Chaff intoxicating: photo of seeds

Chaff intoxicating: photo of seeds
Chaff intoxicating: photo of seeds

The phrase "separate the wheat from the chaff" has a real justification. In the fields, in addition to wheat, a large number of other crops grow. One of them is the chaff. So, a small genus of the family Cereals (Bluegrass) is called.

It includes 11 species, among which one of the most common is intoxicating. However, it is also considered the most dangerous, since in large quantities it can greatly harm human he alth if you confuse its grains with wheat or other cereals.

chaff intoxicating photo
chaff intoxicating photo


The intoxicating chaff, the photo of which is given in the article, is a perennial plant. Spikelets are located at the top of the stem. They have a flattened shape, sometimes they are quite high. The leaves are a bright green hue, but may become slightly bluish. The stem looks simple, does not split.

Spikelets have a multi-flowered type. The apical usually includes 2 identical scales of a leathery grassy type. They are convex. There are 5 to 9 veins.

There are only 1 such piece in the side spikelets. At the same time, there are also flower scales - each with a pair. The bottom is a little longer. She is smooth. flower scaleshave a yellowish tint. Spikelets 8–15 cm long.

The seeds of the chaff of the intoxicant have an oval shape. They look like grains. They are similar to oats or wheat, but smaller in size. There are hairs on one end. The grains have a film. Their size is 5–7 mm. The length of the axes is from 3 mm to 1.5 cm.

chaff seeds
chaff seeds

Distribution and application

Chaff intoxicating often clogs the seed material of barley, wheat, millet, oats. The plant is sun-loving and drought-resistant. It can grow both in a single specimen and in small tufts.

This culture is ubiquitous. The only exception is the Arctic and the western part of Siberia. The culture is found in fields, meadows, near water bodies, roads.

Usually, the plant is used very rarely. For example, it is suitable for lawn decoration. In some regions of the Caucasus, alcohol is prepared from it. This culture is also used in folk medicine to suppress pain in certain malignant diseases of the skin.


Chaff is planted with seeds in the ground. It should be sandy and loose. First, you need to carefully treat the site, removing all perennial weeds.

The soil is supposed to be dug up and leveled, all stones, large roots removed. Then it remains to wait until the earth settles a little. The tares need to be compacted a little before sowing.

To get the perfect lawn, you need to level the surface. If there are inclined surfaces, then they are recommendedreinforce with mesh so that there are no small landslides.

The weed that intoxicates the seeds
The weed that intoxicates the seeds

Processing the site is required in advance. In autumn, before plowing the soil, it is required to fertilize the content of phosphorus and potassium. In early spring, it is recommended to add another nitrogen composition. This feeding will be enough for a long period.

You need to sow the seeds of the intoxicating chaff, the photo of which is given above, in early spring. They can germinate at temperatures as low as 2-4°C. If it is possible to water the plot, then you can sow the crop at any time of spring and summer until August.

Seeds are supposed to be deepened into the ground by 20–30 mm. It is enough just to scatter them evenly over the surface and process this place with a rake. Depending on the weather, the first shoots will appear in 1-1.5 weeks.

chaff seed intoxicating photo
chaff seed intoxicating photo

Rules of care

Virtually all chaff care comes down to moderate and constant watering of the crop. Lawns with such grass are drought-resistant, but this will not reflect well on their appearance.

Excess moisture in the soil should also not be allowed, as this will lead to rotting of the root system. It is recommended to use settled water at room temperature.

You need to fertilize the soil not only before planting, but also during its active growth. It is recommended to use any complex composition containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Some experts have a different opinion. They believe that it is only necessary to fertilize the crop in the spring,to speed up and facilitate its exit after wintering. And the rest of the time, feeding, in their opinion, is not required.

Don't be afraid to mow the grass and mow the lawn often. The plant is not afraid of such damage and will quickly recover, even after strong mechanical stress.

The culture is resistant to various pests. During the growth period, she rarely gets sick. But the chaff can be affected by rust under excessively humid and hot climatic conditions. In the middle of summer, the plant may lose all foliage, but by August the green mass will grow again.

Intoxicating chaff is a perennial crop that is not winter hardy. Low temperatures adversely affect the plant. If there is little snow in winter (or there is none at all), then the chaff will not tolerate it well. In severe frosts, there is a high probability of losing a significant part of the plantations - up to 30%.

Young sprouts are very susceptible to the weather. This is especially true for late frosts in spring. In the spring, you will need to carefully examine the lawn. If there are gaps, then they need to be filled with seeds so that they germinate later.

If there is no snow at all, then the plant is able to withstand temperatures as low as -18 °C. But the vitality of culture can increase. Only if there is a thick layer of snow.

Danger of the weed that intoxicates

Although the plant is allowed to be used for lawns, it must be borne in mind that its grains are dangerous to humans and animals. They should not be mixed with grains of other cereals.

Mild poisoning can cause even approximately30 seeds. Drowsiness, lethargy appear, sensitivity worsens, body temperature decreases, motor disturbances appear. It is with this that the name of the variety of tares is connected - intoxicating.

At higher dosages, pain appears, the pulse weakens, vision deteriorates, constipation appears. Pregnant women are at high risk of miscarriage. In case of chronic poisoning with a large number of grains, a fatal outcome is possible.

All this is connected with such an alkaloid as temulin. It is believed that it is formed in the seeds due to the action of a fungus that parasitizes under the seed coat.

comparison of chaff with wheat
comparison of chaff with wheat

Weed Control Methods

In the fields of chaff, the intoxicant is a weed. To combat it, thorough cleaning of all seed is required.

It is easy to separate the chaff from barley and oats. But it is very similar to small varieties of spring wheat. They have almost the same grain size. In this case, it is difficult to separate the useful product from the weed. Then you will have to completely replace the seed.

By the way, you can use special herbicides. For example, the Bayer company produces a preparation of the post-emergence systemic type "Panther". Also suitable is the herbicide "MaySter" of a universal type. Both products effectively deal with grass weeds when they have already germinated.
