"A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows." Many generations heard these words in childhood. They sounded in almost every folk tale. And in the same tales, “living” and “dead” water were often mentioned. And who would have thought that this is not fiction at all. True, living water does not resurrect the dead, but it happens that it will not even let you die. And getting it is not so difficult, and not at all in small vessels (bottles). And you need something very little - an electric water activator.
"Living" and "dead" water
Getting "living" and "dead" water is a process of electrolysis of ordinary tap water. That is, you don’t need to go to distant lands for raw materials, you just have to lend a hand.
"Living" (catholyte) - water with a negative potential, having a more alkaline structure. It stimulates biological processes, its main properties are increased dissolving and extracting ability and absorption-chemical activity. and tasteits alkaline, soft, like pure rain. Living water quickly loses its healing properties, it can be stored for no more than seven days in a hermetically sealed container in a dark place. In the body, it stimulates metabolism, improves digestion and appetite, increases blood pressure, and heals fresh wounds quickly.

"Dead" (anolyte) - water with positive potential and acidic structure. It slows down biological processes, therefore it is a powerful antiseptic and preservative. The name of this water must be used in quotation marks. How dead it is if it fights microorganisms and fungi, increases the shelf life of vegetables and fruits, lowers blood pressure, reduces joint pain, is an excellent prevention for colds, helps with fungal skin diseases and intestinal disorders.
The tap liquid that has passed through the water electroactivator (you can’t always call it water) can be used for various household purposes, for example, to increase animal productivity, stimulate the growth of poultry and plants, disinfect seeds and speed up their germination; control of insects and pests in the house and garden; sanitization, sterilization of dishes, washing the clothes of a sick person and much more. The list of diseases in which activated water helps, if not endless, is very long. Here and sore throat, and gastritis, and hepatitis, and burns, and inflammation of the liver and large intestine, and dysentery, and chronic fistulas, and much more.
Receive"living" water
The first description of the preparation of living water struck, if not by the complexity of preparation, then by the length of the process in time for sure. Ordinary water first had to be defended for several hours, then boiled with a “white key”, cooled quickly, preferably in a snowdrift or water with ice, stepped on flint for two days, drained, without using the bottom layer with harmful impurities, frozen in the same saucepan until the first ice to be removed and discarded, again frozen by two-thirds, in the resulting layer, make a hole through which water with a high s alt content must be drained, and the ice should be thawed. As a result of all the manipulations, living water was obtained.
Now the AP-1 household electric water activator copes much faster. True, it is better to pre-clean the water in a reverse osmosis filter or with a distiller. And it’s very good if after that it can be slightly mineralized, insisted on mountain quartz and silicon.
Water Activator
AP-1 water electroactivator is a compact, lightweight and easy-to-use device that allows you to get activated water in less than an hour - both "live" (catholyte) and "dead" (anolyte).

It requires a 220 V household electrical network and water itself.
Similar devices are produced by many companies, so when buying, you need to make sure that the device is certified.
Combination of water and electricity requires, according to the statestandard, high class (not lower than II) electrical safety protection.
The hygienic safety of the device must also be documented.
Package and specifications
Household water electric activator - a neat small device weighing no more than 2 kg, is sold in a package that, in addition to the device itself, contains a clear instruction manual, a fusible insert (1 A fuse) and a small measure for table s alt.
The total power consumed by the device is 70 V/A. In operation, the AP-1 consumes about the same amount of energy as one 40 W electric light bulb.
Current during electrolysis is from 0.2 to 0.7 A.

At the same time, 300 ml of anolyte and 900 ml of catholyte are being prepared. The process should last no more than 40 minutes, since after the acidity of the water (pH) does not change, and the power supply and the liquid in the device heat up.
Device device
The AP-1 water electroactivator itself consists of a main tank into which a ceramic glass is inserted, a top cover with electrodes and a power supply.
A container made of transparent food-grade plastic is used to prepare "living" water. In it, in the process of electrolysis, a catholyte is formed. There are marks on the side surface - special pointer arrows.
The glass is a diaphragm between the cathode and the anode and serves as a container for "dead" water. Anolyte is formed in it.
The removable cover at the bottom hasbase made of insulating material. It has electrodes. The two black ones are anodes with a chemically resistant coating. Two light ones are food grade stainless steel cathodes. Special materials protect the electrodes from electrochemical damage during operation.
The top cover is smooth, only a light indicator is installed on the top to show if there is voltage on the electrodes, and there is a fuse holder on the side surface, so the arrows on it are clearly visible.
The principle of operation of the device
Electrochemical treatment of water (electrolysis) leads to a sharp anomalous change in the catalytic activity and the physical structure of water. Under the action of an electric current, highly active metastable particles are formed in water, and the system of intermolecular interactions changes.
Cathodically electrochemical liquid treatment leads to the formation of highly soluble potassium and sodium hydroxides; the pH rises; sparingly soluble calcium and magnesium carbonates are formed; ions of heavy metals and iron are almost completely converted into insoluble hydroxides. This reduces the electrical conductivity and surface tension of water, it reduces the content of oxygen and nitrogen.

