Do-it-yourself stove with a cauldron

Do-it-yourself stove with a cauldron
Do-it-yourself stove with a cauldron

The stove with a cauldron is a practical and convenient solution for cooking in the country. It is only important to decide what design you want to have in your backyard. It is sometimes best to refuse the stationary option, but only if you will often use such a device. This is due to the fact that a fairly large area will have to be allocated for such a device. It should not have wooden buildings. Among other things, for such a construction you will need a brick foundation, which will take up a lot of space and will look very cumbersome. If you decide to choose a mobile option, then you can use metal. The design in this case will be extremely simple, and the upper part of the iron boiler will act as a pedestal. The main material will be a cast-iron pipe of a significant size or a pipe made of heat-resistant steel.

Preparation of tools and materials

stove with cauldron
stove with cauldron

If you build a stove with a cauldron, then you can use refractory bricks for this. Among other things, you will need tools for preparing the solution, fireclay powder, sand, several grates and two doors, one of whichwill be designed for the blower, while the other is for the firebox.

Work technology

oven under the cauldron
oven under the cauldron

If you will lay out a stove with a cauldron, then you should first prepare the territory. The site must be leveled and abundantly moistened with water. It will be necessary to lay out a solution on the base, which is prepared from fireclay bricks and fine sand. The two ingredients must be mixed in a ratio of three to one. Water will be needed so much that the consistency is as plastic as possible. In the end, you should get a base that has a thickness of around 5 centimeters. The leveling of the slab should be done using the building level. When a stove with a cauldron is laid out on top of a base that has not yet solidified, a reinforcing grate should be laid, the width of the cells of which should be equal to 12 centimeters or less. This element will strengthen the base, increasing strength and eliminating the possibility of destruction under the influence of temperature changes.

Main work

cast iron cauldron with stove
cast iron cauldron with stove

You should not wait until the solution is completely dry. If you immediately begin to build a hearth, then the bond between the brickwork and the base will be much stronger. When using lath gaskets during work, you can ensure smooth seams. After the masonry is completed, and the mortar sets, but does not have time to harden, you need to remove the rack gaskets. Brick laying should be carried out according to the scheme, each oddthe row should begin with a whole brick, while each even - with a half. It is important to strictly observe the rules of dressing. They exclude the coincidence of vertical seams in one line when it comes to nearby rows. When the stove is laid out under the cauldron, then after the formation of the first row, it will be necessary to install the blower doors, providing a special hole into which the chimney will be installed. All subsequent rows should be arranged in a circle. After the laying of the third row is completed, a frame can be formed, which is created from metal corners. A metal grill is welded onto it. This stage indicates the completion of work that involves manipulation of the basement compartment. The presence of the grate will ensure the flow of oxygen into the furnace, ensuring high-quality combustion of the fuel.

Method of creating a furnace

do-it-yourself stove under the cauldron
do-it-yourself stove under the cauldron

When a stove is made for a cauldron, then all further rows should be laid, following the drawn up scheme. After installing the grate and laying the first row, install the firebox door. After the mortar has set, it is necessary to perform jointing. The final stage is the manufacture of the sheet base. It is made of a metal sheet, the thickness of which is 1 centimeter. The sheet must have such dimensions as to cover the brick base. In the center, the grinder should cut a circle, the diameter of which will be 2 centimeters less than the circumference of the cauldron. Such dimensions will allow you to immerse the container in a brick furnace for2/3.

Advice from an experienced stove-maker

cauldron for giving with a stove
cauldron for giving with a stove

In addition to the above, it should be noted that the edges of the hole made should be as smooth as possible. Otherwise, smoke from under the cauldron will flow through cracks and small gaps. The edges of the stand, which is made of thick metal, are recommended to be processed with a round file. This will get rid of metal burrs that can be dangerous. At the last stage, the sheet is installed on top of the oven, which implies that the bottom of the cauldron is inside.

Working on the chimney

If you want to have a cast-iron cauldron with a stove on the territory of your summer cottage, then at the next stage you can start laying the chimney. These works are carried out after the bricklaying is completed. This stage is considered the most difficult and time-consuming. The chimney is necessary to provide draft and remove the smoke generated in the firebox. To form a chimney, metal pipes are suitable, the diameter of which varies from 10 to 12 centimeters. If the device turns out with bends, and not straight, then you will need an elbow and fittings that have the appropriate diameters.

What is important for a master to know

When a stove is made for a cauldron with your own hands, it is impossible to bend the chimney pipes at an angle of 90 degrees. This almost completely eliminates cravings. If there is a need for bends, then they must be greater than 90 degrees.


Kazan for giving with a stove will be an excellent solution for cookingfood. To assemble some parts of the pipe, you can use fittings that are welded together. Sagging and scale should be removed with an angle grinder, which will be very convenient for the master to work with.
