Construction mixer: features of choice

Construction mixer: features of choice
Construction mixer: features of choice

To reduce the time for construction work, while improving their quality, you need a construction mixer. Those who have had to combine bulk materials with water, and then mix them until a homogeneous mass, will understand how convenient such an electrical device is.

construction mixer
construction mixer

There are various options for construction mixers with individual characteristics. The tool should be chosen taking into account the volume and type of future work. So, when carrying out cosmetic repairs, you mainly have to work with glues and varnishes. In this case, it is enough to purchase a construction mixer of less power.

Since it is more important here not high torque, but speed, the device will need two speeds to perform such work. If there is a large-scale construction and it is necessary to work with a large volume of viscous masses, a construction mixer with a capacity of more than one kilowatt will be required.

During construction work, you often have tocollide with various fillers: crushed stone, gravel, small brick battle. In order to obtain a homogeneous substance when mixing these components, you will need a construction mixer with high torque.

When buying a tool, you should pay attention to the types of work and the period during which the device should be used. With long-term professional work and constant operation, it is necessary to choose a branded construction mixer, the price of which will be quite high. For example, a professional tool from the leaders in the production of electrical appliances, Makita or Bosch, proved to be excellent.

construction mixer
construction mixer

It is also difficult to use the device for its intended purpose without the presence of special nozzles. Their choice should be approached very carefully. If it is necessary to mix heavy and viscous solutions, the composition of which settles to the bottom of the tank, you will need to use a nozzle that will lift the substance up. If the work is done with a light solution, then, in order to eliminate unnecessary splashing, the device, on the contrary, should settle the mixture to the bottom.

Usually, the maximum size of the additional nozzle is 16 centimeters, depending on the volume of the mixture being mixed. The length of all additions is standard and is 60 cm. Some manufacturers produce extension cords, which allows you to mix materials in deep containers up to two hundred liters.

construction mixer price
construction mixer price

In some cases, it is appropriate to purchase a mixerconstruction in a double version. One tool will be more powerful, the other less productive. Often the work consists in performing many operations in order to save one's own strength, time, and reduce tool wear, it is appropriate to distribute the load between several devices. Sometimes it is more rational instead of one expensive mixer to purchase two cheaper ones, but with sufficient power and reliability. Still, it's always nice to have a tool packed with features at hand.
