Comfortable living (especially in the cold season) is impossible without a proper and efficient heating system. For this purpose, aluminum radiators invented back in the 50s of the last century are increasingly being used. Their demand at the present stage of construction (both industrial and private) is constantly growing. On the Russian market, such radiators are widely represented by both domestic and European or Chinese manufacturers.
Note! In old district heating networks, it is better not to use such radiators.

Production technology
Today, aluminum radiators are made in two ways:
- High pressure casting. In this method, molten aluminum alloy is poured into a mold under high pressure. Before the end of the complete solidification of the metal, technological devices intended for the formation of flow collectors are removed. Holes in the lower section are closed with a special plug (either by welding or by pressing).
- Extrusion method. With this method, the upper and lower parts of the section (with horizontal channels for the circulation of the coolant) are also made using casting. The middle part (with vertical channels) is made by extrusion: aluminum, heated to the state of soft plasticine, is pressed into the mold. After the final solidification, all three parts are interconnected in one of three ways: by welding, pressing, or using special adhesives.
The prices of heating radiators made by the extrusion method are lower than for cast analogues. However, the presence of technological seams reduces the strength and reliability of products, so they are less in demand and popular than cast counterparts.
Note! Radiators made by extrusion are subject to the highest requirements regarding acid-base index (7-8). It turns out that they can only be used practically with neutral coolants.
At the point of connection of pipes for supplying coolant to the aluminum radiator body, these products are divided into two groups:
- With side connection. Such assembled products have 4 holes (with a standard diameter of 1 inch). Depending on the technological features of the house, pipes (inlet and outlet) can be connected either on one side or on both. In 2 unused (when connecting pipes) holes, special plugs or temperature control fittings are installed.
- With bottom connection. Such products are in demand in modernoffice buildings, shopping malls, medical facilities and individual construction.
Although by design all these products are sectional, manufacturers supply two types of aluminum heating radiators for sale:
In the form of factory assembled batteries, consisting of 4-12 sections

Comes in one section. During the installation process, all products are interconnected using metal couplings and insulating gaskets

Products related to the first type are easy to install, and it takes a little time. In addition, these radiators have, as a rule, standard sizes. Therefore, it is quite easy to choose a finished product to replace obsolete cast-iron or steel batteries. With the help of radiators of the second type, it is possible to most accurately calculate the heat output required to heat a particular room. Depending on this, they acquire exactly the number of sections that you need. Such products are widely used by professionals in the design and construction of new structures for various purposes.
Among the technological features of such radiators, it should be noted the cross-sectional geometry of the vertical channels for the passage of the coolant. Today there are three of them:
- in the form of a rhombus (rarely used due to low mechanical strength);
- elliptical;
- round (it is this shape that provides the greatest mechanical strength).
Scope of application
The scope of aluminum heating radiators is limited by the acid-base balance (pH) used in the coolant system. For pure water pH=7. A decrease in this indicator means that the liquid acquires the properties of an acid. An increase in pH (more than 7) indicates that the liquid is alkaline. Upon contact with air, a protective oxide film forms on the aluminum surface. But, under the influence of chemically aggressive liquids, it collapses, which significantly reduces the service life.
Therefore, there is no single answer to the question of which radiator is better aluminum or steel. For example, in a private house (equipped with an autonomous heating system, when the owner himself can use a liquid with characteristics known to him for circulation) or a modern multi-storey building (equipped with a boiler room; and the characteristics of the coolant can be obtained from the specialist servicing it) you can safely install modern aluminum batteries. In an old house where water from a nearby thermal power plant is used for heating (in which alkali is specially added to prevent the formation of scale on the internal surfaces of the boilers), it is better to use the usual steel radiators.
The wider the pH range indicated by the manufacturer in the technical documentation, the wider the scope of this radiator, and it is less "whimsical" to the liquid used in the heating system.

