Onion Bamberger: variety description

Onion Bamberger: variety description
Onion Bamberger: variety description

Onion, according to many gardeners, is one of the most important vegetables grown in the garden. It contains many useful substances. Onions are used more often than other vegetables in the preparation of various dishes - hot dishes, salads, etc. Today, breeders have bred a large number of sevka varieties. Among them, Bamberger onion stands out with its characteristics.

Bow Bamberger
Bow Bamberger


The popularity of this vegetable crop is primarily due to its unpretentiousness and good keeping quality, but excellent taste qualities are considered the most important criterion.

Most Russian gardeners who grow onions in their summer cottages know that it is best to plant sets of Dutch varieties. This country is today the European center for breeding various vegetables. Relatively recently, Dutch breeders introduced an absolute novelty - Bamberger onions. The description of the variety, which was given by experts, suggests that it is an easy-to-grow crop with medium-early ripening.

This set has an optimal shape, due to which water does not get inside the bulb during irrigation, and, accordingly, the spread ofrot, in addition, due to this, the storage time also increases. Bamberger is a bow, reviews of which are overwhelmingly positive. Last year's harvest remains strong even as new fruits ripen in the beds in the late summer season.

The Bamberger onion sets, bred by Dutch breeders, are very fond of domestic gardeners, because it is unpretentious in cultivation and ripens early. The bulbs of this variety have a rounded-elongated shape, so it is convenient to hold them in your hand when cutting. This characteristic was appreciated by the hostesses. Each bulb weighs approximately 70-80 grams.

Bow Bamberger description
Bow Bamberger description


Superficial skin colored yellow-brown. This onion has white flesh. Not typical for this variety and the formation of arrows. The yellow-brown onion Bamberger has excellent keeping quality. Judging by the reviews, subject to the correct storage conditions, the fruits of this variety do not lose their taste and presentation until the next harvest. The taste of the bulbs is harmoniously mildly spicy. A large amount of juice contained in the fruit is another advantage of this variety.

Pre-treatment of planting material

Immediately after purchasing the material, Bamberger seedlings must be thoroughly dried. To this end, the onions should be scattered in one row in a warm, ventilated room. Agronomists do not recommend placing planting material very close to heating appliances.

Those who have sevok on their owngrown from seed should be aware that it should also be treated before planting. It is better to do this work in stages. First you need to warm the seeds. This is necessary so that the material does not go into the arrows. And in order to start the cultivation process, you need to warm up the seed before planting. You can warm up in the spring sun. As soon as the earth warms up, and the ambient temperature rises to twelve degrees, you can start planting onion sets.

Onion variety Bamberger
Onion variety Bamberger

Advice from agronomists

Five to six hours before the start of work, experts recommend soaking the planting material in a manganese solution or vitriol, and if they are not at hand, simply in ordinary s alt water. This is required to destroy various pathogens that "doze" under the skin of onion sets. Another recommendation from experienced gardeners, which will be useful to beginners who plant the Bamberger onion variety for the first time on their plots: it is necessary to harden the planting material. Experts are sure that the Barberger onion variety gives the best harvest when it is planted in the winter. As a rule, this should be done two to three weeks before the cold weather. In this case, the planting material will have time to take root before frost, while the arrows will not go yet. Over the winter, Bamberger onions will gain good immunity and absorb enough moisture to give a juicy, rich harvest in summer. In the absence of time in order to fully warm up the planting material, it is possible to immerse the seedlings directly before being placed in the soil in not veryhot water for 15-20 minutes.

To speed up the germination time, it can also be treated with drugs that stimulate cultivation. These include "Humisol" or "Growth-1".

Soil preparation

The soil also needs to be prepared. Before planting, it must be dug up and, of course, fertilizer should be applied. Along the way, be sure to remove all remaining weeds and stones. Planting material should be buried at a depth of three to four centimeters. The optimal distance between the bulbs is ten, and between the rows - about twenty cm. In this case, the sets will develop freely, and the gardener will get a good harvest.

Onion Bamberger variety description
Onion Bamberger variety description

Features of cultivation

Onion Barberger, like other representatives of this family, belongs to cultures that love warmth and sun. Therefore, it is better to plant it in an area that is sufficiently lit and protected from the winds. Soil type is of great importance for productivity. Breeders say that Bamberger onions grow best in sandy, fertile lands.

Variety care

To get a tasty rich harvest, any garden crop planted must be properly looked after. Loosening, according to experts, is one of the most important procedures that must be carried out even before the germination of the planted planting material begins. This will prevent the gardener from undesirably forming an earth crust. In addition, it is loosening that provides sufficient oxygen access to the germinating bulbs. In the future, the soil is requireddigging about once every thirty days. Simultaneously with loosening, weed removal should also be carried out.

onion sets bamberger
onion sets bamberger

Irrigation and fertilization

The Bamberger onion variety, like other plants, needs regular feeding. The first time fertilizer should be applied two weeks after planting. For this, the use of slurry or a solution of chicken manure is recommended. For one square meter, you will need to add about ten liters of top dressing. The next time fertilizer should be given to the culture after about twenty days. At this time, it is already necessary to make mineral substances that contain a large amount of nitrogen. After about the same time, potash fertilizer will be required.

Bamberger bow reviews
Bamberger bow reviews

Bamberger onions should be watered throughout its growing season. The frequency will depend on weather conditions. In the spring or early summer season, onions should be watered every three to four days. But starting from July, the amount of moisture must be reduced. During the onion ripening period, excess water slows down the growth of the fruit. And two or three weeks before harvesting, you need to stop watering altogether.


To protect the culture from various diseases, experts recommend certain preventive measures. And first of all, we are talking about spraying. For this purpose, gardeners most often use copper oxychloride or copper sulphate. The first spraying of the leaves of the culture is carried out when it reaches a length of 15-20 centimeters, and the second - during active growth.fruits.

Onion variety Bamberger reviews
Onion variety Bamberger reviews

Onion variety Bamberger: reviews

Even a novice gardener can grow it. Onion Bamberger is an excellent variety, which, judging by the reviews, is perfect for cultivation throughout our country. Many gardeners say that it is easy enough to grow. Yes, and you can buy seeds without any problems in any specialized store. Bamberger onion has a pleasant taste, bulbs are comfortable in shape, it is not too sharp, but juicy. Harvest perfectly stored throughout the year. And for cutting, it is great due to its elongation. Many vegetable growers liked this variety, so they strongly recommend choosing it.