Interior decoration, types and features

Interior decoration, types and features
Interior decoration, types and features

Construction begins with laying the foundation and erecting walls, floors and roofs, but all these structures have a rough appearance, not very suitable for living. To give the premises elegance and create comfortable conditions, work is underway to improve the interior. The construction industry offers a wide range of finishing materials and technologies.


Work in the premises is preceded by the laying of all hidden engineering networks: gas pipelines, sewerage and water supply, as well as the installation of electrical wiring and appliances. The heating system and other equipment are being installed. After these preparatory measures, interior finishing is carried out in a draft version. Each of the surfaces (walls, floor, ceiling) has its own work methods, aimed primarily at leveling and giving them sufficient strength.

The classic technology for preparing walls for applying decorative coatings is to plaster and bring to an ideal plane. To achieve this result allows the use of various kinds of beacons and other special devices. In another variantrough interior decoration is carried out using drywall. This technology is much simpler than plaster or putty.

The choice of applied finishing decorative coating for any of the surfaces of the room depends directly on the type and purpose of the room. For the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, tile or washable wallpaper is preferable. It is better to paste over the living quarters of a house or apartment with wallpaper. Ceiling coverings deserve a separate discussion: these can be suspension systems, and fashionable PVC stretch films, drywall, proven over the years, as well as various combinations of them.

Features of interior work in buildings for various purposes

Garage interior decoration
Garage interior decoration

Technical rooms also need interior work. The floor, walls and ceiling in them must be durable, and the cost of work is preferably low. Based on such requirements and the materials from which the supporting structures are made, the interior decoration of the garage is carried out as follows:

  • A concrete screed is poured on the floor, it is possible to lay ceramic or paving tiles, a good option is polished marble chips.
  • The wall is plastered either with the addition of color or painted. If the structure of the garage is frame, then finishing with QSB slabs or clapboard is possible.
  • Ceilings are covered with putty for painting.

The design of the premises of a country house has its own characteristics, which is largely determined by the material of the walls and floors. Fashionable and practical buildings made of logs, for example, do notneed additional decorative coatings, in addition to applying special compounds that protect wood. The interior decoration of a cottage built of brick or foam concrete is done in traditional ways.

Interior decoration of the cottage
Interior decoration of the cottage

For a country house, the style of the premises is determined by the owners, and the choice of materials depends on this. Often, dachas are decorated as rustic housing in the Russian style, and then the wooden walls remain in their original form. Lovers of urban designs make branches of city apartments out of their houses. Interior decoration is done accordingly.

Designing a home in accordance with one's tastes and needs is one of the ways a person expresses himself. Both the interior finish and the choice of materials must match the chosen design solution.
