For any construction you need a strong and reliable foundation. Even for a structure as simple as a fence, a foundation is needed. Of course, some owners of private houses ignore this requirement - at best, they simply concrete the supports. But still, the majority tries to act according to all the rules. The foundation for a corrugated fence is very simple to make. It must be remembered that the profiled sheet has a low mass, and therefore does not need an overly reliable support.
What is a fence?
A fence (fence) is a design that is designed to protect private households from intruders and various kinds of natural phenomena. Profiled sheet is used in the construction of fences very often - after all, it is possible to choose any color. In addition, during the entire operation, the sheets do not need to be painted.

But to be safea fence from a profiled sheet must be placed on a quality basis. Next, we consider several options for the construction of the foundation for fencing from profiled sheets. After all, many are wondering, what is the best foundation for a corrugated fence to use?
This is the base, which consists of several pillars, to which the fence web is fastened. The installation step of the supports can be in the range of 1-5 m, it all depends on the windage of the fence. Actually, the load on the base depends on the windage of the fence. After all, the mass of sheets and pillars is quite small.

The basic rule during construction: the higher the windage of the fence, the smaller the distance between the supports. It is allowed to install a fence made of corrugated board on a brick foundation - this is one of the types of columnar supports. True, the cost of such a base will be higher than that of a concrete one.
Monolithic Foundation
In the manufacture of this type of structure, the supports must be placed in a layer of concrete that is laid in the ground. The cost of building this type of foundation is quite high. It is usually used in the manufacture of a fence in an area dominated by swampy soil. On normal types of soil, it is unreasonable to use such a design. You can build a fence from corrugated board with a foundation of this type if you want to get the most reliable design and notthinking about investing.
Rubble base
The base is made from reinforcement, stones and concrete mortar. The foundation is strong and reliable. But there is one caveat. If you are building a fence from expensive material, then it makes sense to use this type of foundation. If you plan to make a fence from a profiled sheet, then it makes sense to make a rubble base only if there is a large amount of free natural stone. In this case, it is not difficult to build a rubble foundation for a corrugated fence with your own hands. And there will be no problems finding materials.
Strip foundation
This is one of the cheap and reliable designs. The foundation is laid in the place where the fence will be built. Fasteners for installing a profiled sheet are also mounted in the base. Self-production of a strip foundation is allowed.

To do this, a trench is dug, a pillow of sand and stone is laid below, then a grate of reinforcement. Be sure to take into account one nuance - the tape is poured in one go. Downtime must not be allowed.
Strip and column foundation and screw piles
A tape-column structure is the same tape made of concrete, but with a certain step it has poles. The cost of such a design will be slightly higher than that of a simple tape. But its reliability is also higher. A separate type of foundation is screw piles. They can be mounted on almost any ground. There is only one significant drawback - for the construction you need to hire special equipment. But installing a corrugated fence with a foundation of this type can be justified if construction is being carried out, for example, in a swampy area.
Construction of a strip foundation: preparatory work
Preparatory work will not take much time - you do not need to carefully clear the site. It is necessary to remove all vegetation and debris in all places along which the base tape will pass. After that, install stakes in the corners of the fence and in those places where the gate and gate will be located. Pay special attention to those areas where there is a difference in height. As soon as you put all the pegs, you can pull a construction cord or a simple rope between them. And now let's move on to how to properly make a foundation for a corrugated fence with your own hands.
Now you need to dig a trench along the entire length of the future fence. The width should be the same as that of the future foundation - about 30-35 cm, there is no point in doing more. Trench depth - 0.5-0.7 m. All trench walls must be leveled and made sure they are vertical.

The bottom does not need to be leveled too carefully - still have to dosand cushion, which will smooth out all the bumps. In those places where it is planned to install supports, you need to make recesses with a drill.
Pillow Arrangement
Due to the pillow of gravel and sand, when the soil is heaving, the foundation will remain intact. In addition, it allows you to significantly increase the strength of the structure. Making a pillow is quite simple - for this, at the bottom of the trench, you need to pour a layer of sand (no more than 10 cm). To compact this layer, you need to pour sand with water. Then level the pillow and fill in the gravel in the same way. It is recommended to use vibration equipment for ramming. In order to prevent liquid concrete from sinking into the ground, it is recommended to lay a layer of waterproofing material on top of the pillow. In the event that you do not plan to insulate the foundation, it is worth laying a layer of waterproofing material on the walls of the trench.
Reinforcement of base
Due to the reinforcement, you will increase the resistance of the base to the bends that occur when the wind acts on the fence. In order to perform high-quality reinforcement, you will need:
- Lay bricks at the bottom of the trench - they will act as a lining. The top of the bricks should be 5-8 cm from the bottom of the trench.
- Next, lay the reinforcement bars. It is recommended to use material with a diameter of 8-10 mm. The distance from the trench walls is about 7-10 cm.
- Horizontal bars should not reach the walls of the trench - it is necessary that they be ondistance of 3-4 cm from them.

- Where the transverse and longitudinal bars intersect, you also need to put vertical ones. Step - 0.5 m, the height of the pieces of reinforcement should be less than the height of the base by 5 cm.
- All vertical and horizontal rods must be tied with wire. Welding is not recommended - the seams will rust and collapse very quickly.
- If necessary, make several rows of horizontal elements.
This completes the reinforcement, you can start assembling the formwork.
Formwork for foundation
Formwork can be made even from plywood - this is a material that allows you to make the most even surface of the base. But remember that the cost of plywood is much higher than that of edged boards. Therefore, you need to decide in advance what material you will use. If you stop at plywood, then the sheets need to be fastened with bars (from the outside). Then put them in a trench and align them in a vertical plane.

The formwork should be done about 20-25 cm above the ground surface. Be sure to place spacers inside so that the plywood does not move apart under the pressure of concrete. Outside, it is also necessary to put stops and supports - they will not allow the formwork to deform. Please note that when assemblingformwork from edged boards, gaps are not allowed.
Pouring concrete mortar
Before you start pouring, in places where there are recesses, you need to put poles. Be sure to check their verticality, and then securely fix them. Concrete is poured in several steps:
- First you need to fill in the pits in which the poles are installed. For this, a solution prepared from cement, gravel and sand is used. Be sure to compact the concrete after pouring - for this purpose, use a vibrator or a metal bar. You just need to make punctures in several places - they will allow you to get rid of the air inside the concrete solution. Of course, this directly affects the strength of the foundation.
- The second stage is filling the entire trench with mortar. But do not add gravel to it, only cement and sand. As with the poles, seal.

Be sure the upper surface of the concrete must be leveled and covered with a layer of waterproofing - even roofing material is suitable for this. It will protect the base from the effects of precipitation. But the use of plastic film is also allowed. If construction takes place in hot weather, then it is imperative to constantly water the concrete with water - this will prevent it from cracking.
Formwork removal
Dismantling of formwork should be carried out no earlier than 7 days after pouring concrete. All work should be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the edges of the base. After dismantling the formwork, the base must stand for at least a month so that the concrete can gain strength. Only after that you can start building a fence from a corrugated board on a strip foundation.