Rosemary is an attractive and he althy plant that is rarely grown at home. The fact is that culture cannot be called unpretentious, caring for it takes a lot of time. In this material, you will learn about the beneficial properties and contraindications of rosemary. And also we will share the secrets of growing this plant at home.

What rosemary looks like
This perennial evergreen shrub is a member of the Lamiaceae family. In its natural environment, rosemary grows on the Mediterranean coast, in North Africa and Southern Europe. It is often grown as a hedge, because the culture reaches 2 meters in height. But at home, its size is much more modest.
What does rosemary look like? This plant is a shrub with tall tetrahedral stems. Its evergreen leaves are elongated and are located on short petioles. Their appearance resembles needles. Atleaf plates slightly curved blunt tips. Culture blooms in late April - early May. At this time, small blue buds appear at the tips of the shoots. After them, a brown fruit-nut is formed.
The main feature of rosemary is a strong camphor aroma coming from the leaves of the crop. In addition, the pleasant smell does not disappear even after heat treatment. Therefore, the leaves have long been used in cooking as a spice.

Useful properties and contraindications
Rosemary is known for its choleretic, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties. Eating leaves improves immunity, increases blood pressure, helps to cope with the manifestations of menopause and sexual weakness in men. On the basis of the plant, ointments and rubbing are prepared to help cope with sciatica. In addition, baths with sprigs of culture relieve swelling and heaviness in the legs, increase blood circulation.
Essential oil of the plant has an anti-cellulite effect. Massage with this substance accelerates blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin, which leads to the breaking of "fat" tubercles, smoothing the surface and losing weight.
Rosemary is also used in cosmetology. This plant improves the condition of the hair and accelerates their growth. Especially useful for hair masks with plants and clay, egg yolks, castor oil. The plant also helps with problem skin. Rosemary oil cleanses and tightens pores, reduces breakouts. It is recommended to use for whitening spots after acne.
Despite its beneficial properties, the plant also hasseveral contraindications. It should not be used in pregnancy, epilepsy, convulsive tendencies and hypertension. In addition, the culture should not be added to the food of young children.

Growing from seeds
You can start sowing at any time of the year. But in order for the seeds to sprout, it will take some effort. 3-4 days before sowing, wrap the seeds in moist gauze, folded in several layers. Spray the seeds daily with warm water to keep them moist.
Growing rosemary from seed at home involves the following steps:
- Fill the container with nutrient soil. An all-purpose seedling mix will do.
- Spread the seeds on the surface of the soil and sprinkle them with a thin layer of the substrate.
- From above, gently spray the planting with warm water from a spray bottle and cover the container with glass or film. Leave a small gap for ventilation.
- Transfer the greenhouse to a room with a temperature of +16…+20 °C.
- Moisten crops daily with warm water from a spray bottle.
After a month, when the first sprouts appear, remove the shelter and place the container closer to the light. But shade the seedlings from direct sunlight. When the plants are strong, plant them in separate pots, but do not plant several sprouts in one container. Otherwise, they will interfere with each other.

The plant prefers permeable soil. Mix for the substrateuniversal shop soil mixture with perlite in a ratio of 2 to 1. If you want to make the soil yourself, then take equal parts soddy soil, leafy soil, sand and peat. After mixing all the components, do not forget to disinfect the substrate. To do this, bake the mixture in the oven or steam it.
Please note that the root system of the plant is strong and grows rapidly. Therefore, choose for him spacious and voluminous pots, preferably made of clay. How to plant rosemary:
- Put a 2-centimeter layer of drainage on the bottom of the container. For these purposes, use broken brick, expanded clay or pebbles.
- Sprinkle drainage with a layer of substrate. Set the plant on top and gently straighten its roots.
- Fill the voids with soil, lightly tap the sides of the container to tamp the soil.
Moisten the substrate well and place the plant in a lighted place. 2-3 weeks after planting, feed the crop with a weak solution of mineral fertilizers.
Crop care
Rosemary is a plant that cannot be called unpretentious. And in order to grow it at home, you will need to create comfortable conditions for the flower. And for this you will have to maintain the optimum temperature and humidity in the room, as well as regularly water and feed the crop. And also do not forget about the constant ventilation of the room, especially in winter. From a lack of oxygen, the flower often suffers from powdery mildew. If this is not possible, a fan will help create air circulation.

Temperature and humidity
Despite its southern origin, the rosemary flower tolerates room temperature well. And in summer it is desirable for him to maintain a range from +23 to +25 ° C. In winter, it is advisable to transfer the pot to a room with + 8 … + 10 ° C. A glazed balcony or loggia is suitable. The main thing is that the temperature here does not fall below +6 °C.
If this is not possible, then keep the flower on a cool windowsill, away from radiators or heaters. And provide the plant with additional lighting with a phytolamp. Daylight hours for culture should last 14 hours.
In the summer, take the pot to the balcony or garden so that the plant receives maximum air and light. In winter, if you grow a rosemary flower in a heated room, be sure to place water containers near it to increase the humidity of the air. Too dry atmosphere is detrimental to the plant.
Rosemary is a photophilous plant that needs bright light for at least 6 hours a day. And for him it is better to choose the most illuminated places, that is, the south or east side of the room. To keep the crown evenly developed, every two days turn the pot in different directions to the light.
If it is impossible to grow a flower on the sunny side, then provide it with additional artificial lighting. To do this, install a phytolamp 15 cm from the crown of the crop and illuminate it 14 hours a day.

Rosemary is a drought-resistant flower, and stagnant moisture is fatal for it. But completedrying out of earthen soil also negatively affects the plant. Therefore, approach watering responsibly. In summer, moisten the flower abundantly as soon as the earth dries to a depth of 2.5-3 cm. Young shrubs need more frequent irrigation. In winter, water twice a month, but do not let the soil dry out completely.
Spraying the plant is optional, but still occasionally carry out this procedure, especially in hot weather. So you saturate the green mass of the shrub with moisture, remove dust that impairs air access to the foliage, and improve the appearance of the crop. Use only warm, settled water for the procedure.

When caring for rosemary, we must not forget about regular feeding. After all, without additional fertilizers, the plant does not grow green mass well. Therefore, during the growing season, once a month, feed the culture with liquid mineral compounds. But dilute the recommended dose twice with more water. Otherwise, fertilizers will burn the delicate roots of the flower.
For young plants, hold this event every year in April. Instances older than 5 years need to be transplanted every 3-4 years. But every spring they need to change the topsoil.

Propagation by cuttings
It is desirable to start the event during the period of active growth of the flower. Rosemary enters a period of dormancy in winter, and cutting shoots will be stressful for him. Therefore, it is better to propagate the culture in the spring. For cuttings, choose lignified twigs, up to 10 cm long. Cut them off with a sharp, sanitized knife. How to root cuttings:
- Pour into the drainage layer and cover it with a nutrient substrate (peat with vermiculite in a ratio of 1 to 1).
- Cut off all the lower leaves from the cutting, and treat the cut site with "Kornevin" or another growth stimulant.
- Moisten the soil and gently bury the branches.
- Place the plants in a warm place.
Spray the planting regularly with warm water, preventing the soil from drying out. But do not try to moisten the soil too much, otherwise the branches will rot. When the cuttings take root and grow, pinch off the tops. This will stimulate the growth of side shoots. After a month, transplant the plants into separate pots.
Rosemary is a beautiful and useful plant that can be grown at home. Of course, for this you will have to make an effort, but they will quickly pay off. After all, culture will thank the rapid growth and growth of green mass, which you can use for medicinal, cosmetic and culinary purposes.