Finishing the surface of the ceiling with beams looks respectable and stylish. This method can be called the most successful in order to emphasize the originality of the interior and transform the room.
Wooden beams are laid even at the stage of building a house. But such elements are quite expensive and heavy, therefore, false beams made of different materials are most often used for decoration today. If you also decide to resort to such a solution, then you should become more familiar with the features of different materials for such structures in order to be able to choose the best option.
Material selection

If you decide to install false beams on the ceiling, you can use a huge variety of materials, it can be:
- wood;
- drywall;
- polyurethane;
- MDF;
- chipboard.
Wood looks respectable and is environmentally friendly. She is preferred when the beams are made of coniferous wood, namely:
- larches;
- pines;
- cedar;
- ate.
Suchelements will be more practical and durable. As for hardwoods like oak, they are used much less frequently, because they are much more expensive. False beams on the ceiling can also be made of drywall. This material is practical, affordable, and easy to process. It can be finished with almost any technology.
Modern solution

One of the most modern is polyurethane, it is characterized by high performance, and is available in a wide range of textures and colors. Such false beams on the ceiling are light and moisture resistant. Whatever material you choose, you should consider how harmoniously the products will look in the interior.
Artificial materials for beams

If you prefer artificial material, it will differ in the types of profiles. This includes MDF or chipboard. Veneer products are assembled into single parts, which have an angle of 90° or 45° at the joints. If you want to prefer false beams with rounded edges, then they will be made of MDF or chipboard. In this case, the raw material is connected at the internal joint with the help of a profiled rail. Such models can be painted or patinated after installation.
False beams on the ceiling can also be made of durable wood lamellas. For production in this case, the following varieties are used:
- ash;
- oak;
- larch;
- pine.
The edges of such products are rounded or straight. Processing is carried out according to the technology that is used for ordinary wood.
Using an array

If you do not spare money for repairs, then you can prefer false beams from the array, in their production an ordinary wooden beam is used. In this case, the beam can be load-bearing or suspended. The cladding of products is carried out according to the same technology as in the case of ordinary wood. Such models, however, are much more expensive.
When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the room where the installation is supposed to be carried out. If the room is operated in conditions with high humidity, then polyurethane products can be used. They will be the best solution.
The choice of false beams according to the material and the complexity of its installation: wood

If you decide to choose false beams on a wooden ceiling, you should first familiarize yourself with the installation features of these products. Such elements are quite heavy, therefore, high reliability of fixation should be ensured. Beams are usually purchased ready-made, sometimes they are made from timber on their own. In the latter case, a tree with a shrinkage of 12% should be preferred.
Traces of rot and damage should not be present on the surface of the products. It is important to treat the material with antiseptic compounds so that it is reliably protected from insects, rodents,mold and moisture.
Installation is as follows:
- With the help of a planer it is necessary to fit the ends of the elements. Their surface is sanded with fine-grained paper to ensure a snug fit.
- Bars are attached to the side panels, you need to use self-tapping screws for this.
- To fix the lower element in the bars, drill holes with a drill. The distance between the holes can be up to 15 to 20 cm.
- At the joints, for reliability, the wood should be smeared with wood glue.
- All parts are connected with self-tapping screws, and bars are fixed on the ceiling, the distance between which should be 0.5 m.
- The beam is fixed to the bars with self-tapping screws, the hats need to be deepened inward.
- The places of the recesses are puttied, and the composition for this must be matched to the tone of the wood.
Is it worth choosing drywall beams: installation features of GKL structures

If you decide to equip the ceiling with false beams in the kitchen, then you can prefer drywall for these products. Before starting work, it is important to apply markup. To do this, you have to use a chopping cord, tape measure, level. Then act like this:
- To begin with, the fastening lines of the profiles are marked on the surface, only after that you can proceed to further work.
- Before forming the beam on the ceiling, it is necessary to attach guide profiles along the marked lines.
- Segments are prepared from the carrier profile, which shouldbe equal to the height of the beam. The cut blanks are installed in the starting profile, screwing is carried out with self-tapping screws, the distance between which should vary from 10 to 15 cm.
- All segments are connected along the bottom edge with a guide profile. With a sharp knife or jigsaw, you need to cut out the sheets of the workpiece according to the size of the beam.
- Drywall at the next stage is fixed to the profile with self-tapping screws.
- Finishing the ceiling with false beams suggests that at the next stage the joints of the material can be pasted over with sickle tape.
- The surface is puttied in the area of the gaps, as well as the places where the fasteners are deepened.
- The master will have to apply the finishing putty, and after complete drying, wipe the surface with fine-grained rough sanding paper.
- The base is primed, and at the final stage, you can finish the beam. For such designs, it is best to use nine-millimeter sheets.
Choosing polyurethane false beams: features of their installation
The main advantage of polyurethane beams is the ease of installation. The structures are lightweight, so for fastening products, you need to use wedges-bars, which for a three-meter product will need only 3 pieces. If you decide to install false beams on a polyurethane ceiling, then first you need to mark up, and then drill holes in the wedges, the diameter of which should be 2 mm smaller than the screw used for fastening.
The blank is screwed to the ceiling. If plannedjoin the elements, then a wedge should be fixed on the connection. The surfaces of the wedges are treated with glue and fixed to the beams. To ensure reliability, the structure can be fixed with self-tapping screws.
If you like the ceiling with false beams, the photo of which you can see in the article, then you can use old designs for decoration. If they are already installed on the surface, then to improve the appearance, you can paint their surface, paste over it with mirror tiles or decorate the products with ropes.