Having a country house, in any case, you will strive to make it as beautiful and attractive as possible. This statement is especially true in cases where you inherited a house that does not shine with its novelty. Even despite its unpresentable appearance, such a house can easily stand for decades. However, the appearance should not confuse you, since this trouble can be easily corrected using vinyl log siding.

Until recently, brick, stone or clapboard were common building materials. By the way, the latter was used most often, but it had a number of disadvantages. Firstly, the cost of a quality tree cannot be called too low. In addition, in the absence of normal processing, again, with expensive reagents, it cannot be classified as too durable materials. It will not only require constant self-care measures, but will also quickly darken underthe influence of adverse environmental factors, which siding under a vinyl log (the price of which is quite democratic) will never allow itself.
It's not worth talking about a brick, since the difficulties in its installation and not so attractive price have always scared off potential buyers. But vinyl siding is not only easy to use and pleasant for the price, but also looks much more attractive than dull brick. There is a vinyl siding under a log (there is a photo in the article) so much that almost everyone can afford such a purchase.

In a word, due to the beautiful appearance and low price, this material today has a lot of fans. The pattern of natural wood will never fade or become boring, your home will always look very attractive. The best part is that even the facade decoration itself will not require any significant financial costs from you.
The ease with which vinyl log-like siding can be attached to the facade of a building makes it possible for even beginners to work with it. In addition, plastic panels will reliably hide any surface defects, simultaneously protecting the “native” material of the house from further destruction and dilapidation. Taking care of it is extremely simple, since in most cases the cottage can simply be doused with water from a garden hose. Modern manufacturers add a lot of refractory additives to this material, so even exposure to an open flame will not do much harm to it.

When installing siding under a vinyl log, you do not have to worry about complicated and costly preparation, just assemble a frame on the wall of the house from dried and refractory-treated beams. The siding is attached to them using conventional wood screws. It does not hurt to place a layer of soundproof and heat-insulating material between the finishing material and the wall of the house, since you clearly do not need extra heat loss. In the shortest possible time, you will be able to breathe a second life into the old house, making it more attractive than before.
So you have learned about how you can use siding under a vinyl log.