How to choose the right water sprayer for the site?

How to choose the right water sprayer for the site?
How to choose the right water sprayer for the site?

Caring for plants in garden plots, flowerbeds and greenhouses is a delicate matter. In addition to fertilizing the soil, the correct approach to planting seedlings and sowing seeds, watering the land must be done regularly, taking into account the area, plant categories and soil characteristics.

water sprayer
water sprayer

In order not to damage the delicate stems of young plants, use a water sprayer as a device for watering. It comes in several varieties.

In the simplest version, manual irrigation uses a special nozzle on the hose, called a "sprinkler gun". Such a sprayer is usually equipped with a trigger that allows you to dose the water supply, precise directionality, turning a powerful jet into a spray, and helps save the amount of water used.

The water atomizer is ideal for any size of irrigated area, the main thing is to choose the right type of nozzle. Devices should be distributed throughout the area requiring watering in such a way that they do not overlap each other. Using an automatic water sprayer, there is no need to waste time on manual watering, the system will work much more efficiently due to proper redistributionwater, taking into account the time of year.

garden water sprayer
garden water sprayer

According to the principle of operation, sprayers are divided into the following categories:

  1. Static - differ in the number of nozzles and work within a certain footage.
  2. Sector - have a small radius of action (up to 1.5 m), but perfectly decorate the site in combination with backlight.
  3. Rotary - adjust the angle of impact, jet power, radius of action and type of jet. This type of sprayer makes it possible to quickly change the area to be watered.
  4. Impulse - spray water alternately over long and short distances. Additional connection sockets are available to form a network of multiple sprayers.

Models up to 180 sq.m. usually have 10-15 holes on the spray rod. A garden water sprayer with a large number of holes on the spray head or stem is installed in areas larger than 200 sq.m.

automatic water sprayer
automatic water sprayer

For a large garden or summer cottage, special sprinklers called sprinklers are used. This water atomizer is divided into several types:

  • The rectangular sprinkler is equipped with a device with which programs are set for the distance and width of the irrigated surface. The number of nozzles is 21 pieces
  • The center pivot has nozzles with adjustable heads. Its maximum range is 6.5 meters in diameter.
  • "Segner's wheel" -it is a rotating tube, at the ends of which spray heads are mounted. Another feature of this sprinkler is the ability to adjust to 2700, which allows you to change the length of the watering jet.

Choosing the most efficient water sprayer is easy. If you can’t figure out on your own which device is best suited to your site, you should seek the advice of experts.
