Hatching of concrete: concept, features

Hatching of concrete: concept, features
Hatching of concrete: concept, features

In construction, one cannot do without drawings, among them there is such an important element as the shading of concrete and reinforced concrete. Let's try to figure out what this concept is, what features it has, and what design system should be followed.

shading of concrete according to GOST AutoCAD
shading of concrete according to GOST AutoCAD

The concept of "hatching" and design features of drawings

Hatching of concrete and other building materials is a symbol. With the help of hatching in the drawings, the types of materials are determined. This is necessary for convenience in the construction of objects for various purposes. However, the symbolic designation under consideration is most often used in relation to concrete.

When drawing a picture, use a pencil. The designation of the material consists of several components (strokes, lines and dots) located at a certain distance from each other. The elements used may overlap.

Schemes of this type are used in the implementation of most construction projects. But there are certain features that must be taken into account:

  • hatchingconcrete may be absent if there is no need to create it, or it may be applied partially, in order to highlight a specific object;
  • you can make the required number of additional drawings and display in them explanations for individual materials that were not taken into account when forming the standard.

Known naming conventions

There are several building systems available:

  • GOST 3455 - 59;
  • GOST 2.306 - 68;
  • GOST R 21.1207-97.

Let's take a closer look at each of the three systems and study the drawing features inherent in each type.

shading concrete gost in autocad
shading concrete gost in autocad

Hatching of concrete according to GOST: Standard GOST 3455-59

This template was created in the 50s, began to be used in drawings from 1959-01-01. The standard was valid until 1971-01-01. The system considers drawings for mechanical engineering.

The designations were:

  • metals - denoted by oblique strokes, maintaining equal intervals between them;
  • non-metallic materials for construction - applied in the form of lines inclined to the right or left and intersecting at right angles;
  • wood - designations were applied depending on the characteristics of the tree; cracks and rings - a cross section was used as a designation; larch texture - fractional cut;
  • solutions - marked with hatching in the horizontal direction, while the gaps were tapering;
  • glass - the material was determined on the drawings by the presence of strokes of three types and different intervals -horizontal, vertical;
  • shading of non-reinforced concrete was carried out in the form of sand gravel;
  • brick - applied lines of two types (solid, dotted), which intersected at an angle;
  • reinforced concrete - indicated by the image of sand gravel, oblique strokes;
  • soil - in this case, sand gravel was applied, additionally three intersecting lines were applied, located in two directions - vertical or opposite.
hatching of concrete and reinforced concrete
hatching of concrete and reinforced concrete

GOST 2.306-68 standard: how it differs, how it is applied

As noted earlier, the previous standard was canceled in 1971. This system was replaced by a new character standard. What are the differences, and how is the hatching of concrete and reinforced concrete used in AutoCAD? Consider these questions and figure out how to designate building materials in accordance with the new standard.

The most important difference is the severity. The standard has been made simpler. The 1971 system is not characterized by artistic effects, everything is clear and understandable. Innovations are as follows:

  • wood - the designation is the same arcs spaced at equal intervals;
  • natural stones - the stone in the drawings can be identified by the oblique dotted line;
  • shading of concrete - performed in the form of dotted lines, maintaining the same slope;
  • ground - apply 3 strokes, which are a group with gaps;
  • silicate, ceramic materials - building materials are designated by symbols of two groups;while leaving a large distance between the strokes.

Accepted graphic designations allow you to display on the drawings the materials needed for the construction of buildings and other objects. This is very convenient both in the manufacture of parts and in the creation of various designs.

hatching of concrete and reinforced concrete
hatching of concrete and reinforced concrete

Marks are made in the form of thin lines, carefully drawn in the right direction and at a certain interval. Within the same drawing, metal designations should always stand out against the background of other building materials. That is, when designating these materials, more space is left between the lines than when designating metals.

Parallel hatching lines are performed while maintaining the same intervals for sections of a particular element, the scale of which is the same. For different cross-sectional areas, this interval is from 1 to 10 mm.

When a new standard was released, the old one was automatically cancelled. In the system of 1971, the same sections of production are regulated as in the document of 1959. In this case, the first version of the standard is invalid.

In this case, the system, adopted in 1959, has been reviewed in order to become familiar with all known standards.

hatching of concrete and reinforced concrete in autocad
hatching of concrete and reinforced concrete in autocad

Other features of the 1971 standard

There are other requirements. Such features of the standard are expressed in the following points:

  • if there is a noticeable similarity of patterns that denote different materials, without additionalinformation is indispensable; explanations must be provided;
  • in this standard there is no designation for reinforced concrete, therefore a separate template was created for it; features of the designation of building materials in the drawings are displayed in GOST 21.107-78;
  • facade materials do not fully display, in this case it is enough to partially fill the outline.
concrete hatching in autocad
concrete hatching in autocad

1971 Rules

Hatching of concrete (GOST) in AutoCAD is performed according to the following rules:

  1. Small sections are marked with strokes. Such a designation is similar to metal. Another option is also possible - do not mark on the drawings with strokes at all, indicating information about their presence in the notes.
  2. Lines that need to be placed at an angle are performed while maintaining an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, the angle can be determined, focusing not only on the frame of the drawing, but also on the outline of the drawing or the axis.
  3. In adjacent planes, lines should be placed at different inclinations.
  4. Both right-handed and left-handed hatching is possible, but within one part, the slope for all sections must match. It does not matter whether all the images of this part are placed on one sheet or several were required.
  5. Narrow dimensions and long cuts do not have to be hatched along the entire length, it is possible to hatch only along the edges or in several places chosen arbitrarily. Incisions less than 2 mm thick are marked in full.

Rules stipulated by the standardmust be observed without fail.

GOST R 21.1207-97: latest innovations

As mentioned above, the 1971 standard had a significant drawback - the lack of a system for designating reinforced concrete. Only this was the reason for the need to compile GOST R 21.1207-97. In the next standard, the shortcoming was eliminated, the required symbol was introduced.

Most often this template is used when road works are being planned. In addition to soil and asph alt, other materials, the following points are given a special place in the document:

  • shading of concrete according to GOST in AutoCAD - mark on the drawings with a dotted line;
  • designation of reinforced concrete - alternately use solid lines and lines that are interrupted;
  • designation of reinforced concrete equipped with stressed reinforcement (a material that is stretched or heated and connected to reinforced concrete; such reinforcement is quite flexible) - two solid lines are used as a symbol in turn, then one dashed line, etc.
shading of concrete according to GOST
shading of concrete according to GOST


The main goal when using concrete hatching in AutoCAD is the need to visually, using drawings, present the objects that are planned to be built. Symbols are very helpful in this task.

Now there are two standards in force, both systems are used in mechanical engineering and construction. These standards allow builders to quickly identify the materials they need whenerection of objects.
