All homeowners cut grass differently. Some mow it around the perimeter so that weeds cannot grow, for which it is quite possible to use a tall grass mower. Others like the lawn to look neat, so they mow the grass regularly. At the moment, for these purposes, there is a large range of lawn mowers. However, here the question arises of what is the best thing to do if you have living creatures? Even rabbits need to make a lot of hay for the winter. There is a great solution here - a gasoline mower. Worth considering this device.

A quick look at the offers of online stores, you can see that the equipment on sale is the most diverse in terms of prices and functionality of the equipment. The buyer has the opportunity to purchase a simple lawn mower and specialized equipment of sufficient power. Before you decide how one gasoline mower differs from another,it is necessary to understand why a specialized machine is needed at all.
If we talk about how this device differs from the rest, it is worth noting that all of them face different tasks, that is, each of them has certain features. A lawn mower or trimmer is designed for cutting soft grass on lawns. A lawn mower is able to cope with thickets of weeds, especially equipped with a gasoline engine. The gasoline hay mower is a separate type of unit that has certain features that take into account how hay is made.

For mowing large areas of dense grass, it is necessary to equip yourself with a blade strong enough for the task. Usually regular knives are not always able to cope with heavy loads, simply grinding. The gasoline mower does not have high performance, and the cutting disc copes with crushed and low grass very poorly. It is worth noting that the cutting discs are suitable for different types of gasoline mowers, but it is better to purchase a model equipped with bicycle handles.

Hand-powered gasoline lawn mowers go on sale as attachments or as independent devices. The principle of their work is quite simple. The teeth segments move to the sides, cutting the grass that is in their path. Self-propelled petrol mowers work on the principle of huge garden shears. Cut stems fall where the device has passed. AtThere are several advantages of such devices: they cut hard and soft grass almost to the root, lay the mass in a thin and uniform layer, which is done using a pair of rollers, since the stems are thrown from the center of the spit to the sides by the drive fairing. The mowing machine can fail when the cutting tool encounters solid and large debris, molehills, and bush shoots. Therefore, the area where the mowing is carried out needs to be carefully checked, and no less than the operation of the mower itself.