Flowers Vanka wet is a rather old plant, its second name is balsam. It was brought to Russia in the 16th century from Africa. With us, he has taken root so much that he even showed himself in literature. The secret of the plant is that when a thunderstorm approaches, the flower releases water and becomes wet. Roly is wet - photos can be seen almost everywhere. Some useful information about growing and maintaining a plant at home can be found in our article.
Also it is also called touchy. The thing is that after pollination, fruits are formed on the plant, which soon dry out, forming large round-shaped boxes. At the slightest touch, they burst, scattering their large seeds far around.

Flowers Vanka wet in the care unpretentious, you just need to remember to water it. The soil in the flower pot should always be moist, as he loves water very much. In the summer, watering can be carried out daily, but you should not flood it heavily. ATin the winter season, on the contrary, beware of excess moisture, otherwise the roots will rot. Since Vanka wet flowers were brought to us from Africa, therefore, they love warmth. Balsam blooms both in summer and in winter. The optimum temperature for it in winter is not lower than 15 degrees, and in summer it is above 12 degrees, otherwise it will stop growing. It is better to choose a place for him in the form of diffused light or partial shade, then he will feel great and delight you with his wonderful flowers. When the heat is more than 25 degrees and under direct sunlight, the balsam sheds its flowers. Roly wet loves the moisture of the soil and the moisture of the leaves. That is why you need to periodically spray its leaves, avoiding water on the flowers.
Planting and breeding
Beautiful flowers Vanka wet will feel better if the roots of the plant completely fill the pot. When growing, it is necessary to transplant it into a larger pot, it is better to do this in the spring. Balsam can be propagated in any convenient way: either by seeds, but only in the spring, or by cuttings, but at any time of the year. If you choose the second option, then the plant can not only be planted, but also updated, getting rid of the old one, which has stretched out from the light and lost its appearance. When cutting, the flowers remaining on the cutting may not fall off.

Like any other plant, balsam is exposed to various pests and diseases. Most of all, it lends itself to fungal diseases and quicklylanguishes. In this case, you need to resort to the help of fungicides. With a large amount of watering, aphids and mites appear on the plant, the flower becomes covered with blackness, which tightens the entire plant with a film. If Vanka is wet at the initial stage of the disease, then home treatment will help. To do this, wipe the balsam leaves on both sides with a soft cloth with a soapy solution from laundry soap, then cover with a bag, leaving a small hole for ventilation. The next day, give the plant a shower by rinsing the leaves, and again hide under a bag for two days, remembering to air it periodically.