A note of sophistication and luxury can easily be added to any interior by bright play of rainbow beads. And in order to make such a creation look unique, but individually, you can make curtains with your own hands from beads. Of course, such work will require diligence and certain efforts, but the result will be that no one else will have this.
Types of bead curtains

To make curtains from beads with your own hands (photos of some of them are presented in the article), craftsmen use a variety of materials:
- glass beads;
- beads of different sizes and colors made of acrylic, crystal, wood, glass;
- Swarovski crystals;
- ovals, rings, rhombuses and other decorative elements.
To answer the question of how to make a bead curtain with your own hands, you need to remember that when creating such an interior decor, all of the above “we alth” can be combined and combined. As a result of such simple actionssuch original curtains are obtained. The main thing is not to overdo it with imagination so that the product does not look tasteless.
Do-it-yourself bead curtains, the master class of which we will consider below, come in a wide variety of types:
- smoothly falling down to the floor like crystal rain;
- semicircular curved shape;
- original arch shape;
- in the form of an interesting panel without a picture or with a picture.
Application area for curtains made of beads
When we hear the word curtain, the first thing that comes to mind is a window, but bead curtains can be used for:
- interior decoration;
- decorating the doorway;
- arrangement of balcony doors, niches and any other openings;
- zoning spaces of huge premises, for example, studio apartments;
- additional decoration of a light textile curtain.
Do-it-yourself curtains from beads can be made by everyone, especially since they are equally appropriate in a cozy kitchen, in a bedroom, in a living room and even in a bathroom.

Models of interior decoration made of beads, depending on the material chosen for their manufacture, are suitable for different style solutions:
- for eco-style and country style - wooden;
- for retro style - glass;
- for a romantic style - heart-shaped beads;
- for marine style - various shells, pebbles and, of course, starfish.
When choosing a color scheme, designersrecommend taking into account the features of the room being decorated and the combination of colors:
- in sunny rooms on the south side - lilac, blue and purple colors will help to dim the excessive light a little;
- in dimly lit rooms on the north side, warm shades of orange, beige, gold and green are just perfect;
- Children's room is perfect for cheerful bright colors - azure, pink and yellow.
In order for the curtains to have the effect of flowing water, you need to combine transparent beads of different sizes with elements in the form of droplets.
Preparatory stage
Before you start making curtains from beads with your own hands, you should do the following:
- Carefully measure the width of the opening for which the product will be created.
- Draw a sketch of the desired product.
- Determine the size and design of the beads.
- Select the method of attaching the finished curtain.
- Buy all the supplies you need.

To create a unique panel, designers recommend taking a cross-stitch pattern as a basis, and equating each cross to a bead.
For stringing beads, a strong fishing line is most often used. Silk or nylon thread, braided cord or bast are considered quite popular. A little less often you can find the use of gum and thin metal wire. When choosing a thread, it should be borne in mind that the more decor is strung on it, the stronger it should be.be.
Curtains made of beads with your own hands will look interesting, step-by-step instructions for making which you will find in the article just below, where a satin ribbon plays the role of the base. With such a base, large elements will look elegant if they are placed at a considerable distance from each other.
Fixing beads with fishing line
You can fix the beads on the fishing line in one of three ways:
- With the help of crimps - special metal clips that are located near the element and are firmly pressed with pliers.
- From each element of the decor with knots on both sides.
- With the help of a loop, which is performed as follows - a fishing line is threaded twice into the channel hole of the decor item and tightened well.

Designers recommend using the first and second options, as they will make the mount more secure.
The method of fastening the finished curtains
You can fix the structure in the doorway in one of the following ways:
- using special curtain rings on the eaves;
- on the rail, threading the line through the holes made in advance;
- on carnations, which are driven in advance in those places where the finished product will be attached.
In order for the product not to interfere with free movement from room to room, it is recommended to make do-it-yourself tie-backs for curtains from beads. It will be easy to do this. The main thing is to follow the recommendations.

How to make DIY bead curtains?
The step-by-step instructions for creating this decor item consist of five main points:
- In the rail, the length of which should be about 10 cm wider than the doorway, it is necessary to make, stepping back from each edge by 5 cm, the required number of holes.
- Prepare the required length of the line in advance. Here it should be borne in mind that when choosing a loop or knot fastening of beads, you need to add at least 60 cm to the length.
- According to a pre-selected scheme, the beads are strung on a fishing line.
- Beaded ribbons are attached to the rail as they are made.
- The doorway is decorated with a finished structure.
The size and color of the beads should be chosen so that the finished curtain blends perfectly with the rest of the interior of the room.
For example, do-it-yourself small-sized curtains made from beads will be the best decoration in a small apartment. But in a spacious room, they simply get lost.
For a large room, you need to choose beads of a huge size. The finished product of them will look great and will be the perfect decoration for the room.
Again, back to the advice of designers. In their opinion, in a spacious apartment, beaded curtains between the kitchen and the exit to the balcony will look perfect. Thanks to this decoration, it will be possible to reflect the play of the sun's rays in each bead, thereby creating a magnificent play of multi-colored highlights. The child will love this idea. This curtain is suitable fordecoration of the children's room.
Recall that bead curtains are perfectly combined with traditional curtains. If desired, you can attach beads to the bottom of the fabric curtain, creating a new look for a familiar interior detail.

Curtains made of beads will become a stylish unique decoration of any room in the apartment. Moreover, they can be made from a variety of materials, the color scheme gives a flight of fancy.
To make the curtains of beads beautiful, the craftswoman of the masterpiece should be patient. For example, creating a panel with a picture will take a lot of time. But here the game is worth the candle, as they say. A beautiful curtain will become a kind of visiting card at home. Indeed, thanks to needlework, beautiful masterpieces are born.
Remember that it's up to you to add an eye-catching touch to your favorite home.