If you are interested in a beautiful inflorescence of several large, funnel-shaped flowers, know that this is a native of South Africa - amaryllis. It is found in only one species, but the flowers come in different colors: burgundy, pink, but most often red.

Do you have amaryllis? Caring for it at home is not so complicated, but still some subtleties should be taken into account: what determines the intensity and duration of flowering, the suitability of the bulb for the next year.
The similarity of amaryllis and hippeastrum
Amaryllis is a colorful bulbous plant. Its long peduncle arrow with 4-6 fragrant flowers will not leave anyone indifferent. Flowers resemble large lilies. The leaves are long, oval, dark green. When the beginning of the peduncle appears, as a rule, the leaves have already grown and formed a basal rosette. Fading, the plant slowly goes into a dormant state, which lasts for amaryllis in winter. Therefore, if you want your plant to bloom in winter, get its "twin" - hippeastrum. This houseplant is often confused with amaryllis, but both have significant differences.
YouBought amaryllis. Home care will include keeping the plant in a dormant period in winter. Hippeastrum, on the contrary, pleases with flowers closer to Christmas, and “rests” in the summer.
And another feature of hippeastrums is the presence of many of their breeding species - more than 80 hybrids.

Here plants with large flowers, small, double, a wide variety of colors and shades. Amaryllis has mostly red flowers.
Planting and caring for it can be carried out even in open ground, since the growing season begins in the spring and lasts the entire spring-summer period. Many amateur experimenters can boast of successfully growing a peduncle in a flower bed. This cannot be done with a "relative": the hippeastrum is at this time in a dormant period.
Features of indoor amaryllis care
For the formation of the peduncle and the inflorescences themselves, as well as for the duration and intensity of flowering, watering is very important. If you see that your bulb has released an arrow, do not water it immediately, but move it to a lighted place. The arrow will begin to develop. When she reaches

10 cm high, start watering the plant abundantly and regularly. This approach will continue flowering and keep the bulb alive.
A potted plant needs to be repotted after two years. After you transplant the amaryllis, home care will be minimal. It will grow little by little, and after 20 daysit can be fertilized with top dressing for flowering plants. The closer the plant is to the "hibernation" period, the less intensively it needs to be watered and fed. When the arrow has faded, do not cut it and do not pick off the yellow leaves, but wait until they dry. Thus, the bulb is gaining strength and nutrients for the next growing season.
After the amaryllis multiplies, home care for "kids" becomes not so complicated. In general, these flowers give 1-2 small bulbs in their life. It is difficult to achieve their education, because you need to adhere to all the growing seasons and other intricacies of floriculture. But if you waited, then plant the "kids" one by one in a pot. Choose dishes 5-7 cm wider than the onion in diameter, because it will grow for two years before flowering.
So, you have purchased an amaryllis flower. Care for it must be correct, and then after a while a small bulb will give you a colorful arrow with chic inflorescences. Of course, its flowering conquers!