The main technical characteristics of aluminum radiators include:
- Working pressure - 16-20 atm.
- Test pressure (which is often created in pipes when checking the system before the heating season) - 24-30 atm.
- Maximum pressure on mechanical break - 48-100 atm.
- Heat transfer of one section - depending on the size and design features from 150 to 195 W.
- The value of the range of the acid-base balance (pH): for extrusion - 7-8; for standard cast 6, 5-9; for radiators with a protective coating of the inner walls - 5-10.
- The maximum coolant temperature is 110-120 degrees.
- Section capacity - from 0.27 to 0.43 liters.
- The distance between the axes of the horizontal collectors is from 150 to 800 mm (the most common: 350 and 500 mm).
- Section width - 76-80 mm.
- Section depth – 70-96 mm.
- The weight of one section is from 0.78 kg (and the heavier the section, the better the heat transfer and reliability). Unfortunately, some manufacturers currently do not standardize this indicator.
- Inlet diameter (standard) - 1 inch.
Pros and cons
The main advantages of aluminum radiators (compared to cast iron or steel counterparts) are:
- High heat transfer due to the physical and chemical properties of the material used for manufacturing.
- Short inertia for minimal warm-up time and easier auto-maintenanceset temperature.
- Significant fuel savings when used in independent heating systems.
- Small internal volume of sections, which allows the use of low power circulation pumps.
- Light weight, which greatly simplifies transportation and subsequent installation, and also reduces the load on the supporting structures of the building (which is especially important for individual construction).
- Affordable price (on average 30-35% cheaper than bimetallic counterparts).
- Attractive appearance.
- The sectional design allows you to create a heating battery in accordance with the size of the room.
The main disadvantages of aluminum heating radiators (unlike bimetallic competitors) are:
- They can not be placed in the central heating system (where it is impossible to control the purity of the coolant). In addition, when flushing pipelines (for example, before the start of the heating season), various chemically active reagents can be used, which can have a negative impact on the safety and performance of aluminum batteries.
- The need to install special valves for the periodic removal of hydrogen formed during the interaction of aluminum with chemically active liquids.
- Shorter warranty period - from 5 to 15 years (depending on the manufacturer). The exception is Fondital Aleternum, which has a 20-year warranty period. While most bimetallic products have 30 years.
More recently, the lists of ratings of aluminum radiators in the Russian market were headed by the Italian companies Fondital and Global. Now they are worthy competition (and often ahead of them in terms of the number of products sold per year) by the Italian Radena, as well as the Russian Royal Thermo, Rifar and Konner.
Products of the German Tenrad are popular (due to the good price/quality ratio). Much less often you can find products from Polish manufacturers (Armatura, SMALT) and Hungarian (Nami, Sunny Heater).
The products of numerous Chinese manufacturers should be treated with a great deal of caution. Trying to reduce the cost of their products, they often save on material. As a result, you can get a thin-walled and unreliable heating device. STI, Maxterm, Epico and Rommel can be noted among fairly well-established companies from the Middle Kingdom.
Types and comparison of aluminum radiators from leading manufacturers
For a correct comparison, we will choose the most popular model of a heating battery (with a center distance of 500 mm), consisting of six sections from different manufacturers. Why this particular product? Due to the fact that the standard height of these radiators is 558-575 mm (it varies depending on the manufacturer), which allows them to be installed under the windowsill (subject to sufficient air gap between the upper and lower edges of the product). And the total heat output is enough to heat a small room (for example, a bedroom with an area of 9-10 m²).

