The word "wattle" obviously comes from the verb "weave", and means a fence made of branches and twigs. Such kind of fences stood in many Soviet villages at a time when the grid or picket fence was in short supply. In addition, a fence of this kind, with the application of certain labor, can be almost free due to the availability of material.

Do-it-yourself wattle used to be made by every villager. Note that there are several ways to make such a fence - by means of vertical or horizontal weaving. In the first case, several logs serve as the basis for the future hedge, which are cleaned of bark, treated with antiseptics to prevent rotting and dug into the ground 40-50 cm to create a stable basis for wattle. The distance between the logs is set at the discretion of the master. Usually it is 1.5-2 meters. Horizontal poles (boards) are nailed to the upper, middle and lower parts of the logs, throughwhich S-shaped branches are threaded, located vertically. Here's how to make your own wattle in the easiest way.
This kind of fence is easy to maintain, because You can always remove the damaged element and insert a new one. To increase strength, the branches can be tied with a rope or wire with insulation on top and bottom.
Usually a fence is made from whatever comes to hand. And experts recommend making wattle from willow, willow or hazel. And it is better to store the material for this from August to September.

For a horizontal weave fence, you need a lot of vertical stakes about 5 cm thick. They are driven into the ground at a distance of 0.5-1 m from each other to a depth of about 0.3 meters. To make the fence last longer, the posts can be treated with resin or put pieces of plastic tubes 0.3 meters long on their ends.
If you want to know how to make a high-quality wattle with your own hands, then we would like to say that the horizontal option requires some experience. Therefore, you can try to make a small fence first, before embarking on large-scale projects. The fact is that horizontal rods with a length of 1.5 meters and a thickness of 1.5 cm should be tightly intertwined with vertical posts so that when the tree dries, there are no large gaps. In addition, you need to beautifully arrange the ends of the branches so that the fence has an aesthetic appearance.

How to make a wattle fence with your own hands so that it lasts as long as possible? Forinstead of vertical branches, you can take metal bars treated with a composition from the formation of rust, and raise the lower row of branches above the ground when weaving or lay a kind of brick foundation under it, which will prevent rotting.
Masters who have the experience and knowledge of how to make wattle with their own hands in horizontal execution sometimes perform original works of art that are still found in the southern regions of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and other countries where the climate allows make long-lasting and beautiful fences from branches.