Electroactivator of water is a device in which both cathodic and anodic treatment of liquid occurs simultaneously.
In the process of anodic electrochemical treatment, stable and unstable acids are formed - sulfuric, hydrochloric, hypochlorous - andsupersulphurous, oxygen-containing compounds of chlorine. At the same time, the acidity of water and electrical conductivity increase, the concentration of nitrogen and hydrogen decreases.
Instructions for preparing activated water
Preparing "live" and "dead" water in the activator is simple and fast. A ceramic glass is installed in the center of the main container, then water is poured: into the glass to the top, and into the container one finger below the edge of the glass.
The top lid is installed so that the marks (pointer arrows) on the side surfaces of the container and the lid itself are aligned. If the glass is set correctly and the lid is put on correctly, then the anodes (black electrodes) fall inward, and the cathodes (bright electrodes) are outside the glass.
The cover must be put on tightly, until it stops. The plug is plugged into the socket, and the start time of the device is detected. At the same time, the indicator starts to glow, and through the transparent wall of the container you can see the gas bubbles formed on the cathodes.
AP-1 electric water activator must work for at least 10 minutes. The longer it works, the higher the concentration of the resulting solution.
After the end of the activation time, the device is disconnected from the socket, the lid is carefully removed from it (it cannot be turned over), a glass with anolyte is removed from the container. Then, both from the glass and from the container, “live” and “dead” water is poured into the prepared dishes. That's it.
This process does not include a s alt measuring spoon. It is used when it is necessary to increase the mineralization level of the liquid to increase the current.electroactivation. In this case, a weak solution of table s alt is poured into a glass, which is obtained by dissolving 1 g of finely ground table s alt in a liter of water.
To prevent the activation current from being excessively large, mineral or s alted water can only be poured into a glass.
Using activated water
The instruction attached to such a device as the AP-1 water electroactivator describes in sufficient detail not only the principle of operation of the device and the procedure for operation and maintenance, but also explains what pH is, how to obtain the desired values and how use catholyte and anolyte properly.

Water as a raw material differs in its composition and degree of mineralization. The device instructions contain tables of concentration (pH) dependence on the time of preparation of solutions. But it is specified at the same time that the data are given based on the fact that the pH is 7.7 for the original liquid.
For "dead" water, the pH value varies from 3 to 5.5, and for "live" - from 8.5 to 10 units. Moreover, the longer the operating time of the device, the lower the pH for the anolyte and the higher for the catholyte.
DIY electric water activator
There are a lot of options for making a water activator yourself.
The main element of any home appliance is food grade stainless steel electrodes. And the power supply, of course.
In one version as a separating diaphragm or anolyte beakera piece of canvas fire hose is used, which is inserted into a liter glass jar, which acts as a container for catholyte.
Mains voltage through a diode bridge is applied to the electrodes, one of which is lowered into a tarpaulin bag, and the second directly into a jar filled with water. That's the whole electroactivator of water. The scheme is simple: a liter jar, it contains a bag with a diameter of about 70 mm and a height of 200 millimeters, and electrodes up to 1 mm thick, approximately 40 × 160 mm in size, fixed in a piece of plastic at a distance of 40 mm.

On the same piece of plastic, which should be larger than the neck of the can, a diode bridge is installed (diode on the anode).
Such a homemade device should work no more than 5-15 minutes. And you can’t leave the resulting solutions in it, you need to pour it immediately so that the “dead” water does not seep through the joints in the bag into the jar.
If, instead of a jar and a bag, we take two separate containers with an even cut, and place electrodes in each of them - in one cathode, in the other anode, then, firstly, the liquids will not mix, and secondly, the volume they may be the same. Only between the tanks you need to install a connecting electrical bridge for ions. It can be a cotton tourniquet wrapped in several layers of gauze, tied with thread and moistened with water. It bends in the middle, and its ends fall into the water into each jar. The electrolysis process in such a device lasts about half an hour.
"Dead" water can be distinguished by its color - it is slightly yellowish.
Whatever device is invented, you need to remember safety precautions and perform all actions for filling with water and draining solutions only by disconnecting the device from the network.
The initial liquid also needs to be prepared. At least let stand for at least five hours with ordinary tap water. Scale from the walls of the cans must be removed, as with a regular kettle. Dishes must be clean.
Reviews about the device AP-1
Belarusian electric water activator AP-1 in three modifications differs only in details, which, according to users, do not affect the quality of its work too much.
The main features of this device are the best value for money and ceramic glasses. In other models, they are plastic, therefore, they wear out faster. Even ceramics are not eternal, and those who use the device constantly had to buy new ones. However, this is not a problem, judging by the reviews.
And more. If the influence of regular intake of "living" water on the body can be attributed to blind faith in miracles or suggestibility of a person, then stunted houseplants in the full sense of the word come to life just after a week of watering with "living" water.
This is how the AP-1 electric water activator works wonders. Reviews about him are only positive. No, of course, you can find negative ones, but in the end it turns out that the care of the device was insufficient, if at all. The instructions must be read carefully, the source water should be properly prepared, and the cathodes and walls of the ceramic cup should be cleaned of hardness s alts in a timely manner.

Only the satiety indicator causes bewilderment. Almost all users agree that you need to purchase an activator model with it. But there are rational suggestions: in order not to track the intensity of the glow and not to guess about changes in the electrolysis current, instead of such an indicator, you can install a sensor that shows the real value of the hydrogen potentials of the pH solutions.
In conclusion
The benefits of "living" and "dead" water have been talked about for decades. And just as many argue whether she helps or charlatans take advantage of the gullibility of the people. But those who, for one reason or another, have purchased an electric water activator, leave positive reviews about their physical condition. They buy it first of all to solve their own he alth problems, and then they water the flowers with this water, destroy the aphids on them and soak the seeds in it.