Bulb flowers. Planting in the fall: tips from professionals

Bulb flowers. Planting in the fall: tips from professionals
Bulb flowers. Planting in the fall: tips from professionals

As the end of summer approaches, every beginner gardener begins to think about how to grow beautiful and interesting bulbous flowers. Planting in the fall of many varieties of such plants is one of the prerequisites for their correct and rapid development. Spring is incredibly difficult to imagine without the bright colors of bulbous flowers that appear under the bright sun, literally crawling out from under the snow cover before our eyes. Planting bulbous flowers in the fall is quite an interesting activity that requires some specific knowledge and skills. In this article, we will look at the nuances of growing some of them.

bulbous flowers planting in autumn
bulbous flowers planting in autumn

Muscari: Landing

Muscari, or mouse hyacinths, are one of the branches of the hyacinth family. These are demanding bulbous flowers that should be planted in autumn in well-drained and well-drained soil. They are usually plantedat a distance of eight to ten centimeters from each other. The optimal depth for this plant is eight centimeters. They reproduce by dividing the bulbs in autumn every three years.

Crocus planting

planting bulbous flowers in autumn
planting bulbous flowers in autumn

These bulbous flowers, which should be planted in autumn only in dry weather, are characteristic representatives of the iris family. They are divided into three broad categories: autumn-flowering, spring-flowering and large-flowered Dutch. They are very graceful plants of small stature with large flowers in the shape of a glass. The most suitable place for planting these plants are warm soils with good water permeability. In addition, they require very good lighting. When growing in a shaded area, their flower stalks become smaller and degenerate. These bulbs are planted every second or third autumn.

fall planting bulbs
fall planting bulbs

Planting grouse

This flower, with its distinctive bird name, belongs to the broad lily family. It is a plant with beautiful inflorescences of very bright colors, as well as wide leaves. Grouse are planted in well-lit land with good drainage. The planting depth of these plants is highly dependent on the size of the bulb. Usually it is equal to a distance equal to twice the diameter of the bulb. One of the features of hazel grouse is their sharp unusual smell, which scares away various rodents from the garden.

Planting daffodils

Daffodils are world famous bulbousflowers, planting in the fall of which is simply necessary for their normal development. Flower growers from all over our planet have long been engaged in their selection, and therefore there is an incredibly huge number of their species. Loose soils with good water permeability are well suited for them. Usually they are engaged in landing from the end of August to the beginning of October.

As can be seen from all of the above, the autumn planting of bulbous flowers is necessary for their proper development. If you spend it on time, then any garden will be decorated with bright inflorescences in spring, breaking through literally from under the snow. Whether it be daffodils, hazel grouse, lilies or tulips, they can create a picture of a spring garden that is unique in its beauty.
