Modern underground houses: photos

Modern underground houses: photos
Modern underground houses: photos

Underground houses are so reminiscent of a hill or a hole that they almost merge with the landscape. Recently, an increasing number of people are trying to acquire such housing outside the city. This can be considered a way to stand out from the crowd or get closer to nature. Buildings of this type are underground in whole or in part. This is rationally beneficial not only at the time of construction, but also during operation.

Underground houses are not so expensive, almost everyone can build them. In this case, it is important to comply with technological standards so that the quality of the environment inside the house is at a high level. The soil has certain temperature features, which is why the described buildings allow you to save electricity. In addition, up to the most severe cold weather, heat is stored inside such buildings, which accumulated during spring and summer warm days. That is why the summer season can be extended.

Why choose an underground house

underground houses
underground houses

Soil acts as a rather poor conductor of heat. Due to this, the temperature passes through the soil for a very long time, which is beneficial not only in summer, but also in winter. Studies show that the heat on the hottest day to the depthit penetrates into 2.5 m only after three months. Spring is considered the coldest time of the year for such houses.

Choosing a building site

underground construction of houses
underground construction of houses

Underground houses should be built on the terrain, which must first be selected. Better if you can find the top of the hill. This will prevent groundwater from seeping into the house. Windows are recommended to be oriented to all four sides, which will provide the premises with enough light.

When building a house, the upper part of the soil must be cut off, and after completion of work, return it to its place. In such houses it is rare to find additional lighting. Natural rays are enough so that once inside, you do not feel the difference between such a building and an ordinary brick house.

Underground houses are of two types:

  • bundled;
  • underground.

The last variety involves the location of the building underground and below the upper level. The bunded houses are above ground level or partially hidden behind the level line. However, their surface is still covered with soil. After completion of the work, the soil is returned to its place so that it can become part of the site.

Features of the construction of the dugout

do-it-yourself underground house
do-it-yourself underground house

Underground construction of houses may involve the creation of a dugout. In this case, the house is located on a relief that has a slight slope. The roof should be covered with soil, it is usually made gable, inin rare cases, this design is vaulted or flat.

The entrance must be done from the end, providing it with a canopy. There are steps leading up to the door. Windows are usually found in the roof or gables. The peculiarity of the dugout is the presence of only one floor. If you make two, then it will be an ordinary building with a basement. The width of the building depends on the span of the floor, but this value usually does not exceed 6 m.

For construction, it is necessary to prepare a foundation pit, inside which walls are being erected. It is important to waterproof them, install support pillars, on which the roof will then be located. After the construction of walls and ceilings, as well as the laying of waterproofing materials, the roof is covered with soil.

Features of the construction of a bunded house

underground houses photo
underground houses photo

If you are interested in underground construction of houses, then you can choose a bunded building, which is suitable for a flat area, slope or hill. The building will not be completely submerged, its upper part remains on the surface. The rest of the walls are rolled, which reduces construction costs.

The house can have any layout, and the windows in this case usually face two sides. The first stage of construction will be digging a foundation pit. If the house is supposed to be built on the surface of the earth, and then protected with soil, then you can immediately proceed to the second stage - the construction of walls and roofs. You will need waterproofing, which must withstand the load of the soil, so calculations should be carried out in accordance with the standards. house onthe last stage is covered with earth, with the exception of those areas where windows and doors go.

Construction rules

house with underground garage
house with underground garage

If you decide to build an underground house with your own hands, you should be guided by certain rules. It is important to remember that the building will be exposed to moisture. Therefore, building materials must be appropriate. For example, wood is treated with water-repellent impregnation. It is best to use monolithic concrete or ceramics. Aerated concrete is not suitable, because it is able to absorb moisture.

Before choosing waterproofing, it is important to consider all possible situations. The most common way to build an underground or bunded house is to dig a foundation pit. In this case, the house should be buried more than 1 m in comparison with the planned dimensions of the building.

A shallow foundation is made on the outside of the house, the endurance of which is calculated taking into account the loads. If the thickness of the walls is not too large, the load of the soil should be taken into account. The roof structure is usually made on the basis of the truss system, however, the plank installation method can be used.

Recommendations from experts

underground house project
underground house project

When a residential underground house is being built, concrete or brick can be used to build the walls. In this case, the ceiling is made monolithic and has the shape of a vault. This design will be more durable. The waterproofing of the floor and walls must be carried out in the form of a continuouscontour. If the house is deeper than 1 m, then there is no need to insulate the building. This only applies to walls, while the roof must be additionally insulated.

