex work:
- Making furniture with your own hands.
- Production of window frames, stairs.
- Figured processing of a wooden blank.
It is not difficult to use the device, provided that there is some experience and skills in woodworking. Angle or belt sanders do an excellent job of finishing. They allow you to get into hard-to-reach places.

Consumer Reviews
If a hand tool for woodworking does not require special comments (the main thing is a high-quality fit of parts, secure fastening and durable materials), then with electrical appliances it is somewhat more difficult.
If we take into account consumer feedback, we can note several main points when choosing a toolkit with an electric drive:
- Don't buy the first model you see if the price seems suspiciously low.
- Trust trusted and recommended brands.
- The seller must require a warranty card.
- When purchasing a complex modification, you must haverelevant skills or engage a specialist.
The main tools and woodworking technologies are directly dependent on each other. Therefore, when purchasing devices, one should take into account not only the manufacturer's fame and high technical characteristics of the product, but also compare what they will be used for.

Inexpensive and multifunctional kits are suitable for small household repairs and creating simple designs. In the professional field, a more “advanced” tool will be required to make the production process fast and safe.