Aluminum heating radiators are produced by casting and appropriate alloys. Thanks to this production process, it is possible to provide them with such necessary properties as high heat transfer and lightness. At the moment, aluminum heating radiators are the most acceptable and warm of all that are on sale. They consist of sections, which are vertical elements, which can be assembled in any number, depending on the needs.

The front surface of the sections is perfectly flat due to the use of a special multi-layer coating. Aluminum heating radiators are painted with sufficient quality, so they look much better than steel and cast iron ones. However, it all depends on the taste of the consumer. The sides and back surfaces are usually painted a little thinner and the molding in these areas is not as accurate as the front. This isdue to the manufacturer's desire to reduce the cost of products.
Aluminum heating radiators: specifications
One section of the structure has two collectors of the horizontal direction, which are connected by means of vertical pipes. The front panel radiates heat, and here, to increase heat dissipation, the section is equipped with vertical plates that form channels that heat the air. At the bottom of the section there is a recess, it is designed for dirt to settle. Cutouts have recently been made on the back side, simplifying the installation process, as well as allowing significant savings in metal.

Distinctive characteristics of this type of radiators are high heat transfer and low weight, as already mentioned. This type of equipment is quite convenient to use for heating private houses.
But aluminum heating radiators also have negative properties, which you should also be aware of before using them. The reason is the material from which they are made. In the heating system, water reacts with aluminum, resulting in an increase in pressure due to significant gas formation. Such a radiator cannot be cut off from the system if it is filled with water, since the gases will have nowhere to go, which can lead to quite terrible consequences. If the radiator is not cut off from the system, excess gases pass into the boiler equipment, where they are neutralized. Some experts recommend mounting aluminum heating radiators usingeach of them has special air vent valves operating in automatic mode.

Another very important point associated with the use of this type of equipment is its combination with copper pipes. It is believed that this causes accelerated corrosion. However, this does not happen in practice. This limitation is not indicated in the instructions for the boilers, nor in the instructions for the radiators. It turns out that their use in any system is quite acceptable.