When arranging floors, it is important to lay waterproofing, thermal insulation and screed. At the final stage, a decorative coating is mounted. Modern underground houses should have a drainage system, which is located near the walls around the entire perimeter. In this case, the water will drain and be directed to the drainage pipe, which should be below the level of the house. The output must be directed to the gutter.

Houses with underground garages

houses with underground parking
houses with underground parking

A house with an underground garage today is also quite common. This solution is relevant if you have a plot that is limited in free space. Before starting work, it is necessary to decide whether the parking will be fully or partially deepened.

The second option is more economical and easy to implement. Too deep garages have some disadvantages such as excessive dampness and soil pressure. It is important to prepare the floor slab, which must be reinforced and thick enough. It is necessary to start work by calculating the volume of materials. It is important to provide for waterproofing.

At the next stage, a foundation pit is being prepared, it is important to take into account the slope of the entrance road. The slabs are placed on the bottom of the pit, and lifting equipment should be used. Houses with underground parking can be built using technology that involvesthe stage of building a garage, pouring the bottom of the pit with concrete. The foundation of the walls is formed using reinforced concrete slabs. They will be load-bearing, which means that they will be subjected to a high load. An overlap should be installed on the side plates, which will serve as the first floor. A residential building with underground parking must have waterproofing on the top of the walls. This will prevent the penetration of moisture into the premises.

Construction Method

Walls and ceiling should also be covered with waterproofing. A reinforcing mesh is installed on the surface, and then covered with plaster. Previously, the base plane is treated with antifungal compounds. This must be done before you cover the surface with a primer.

At the next stage, you can begin the installation of the gate and the design of the entrance road. The project of an underground house, as well as an underground garage, should provide for the presence of communications. It is important to lay the cable, it will only be necessary to determine its cross section. The voltage must be sufficient. Experts advise choosing a cable with an upward tolerance. Otherwise, you will be faced with the fact that communications will not last as long as we would like. After the construction is completed, you can begin to install the heating system.

Arrangement of entrance to the underground garage

Underground houses, photos of which are presented in the article, quite often also have underground parking lots. In this case, it is important to correctly arrange the entrance. Too steep and short can cause inconvenience. goodweather, the difficulties will seem imperceptible, but during the rains, you may not be able to cope with the task of entering. Plus, a lot of water will flow down.

The angle of inclination in this case is usually done in the range from 140 to 150 °. If this value is less, then you may encounter problems during the cold season. With an increase in the depth of the garage, the length of the entrance should be made longer. The trajectory of the race must be divided into separate zones. The first of them is the starting one, its length is usually 3 m. The slope in this section should be 120 ° C. The second zone occupies half the length, the angle varies up to 150°. The third zone is called red and is located directly in front of the gate itself. Its length is usually 1.2 m.

It is important to ensure that there are no too sharp differences between the mentioned sections.

Recommendations for arranging the entrance

When arranging the entrance, you should use materials that will have an anti-slip effect. Some craftsmen make braking serifs that will help during ice and rain. A footpath with a handrail is laid near the wall. This will allow you to safely go down inside and back up.

A storm sewer equipped with a grate is installed with the gate. It is better to supplement it with a heating element, which will prevent the water from freezing. Retaining walls are installed on the sides of the entrance, this will prevent the collapse of the soil.

Construction of the entrance road to the underground garage

The formation of the road should involve falling asleepsoil, which will protect against failures. The road is covered with gravel, which is well compacted. The thickness of this layer can vary from 10 to 15 cm. The bearing layer, which will be the main one, is made of a 15 cm layer of concrete.

It is important to ensure that the solution is not exposed to sunlight while it dries. If the weather is too hot, then the surface is watered. Once the concrete has dried, the coating can be installed. Asph alt, paving slabs or other materials sometimes act as it.

Ventilation installation

Ventilation for the underground garage and dwelling is essential. The first installation method involves mounting a monoblock. This system will draw out the used air and supply new air. The monoblock provides ventilation, and ease of installation acts as its advantage.

But if you are afraid of its high cost, then you should use the second method, which involves the installation of a modular system. The design has two separate blocks, one of which is responsible for the inflow, while the other is for the outflow of air. The system has special sensors and provides automatic adjustment of work.


Waterproofing is one of the important tasks in the construction of underground houses and garages. It is performed using a drainage system and the formation of a filter pad.

You should not assume that this issue can be solved by applying liquid waterproofing, which is used only indoors. In fact, this approach is not very efficient. Liquid waterproofing can be used as an aid.
