Drawer guide: its varieties and characteristics of models

Drawer guide: its varieties and characteristics of models
Drawer guide: its varieties and characteristics of models

The guides that are used in modern furniture are being improved and acquire new shapes and sizes. The guide for a box is the main element providing its comfortable operation. If more recently slide-type elements were used for drawers, now ball or roller models are ubiquitous.

Roller guides for drawers

These are the simplest panels that are of good quality with sufficient metal thickness. The correct choice of screws also has a great influence. The installation of such panels provides easy operation of the locker and ease of dismantling. Replacing the guide is also quite simple.

drawer guide
drawer guide

Roller panels are short-lived with frequent use, they do not allow you to fully open the cabinet and slam when you close it.

Ball guides

They have a complicated design, due to whichthe ability to fully extend the cabinet, ensure smooth movement and reduce the noise that appears during the operation of the rails.

The ball guide for the drawer has a higher cost, but all its advantages pay off during the use of the cabinet. The design of the panel consists of three parts nested one in one, which provide full extension of the drawer.

drawer guides
drawer guides

The quality of the guide is determined by the thickness of the metal from which it is made. The larger it is, the stronger the panel and the greater the load it can withstand. Drawers on ball guides have a less aesthetic appearance than on roller ones, and are operated with less smoothness.

Panels with closers

Are advanced bead panels. Their peculiarity lies in the presence of a closer, which ensures smooth and silent closing of the drawer. The principle of operation of the closer is to pick up the driving element and slow its closing. Thus, even with excessive force, there will be no loud sounds.

The sliding drawer rail is capable of withstanding heavy loads. It has a high cost, so when choosing such panels, it is important to pay attention to the smooth operation of the box. If it is insufficient, then it will be irrational to purchase a guide with a closer.

Such accessories also have a not very attractive appearance and spoil the aesthetics of the drawer.

Guides that ensure the extension of the drawer with a consequencepressing

They have the same characteristics as the panels described above, however, they have one feature. This is the opening of the drawer by pressing the front part. This variety allows you not to use handles. Drawer runners with soft close for maximum smooth closing.

During installation, it is important to remember that a gap of several millimeters must be left between the front part and the cabinet body, thanks to which it will be possible to press and overcome the damper action.

It is worth placing such mechanisms with care in a house with small children, as there is a possibility of injury if the drawer is accidentally pressed.

Hidden guides

Sneak action panels are currently the most sought after. They are used for all types of furniture, especially expensive manufacturers. Mounting guides is carried out under the bottom of the box. They have increased reliability and withstand heavy loads, provide trouble-free dismantling of the box for cleaning. However, it is important to note that this installation method reduces the height of the drawer.

drawers on ball guides
drawers on ball guides

There are also hidden guides that open when clicked. The drawer runner is highly aesthetic and makes the most of the width.


Are advanced followers of roller guides. They have a complex design, which is a support panel and a side element of the box. Such a device allows not to useadditionally to create the side walls of the drawer chipboard sheets.

It is also possible to attach the front part of the drawer to these elements. These drawer guides are mainly used in kitchen furniture and office cabinets. They are made on the basis of metal, which is subsequently painted in a suitable shade. Thanks to this, such a mechanism has a wide range of models.

Metaboxes have many advantages, their use increases the size of the box while reducing its weight. They are more convenient to install, however, despite all the advantages, the cost of furniture with such a mechanism is an order of magnitude higher, which does not always please the buyer.

drawer guides with drawer
drawer guides with drawer

The choice of guide depends to a large extent on the required functions of the drawer. Most often used in the production of economy class furniture are standard roller guides. They are the easiest to install and use.