Compare by cost. A model with a working pressure of 16-20 atm and a 10-year warranty period Royal Thermo Revolution 500 costs 2200-2900 rubles; Rifar Alum 500 - 3300-3400 rubles; Radena 500/80 - 3200-3600 rubles; Fondital Calidor B2 500 - 3700-3900 rubles.
On heat transfer. Heat output of one section: 171, 183, 192 and 191 W, respectively. The advantage of products from Fondital and Radena include the greatest heat transfer. Although some "gurus" of heat engineering confidently claim that this is just an advertising marketing ploy by manufacturers.
By pressure. Despite the most modest declared heat transfer, Royal Thermo guarantees the highest mechanical rupture pressure - 100 atm (for the rest - 48-50 atm). This is achieved thanks to the round cross-section of the vertical collectors. Others use an oval (elliptical) shape. The Russian Royal and Rifar initially developed their products for operation in heating networks with a working pressure of 20 atm, while the Italians (Radena and Fondital) are designed for a working pressure of 16 atm.
Summing up all of the above (in terms of price / quality / reliability), our rating is as follows: first place - Royal Thermo Revolution 500; second place - Rifar Alum 500; third - Radena 500 and Fondital Calidor B2 500.) and Chinese Rommer Profi 500 (2500-2700rubles). The heat output of one section is 175, 178, 142 and 150 W, respectively. All four models are designed for a working pressure of 16 atm. The maximum warranty for its products is given by Konner - 15 years, the minimum by Rommer - 5 years.
About the technological features of the Fondital Aleternum B4 model (the price of a battery of six sections is 4400-4700 rubles) read below.
A feature of the aluminum heating radiator Fondital Aleternum B4 from a well-known Italian manufacturer is a special anti-corrosion coating of the inner walls of the collectors. The patented composition based on synthetic resins allows (according to the developers) to operate such products with an acid-base coolant pH in a very wide range: from 5 to 10. The warranty period is up to 20 years (today this is the only aluminum radiator with such a large warranty period). In this innovative model, the plugs of the lower technological openings of the vertical channels are installed using a patented thermoelectric technology (unlike older models where welding was used). To increase heat transfer, the rear vertical plates are made in the form of sectors, which increases air convection and increases heat transfer. According to the developers, high technical characteristics (working pressure - 16 atm, burst pressure - 60 atm) allow the use of these devices in multi-apartment high-rise buildings with a central heating system.

The Fondital Aleternum B4 model is presented on the market in five sizes of center distance between horizontal collectors: 350, 500, 600, 700 and 800 mm (the capacity of one section is 0, 2, 0, 26, 0, 31, 0, 36 and 0.39 liters respectively).
Note! The mechanical strength of the anti-corrosion coating is not specified in the technical documentation of the manufacturer. Therefore, when installing such products in old houses (where abrasive elements such as pieces of rust or fine sand may be present in the coolant), the service life may be shorter.
Simplified calculation of the required number of sections
In order to decide how to choose the right aluminum radiator for a particular room, you should use a simplified procedure for calculating the required number of sections. Experts (without going into the intricacies of the requirements of GOSTs and SNIPs) believe that in order to maintain a comfortable temperature (during the heating season) in a room with standard glazing and ceiling heights not exceeding 2.6-2.8 meters, a heater having 1 kW of thermal power for every 10 m². For example, let's take a room with an area of 12 m². Then the total battery power should be 1.2 kW (1x1.2). Due to the fact that not everyone has energy-saving double-glazed windows yet, and ordinary windows cannot be ideally insulated, we will add 10% (0.12 kW) to this value. We get the total battery power equal to 1.2 + 0.12=1.32 kW.
Assume that, after reading numerous reviews of aluminum heating radiators and tipsexperts, you have opted for the Revolution 500 (with lateral water inlet, 500 mm center distance and undulating side fins) from Royal Thermo. The heat output of one section declared by the manufacturer is 171 W (0.171 kW). The number of required sections is determined by dividing the total required power by the heat transfer of one section: 1.32: 0.171=7.7 pcs. Naturally, we round up to the next whole number. So, for our room it is necessary to install an 8-section heating radiator of a specific model from this manufacturer. For a more accurate calculation, it is better to use online calculators, which can be easily found on the websites of the leading suppliers of these products.

In conclusion
We hope that all of the above information will help you figure out how to choose aluminum heating radiators, and where it is most appropriate to use them. The main thing to pay attention to: the manufacturer's warranty (both in terms of operation and replacement of products). And oddly enough, special attention should be paid to such a technical indicator as the weight of one section. Without exception, all professionals say that it is impossible to make a high-quality and reliable radiator very easy. According to numerous user reviews, aluminum batteries are very efficient and quite durable (naturally, if all recommendations regarding the quality of the fluid circulating in the heating system are followed).