Apple Dream: the secrets of growing

Apple Dream: the secrets of growing
Apple Dream: the secrets of growing

Apples are a very he althy and affordable fruit. The antioxidant quartzetin and vitamin C contained in the apple neutralize the effect of free radicals on the body. Pectin removes harmful substances from the body. Apples are very useful for obesity, beriberi, chronic rheumatism, gout, as well as for the prevention of atherosclerosis. One of the most delicious and affordable to grow is the Mechta apple variety.

Where to plant an apple tree?

It takes a lot of light to get a good harvest. In addition to lighting, proper drainage is important. The Dream apple tree, like other varieties, does not like stagnant water, excessive moisture. Groundwater should lie at least 2-2.5 meters. Otherwise, the tree will develop poorly or may even die. The acidity of the soil is also important, the optimal level is 5, 6 pH. It grows well on sandy and loamy soils, on the black earth.

Apple Tree Dream
Apple Tree Dream

Planting and care

When planting, the root neck of the cutting should protrude 5-7 cm fromthe surface of the earth. If you purchased a seedling with an underdeveloped root system, then before planting it is better to remove 90% of the foliage, leaving a few leaves on each branch. It is also worth considering that the Dream apple tree - is self-fertile, it needs pollination from another tree to bear fruit. So take care to plant other varieties in your area.

Feeding apple trees is best done in the spring. Before planting, it is desirable to apply organic and mineral fertilizers. In autumn, the tree can be fed with complex fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen.

When caring for apple trees, attention should be paid to rationing the crop, this will help improve the quality of the fruit and avoid the frequency of fruiting. To do this, in the first year you need to remove from 80 to 100% of the flowers, this will allow the tree to take root better, without wasting energy on fruiting. In subsequent years, it is worth removing half of all fruit ovaries. Thanks to this, the remaining fruits will be larger, and the tree will have the opportunity to prepare for wintering.

Dream apple tree description
Dream apple tree description

Wintering and winterization

You can water an apple tree 4-5 times a month, a bucket of water is enough for an adult tree, in very dry weather, watering can be done in the morning and evening. At the same time, it should be taken into account that watering the tree is especially important during the period of fruit set, insufficient moisture can adversely affect the crop. In August, watering should be stopped so that the tree has an opportunity to prepare for winter.

Dream apple tree is quite hardy, but still, to prevent freezing inIn the event of a snowless winter or early frosts, it is better to mulch the young tree. The appropriate material is better to choose moisture and breathable. It is also good to use rotted horse manure for mulching. From rodents, the tree must be protected with a special net. Very important for the apple tree and the trunk circle. It must be kept clean, the soil in the trunk circle must be constantly loosened, to avoid overgrowing with weeds.

Apple tree pruning

When planting a seedling, the branches are cut by a third, this contributes to the laying of the crown. Annual pruning should be done in the spring before the buds open. In autumn, pruning is not recommended, as the Dream apple tree does not have time to prepare for winter. The photo shows a diagram of the correct pruning of a tree.

Apple tree dream photo
Apple tree dream photo

First of all, you should remove the branches that fall to the ground. When pruning a whole branch, it should be cut at the base, leaving no stumps. It is also worth removing weak, crooked branches. Don't get carried away and prune many branches at once.

Dream (apple tree): variety description

  • Summer variety, round fruits weighing 140-150 g.
  • Fruit color - greenish-white, with yellowness, in the sun they become pinkish-red. The flesh of the fruit is white with a pink tinge.
Apple tree Dream reviews
Apple tree Dream reviews
  • A medium sized tree with a rounded crown.
  • Wood is resistant to scab.
  • Begins to bear fruit approximately in the 4th year after planting, in a favorable, warm climate, fruiting maycome in the second year.
  • High-yielding variety, up to 120 kg per tree.
  • Typically short shelf life of fruits.

Apple Dream: reviews

According to gardeners, the fruits have good taste. They are used both fresh and dried. Suitable for processing, compotes, juices, jams, marmalades, jams are prepared from them. Also suitable for making fruit wine.
