Building types: features, characteristics and requirements

Building types: features, characteristics and requirements
Building types: features, characteristics and requirements

Building types can have different configurations, and it all depends on the free-standing buildings on the land. To accurately define some terms, you need to know the density of the building itself. In urban planning practice today there are enough terms that can accurately characterize the process of building houses and not only.

General information

To understand the types of development, it is worth referring to elementary data. According to experts, different countries have their own terminology and permits (sometimes even in the regions something changes).

estate type
estate type

To erect buildings, they adhere to certain indicators on which much depends - this is ecology, social significance, economic development. But that's not all. Space and environmental characteristics are taken into account. It is for this reason that in order to competently build housing or any other building, you will have to take into account the following:

  • Population and housing density.
  • Placement of buildings for any purposeconcerning the transport branch, service establishments, as well as communications.
  • Area and number of floors.
  • How the space in neighboring buildings is exploited.

All this affects not even separately erected buildings, but entire blocks, microdistricts. In the construction process, building types are subject to certain characteristics and are important. They are assigned goals, depending on which work is being carried out. Another influencing factor is the total floor area. This includes everything that is available:

  • Any premises and rooms.
  • Loggias.
  • Stairwell.
  • Elevator.

Most often this indicator is called KIT (territory utilization rate). These indicators are important for any type of development.

External factors

Before construction begins, attention is paid to external factors, which determine the types of residential development. This includes several points:

  • The angle of incidence of the sun's rays.
  • How land plots are allocated.
  • Technical and economic indicators.
  • settlement development
    settlement development

Sunshine angle

This is taken into account in the construction of houses and any public buildings in order for sunlight to flow correctly during the day. This indicator is calculated depending on the design, number of storeys and layout of any building.

Location of land

It is important to consider how land plots are located (independing on the existing urban plan). Pay special attention to what size the plot will be. It is the dimensions that experts call the basis in the project. Everything is regulated taking into account the density, number of storeys. The level of noise protection is also taken into account. This indicator is especially important when creating residential areas.

Technical and economic indicators

Documents come first. And everything that is needed is taken into account: fire safety, permissible dimensions, gaps, number of storeys, the uniqueness of the entire building being built. Nothing should interfere and go beyond what is permitted.

building type
building type

All types and types of urban development have their own indicators, which are interconnected and affect each other. It turns out that the conditional division of perception can be done as follows - visual, behavioral and socio-psychological. This is already a narrower understanding of the territory for development, which is de alt with by specialists on an individual basis. Because each person should normally perceive the building, without experiencing discomfort and negativity.

What's going on in Russia?

There are certain criteria according to which development takes place in each country. Not so long ago in Russia, this happened according to the principle of point placement. But gradually the types have changed. This is due to a shift in spatial characteristics.

building types
building types

Today everything happens in several steps. This is the distribution of all buildings near the residential sector in such a way that a person is comfortable andwhile being comfortable. As a result, all types of urban developments have projects that take into account the presence of standard structural components. But before, little attention was paid to external indicators and fixing the expressiveness of everything that turns out in the end.

Today there are many specialists who try to match the rhythm of life and do everything conveniently and affordable. As a result, there are types of buildings that are in great demand. It is quarterly species that have become more in demand than microdistrict ones. For many, it is important to have public transport nearby, landscape opportunities and more.

estate building
estate building

Each new construction site has its own characteristics, and it needs to be combined with the urban development plan. Each territory should be fenced off and take on the appearance of a finished building. Much is not always possible. For this reason, specialists work on projects for a long time and try to do everything in the right way.

Each period of time has its own characteristics when creating plans and drawings. Today's rhythm of a person's life makes him have organizations, institutions, schools and gardens near his home, otherwise not everything can be done. Using certain building methods, one should not forget about the relief of a particular territorial segment.

The most famous types of development areas

If we take into account exactly the relief, then several main types are distinguished here:

  • Perimeter building. What is typical for her? All buildings are placed along the red line, namely alongborders of inter-main areas.
  • Group. It is characterized by a combination of several types of houses, collected in groups, located on the area of one microdistrict or block.
  • Lowercase. In one area, construction is underway in such a way that the buildings are of the same type.
  • Free. Beautiful buildings are created during the construction process, but the way and method of their location is different. In this type, it is important that everything looks neat and expressive.
  • Combined development. In this type, any options can be applied (for example, building a manor type). But this is done taking into account the town-planning plan.
  • city types
    city types

In order to unload the cities, it is necessary to build microdistricts with high-rise block buildings. This is the best option for big cities. Often, architects think over projects for a long time, because it is worth considering a lot and nothing can be built without it.

Summing up

An architect-urban planner takes into account many things in the process of work, but one of the most difficult tasks is to create the perfect visual perception of the building. Because many points need to be taken into account - the organization of the movement of people, transport, places of recreation, educational institutions, places of work, and so on. It is important to open spaces and freely place residential complexes. Oddly enough, buildings are not as important as the creation of everything that brings a person to the fullness of existence.

You may notice that the residential area is too crowded. We must not forget the landscape. It is all this in the complex that creates the scale and plasticity of its forms. Architectural directions must be maintained in each plan, and the building will be fully completed. Since people choose what is important for them - to settle in a residential area or to be close to everything.

types of building settlements
types of building settlements

Building types of towns and cities are different, but there should be equivalence of all buildings. Because it is important to create a harmonious spatial environment. And this applies not only to the center. Residential buildings on the outskirts must maintain style.

Separation of residential and public buildings takes place taking into account the spatial organization. So, green spaces are necessarily made inside the residential area. It is important to have a branch of public transport. If these are central areas, then they can combine both public buildings and residential areas. A lot depends on the type of development, so today architects pay enough attention to it, creating apartment buildings and arranging all the buildings correctly.
