Plastic well for sewerage: characteristics, installation, reviews

Plastic well for sewerage: characteristics, installation, reviews
Plastic well for sewerage: characteristics, installation, reviews

When laying communications, instead of asbestos-cement and cast-iron wells, polymer wells are increasingly used, which are lighter in weight and are easy to install. But these features are not a complete list of the benefits of such products.

However, to this day, the traditional opinion is that it is better to make structures for wells from reinforced concrete. In most cases, drainage elements are made of this material. Even when designing new communications, it is planned to use it. This is due to the lack of information about the latest technologies that involve the use of plastic and its varieties.

Reviews on plastic wells

plastic sewer well
plastic sewer well

The plastic sewer well has many advantages, among them should be highlighted:

  • ease of installation;
  • high resistance to aggressive influences;
  • easy headband height adjustment;
  • excellent insulating properties;
  • unlimited frost resistance;
  • long service life;
  • possibility of installing smaller products inside the well;
  • simplicity of the base device.

Lifting mechanisms, according to buyers, will not be required during installation. The material is resistant to domestic sewage, while reinforced concrete, although durable, is subject to destruction due to the acidity of the waste. During installation, the excess part of the head can be cut off with a hacksaw.

Products are plastic. They have good insulation and high environmental friendliness, which is liked by consumers. For this reason, it is not necessary to apply additional waterproofing layers, which distinguishes a plastic sewer well from a reinforced concrete one.

Polyethylene and polypropylene products provide almost complete protection against infiltration of wastewater into the external environment. As users emphasize, no repairs are required during operation.

Performing installation

plastic manhole for a sewer well
plastic manhole for a sewer well

The plastic sewer well is installed without the use of heavy equipment. All structural elements are easily moved by two people. At the first stage, earthworks are carried out, which provide for the preparation of the installation site. The structures have a small mass, so their installation involves the arrangement of a less voluminous pillow.

If it is planned to install a well with a loading chamber, the base is filled with a layer of crushed stone, then gravel follows. Materials are compacted. Additionally, a geogrid is used. The next step is to install the well in place and level it.

If a loading chamber is provided, it should be filled with concrete. This measure is necessary to prevent the structure from being pushed out by groundwater or soil freeze and thaw cycles. Collectors are connected to the well. Inside, pipes are connected and ladders are installed.

The technology provides for the installation of the well cover and the implementation of sprinkling. The next step will be the installation of the hatch. Such works take 20% less time compared to reinforced concrete structures.

Plastic hatches

plastic storm sewer wells
plastic storm sewer wells

The plastic manhole for the sewer well is usually compatible with polymer and cast iron products. The latter can have different weights, both light and heavy. Hatches can be equipped with locks.

The use of polymer does not affect the selection of the product. However, in conjunction with the described wells, it is better to use polymer parts, which are less expensive and more durable than cast iron.

Characteristics of different types of plastic wells: tray inspection products

plastic wells for sewerage sizes and prices
plastic wells for sewerage sizes and prices

Considering plastic sewer wells, you should highlight the most common ones. Among other tray revision, which are installed in places of branching and turns of networks. They are necessary for connecting pipelines and theirinspection, repair and maintenance.

Such wells can be designed for a specific number of turns or made universal. They got their name because of the tray part that is present in the design. The tray is located at a slight slope and is necessary to prevent the accumulation of drains.

Trough plastic wells have a small diameter, because their full operation requires a minimum of space. The inner diameter can be equal to a figure from 600 to 700 mm. The depth of the well reaches 13 m. The diameter of the nozzles is equal to the value from 100 to 300 mm. The wall thickness of the product can be equal to the limit from 20 to 30 mm. The distance from the bottom to the branch pipe is standard and equal to 300 mm, as is the length of the branch pipe. Construction length is equivalent to 1260 mm.

Sedimentary well features

plastic rings for the sewer well
plastic rings for the sewer well

If you are interested in the characteristics of a plastic sewer well, then you should take a closer look at sedimentary products, which are the second most common. They are installed on non-pressure collectors. The structures are containers, to the walls of which sewer pipes are fixed.

The bottom is located below the level of the pipe and acts as a sump and sediment collector. Such wells are installed in places of turns and branches, as well as at a certain distance of straight sections.

Internal diameter can be equal to a figure from 600 to 700 mm. The depth reaches 13 m. The diameter of the nozzles is equal to the limit from 100 to 300 mm. Wall thicknesswell can be equal to 20, 25 or 30 mm. From the bottom of the well to the nozzles, a height of 250 to 700 mm is maintained. The volume of the sump is equivalent to 0.07-0.2m3. The construction length of such a well is 1260 mm.

