How to locate a house on a plot: basic rules

How to locate a house on a plot: basic rules
How to locate a house on a plot: basic rules

Every would-be homeowner who wants to start building their own home just needs to know a few simple building rules. It all starts with the choice of land. The question of how to locate the house on the site will largely depend on the location of the latter.

how to place a house on a plot
how to place a house on a plot

The first option could be a garden partnership. It should immediately be noted that plots of less than 6 acres are simply not suitable for the construction of a residential building for permanent residence. This is especially true when it comes to the wooden version.

The second type of land may be in the countryside or in a cottage village. Choosing this option, the owner acquires the need to comply not only with the rules for the location of the house on the site, but also take into account the peculiarities of the construction of the neighbors' premises. True, there are also advantages of such development - ready-made communication networks.

The freest option for the realization of desires is "in an open field" with a large area of property, then most of the questions about how to place a house on the site disappear by itself.

Traditionally, buildings in Russia were built in such a way that the facade windows faced the road orchurch. Another unwritten rule for areas with a slope was the choice of a place on a hill. The Old Believers did not establish other requirements. Therefore, the modern homeowner has a lot of freedom of choice.

Compulsory development rules

how to place a house on a lot
how to place a house on a lot

Respecting the red line

This is the street. According to fire regulations, the distance from it to the future home should be at least 5 m. This state of affairs makes it more economical to install any communications that are necessary for a comfortable stay, since it is calculated based on the distance. Proximity to this line for many people can also reduce the cost of arranging a parking area near the house. Therefore, when solving the problem of how to locate a house on a plot in relation to the red line, it is worth considering the required area for existing cars.

Distance from neighboring houses and other buildings

Fire regulations establish the following development rules:

  1. Brick houses - 6 meters.
  2. Wooden houses - 15 meters.

There may be several buildings on the lot. For their adequate mutual arrangement, there are also laws. These standards must be observed when drawing up a project. The question of how to position the house on the site relative to other buildings is solved as follows:

  • dwelling for small livestock and poultry - at least 4 meters from the house;
  • cellars and compost pits - at least 7 meters;
  • outdoor toilets and showers - at least 12 meters;
  • bathhouse, shed, garage - at least 7 meters.

These standards are established not only by fire safety, but also by sanitary rules.

rules for the location of the house on the site
rules for the location of the house on the site

Orientation to cardinal points

An important factor in deciding how to locate the house on the site is the choice of cardinal points. So, for the construction of a large country house or cottage, it is worth considering that almost all outbuildings are hidden behind the house itself. Despite their size, they will still cast a shadow on housing. Therefore, it is better to place on the sunny side the part of the house that contains windows to optimize natural light. Having thought over this point, you can unfold the project of the house in relation to the entrance and the red line.
