Choose drainage for flowers

Choose drainage for flowers
Choose drainage for flowers

Drainage is a system for removing water through the soil in which the plant grows. Why is it needed? The answer to this question is simple: any indoor plant must breathe in order to grow successfully. If watering is plentiful, water displaces air from the soil, which causes bacteria to multiply. Lack of oxygen in the soil can cause root rot. So, flower drainage is designed to drain water from the pot and allow all parts of the plant (especially the roots) to breathe.

drainage for flowers
drainage for flowers

Drainage is needed by absolutely all houseplants. It needs to be given as much attention as the more familiar fertilizer, lighting or watering.

The choice of drainage directly depends on the material and shape of the pot, its size, as well as the size and shape of the special holes in the bottom. When choosing a pot for a houseplant, pay attention to the holes. remember, thatthe higher and narrower the pot, the longer the soil dries out.

Despite the fact that the drainage for flowers should take place in any case, there are different drainage systems. So, for example, cacti and orchids require a fast drainage system, which is why pots with a large number of holes are chosen for them. The pot is then filled with a porous substrate. Plants that need constant root moisture are planted in pots with fewer holes.

The need for moisture is different for each indoor flower, but they all love oxygen. So that the holes are not clogged with earth, large pebbles are laid out on the bottom, which allow water to flow out through the holes.

do-it-yourself drainage for flowers
do-it-yourself drainage for flowers

What can be used as drainage for flowers?

There are a lot of options. Among the main requirements for drainage are chemical inertness, resistance to mold, rot, and good water permeability. A huge number of materials fit these criteria: gravel, crushed stone, ceramic shards, expanded clay, and broken bricks. Today, various synthetic materials (for example, polystyrene) are also used for this purpose. So, about one centimeter of the drainage layer is placed in a pot with holes, and only then the ground where the plant is planted.

The most common drainage for indoor flowers is expanded clay. It can be purchased at any flower shop, although it refers more to building materials. Expanded clay can be of different sizes, the choice of which depends on the size of the pot, flower and othercharacteristics.

drainage for indoor plants
drainage for indoor plants

The second place in popularity is occupied by ceramic drainage for flowers. It is a shards of pottery, which are laid out on the bottom with the convex side up. A layer of sand is laid out on the ceramic drainage, and only then the earth.

Styrofoam is a lightweight material that also meets all requirements. You don’t need to buy it: you probably have a package of some kind of equipment lying around at home, and you can make drainage for flowers with your own hands.

Crushed stone, gravel and broken bricks are often used because these materials are natural and resistant to damage.

So, the right choice of drainage affects how the houseplant will feel. Take it seriously, paying attention to all the details, including the holes in the pot, the size of the stones, the shape of the pot, and other points indicated above.