Characteristics of inspection wells. Consumer Reviews

plastic sewer well 1000
plastic sewer well 1000

These wells are designed to install shut-off and control devices and sensors. Products, according to consumers, are chambers that are sealed and provide for the presence of pipeline fittings, namely:

  • hydrants;
  • cranes;
  • water meter units;
  • valve.

Read the reviews of plastic sewer wells and look at the inspection products in more detail, you will notice that they are of medium size and are complemented by ladders that provide access for repairs. The inner diameter has a wide run-up and is equal to a figure from 1000 to 2200 mm. The depth of the well reaches 13 m. The diameter of the nozzles can be equal to the limit from 100 to 600 mm. The wall thickness of the well is equal to a figure from 25 to 110 mm. 40, 62 and 80 mm act as intermediate values. The neck height is 500 mm. Inner diameter is equivalent to 600mm.

According to consumers, such wells have their own characteristics, among them:

  • impressive enough to work inside;
  • mandatory presence of stairs;
  • presence of space between the axis of the inlet pipe and the bottom of the chamber.

The latter is necessary forvalve installation and maintenance.

Eccentric and transfer well reviews

installation of a plastic sewer well
installation of a plastic sewer well

Eccentric wells have a hatch that is located closer to the edge of the chamber. Usually such products have a more impressive size. The location of the hatch provides access to the stairs. Eccentric wells, according to consumers, allow collecting and storing process water, installing pumping equipment, as well as inspecting and maintaining networks with pipes of impressive diameter.

Drop wells are also called quenching chambers and are used in gravity systems. As buyers emphasize, they reduce the flow rate and redirect it to other collectors. This type of wells combines the functions of sedimentary chambers, because the entrance and exit of the pipes is located above the bottom, and all suspensions are in the chamber.

Drop wells, according to experts, are installed when it is necessary to reduce the depth of the incoming pipeline. Such products are mounted at the risk of a sharp decrease or increase in flow rate.

Cost of wells and manholes

When installing a wastewater disposal system, you may need a 1000 l plastic sewer well. You can make it up from plastic rings, the volume of each of which will be 150 liters. Such products will need about 7 pieces, the cost of each of them is 4290 rubles. This will allow you to get a distribution manhole. The base of the manhole will cost the same price. Myselfa viewing well can be bought for 6149 rubles

Plastic rings for the sewer well will cost 1120 rubles. Their height and diameter are 200 and 750 mm, respectively. The bottom of the well can be purchased for the same price. Its height and diameter will be 36 and 750 mm, respectively. A plastic hatch for a sewer well with a height and diameter of 150 and 800 mm, respectively, will cost 3050 rubles. The cone of the well costs 1280 rubles.

Additionally, you can purchase bits for inserting the coupling into the drainage well. If the diameter of the product is 110 mm, then it will cost 500 rubles. A cuff for inserting into a well can be purchased for 900 rubles. Its diameter will be 200 mm. The base of the drainage well, which is also called a kinet, costs 4,000 rubles. The diameter of this product can be equal to a figure from 315 to 110 mm. This design has a linear diameter. If you need a product with three inputs and one output, then you will have to pay the same amount for it, because its parameters remain the same.

Installing a storm sewer well

Plastic wells for storm sewers are installed in a pit, to which trenches for laying pipelines are brought. The bottom of the pit is covered with a gravel cushion and covered with geotextiles. If the site has a high level of groundwater, it is recommended to pour a concrete slab or screed, providing a hook for attaching the tank.

Bottom setting and backfilling

Installing a plastic sewer well at the next stage involves the installation of the bottom. After you canconnect piping. In this case, it is important to ensure the tightness of the connections. For this, landing cuffs and gaskets are used. The remaining space between the plastic well and the walls of the pit is filled up; screening or slag must be used for this, followed by ramming. The dug trench after the installation of pipes is covered with excavated soil.

In order to protect the structure from debris and give it an aesthetic finished look, you should use the plastic cover that is usually supplied with the kit. It can be threaded or o-ring mounted for a secure fit on the neck.

In conclusion

Sizes and prices of plastic wells for sewerage have been mentioned above. The cost of products will allow you to evaluate the market for the relevant products. However, for the correct functioning of the system, it is important to comply with all the requirements of the technology. It provides for the correct location of wells at turns and joints, when it comes to revision parts of the system.

But the nodal wells are located in those places where several pipeline branches intersect. Storm plastic wells are used to drain storm water. Drop products should be mounted in places where the inlet and outlet pipes are at different levels.
