How to build a firewood shed?

How to build a firewood shed?
How to build a firewood shed?

Owners of private houses, dachas and country cottages are often faced with the need to acquire such a household structure as a firewood shed. It is quite easy to build it with your own hands. This will not require a large consumption of building materials, and the issue of storing firewood will be resolved once and for all. They will be at hand at any time: I wanted to make a fire in the fireplace or take a steam bath in the bathhouse, I got it out from under the canopy and order! It remains only to build. How to make a firewood shed?

Which material to choose

There are many ways, various schemes and instructions, following which you can build a firewood shed in the country or in the courtyard of a private house with your own hands. However, there are general rules on how to build a canopy. They help to understand the process step by step, how best to do it yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists.

how to make a wood shed
how to make a wood shed

Most often, canopies are made of polycarbonate, wood or metal. If the dacha was built relatively recently, there are probably unused materials left, here they arethen just come in handy.

Wooden woodcutter

For the construction of a canopy, the easiest way is to use wood. This material is widely used in the construction of cottages. Working with wood does not require special skills, it is easy to process.

You can mount a wooden canopy alone, but you will need an assistant to work with the roof. The construction of such a shelter turns out to be light and does not require the construction of a foundation, moreover, if the main building is made of wood, a canopy made of the same material will look very appropriate.

wood shed
wood shed

Materials needed for construction:

  • with a structure height of not more than 2 m - bars with a section of 50x50 mm;
  • boards 3-4 cm thick;
  • nails and self-tapping screws, corners for joining beams;
  • saw or jigsaw;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • hammer;
  • brush and wood finisher;
  • shovel.

Metal canopy

Metal is very practical to use when building a firewood shed. It is strong, more durable than wood and fireproof, which is important. If the wood needs to be impregnated with antifungal agents, then an anti-corrosion primer is applied to metal products.

sheds for firewood in the country
sheds for firewood in the country

The metal shed is being built on the foundation, construction takes longer. Welding skills required. For a person who has never encountered doing them with his own hands, to cope with suchtask is very difficult. But there is a way out in this situation - you can purchase a ready-made shed for firewood, pour the foundation and install the structure, inviting a couple of friends to help.

Polycarbonate canopy

Many owners, when deciding how to build a firewood shed, prefer polycarbonate. And this is not surprising: it is light, not subject to corrosion, durable. The polycarbonate structure is easy to install even for a beginner in construction.

do-it-yourself wood shed in the country house
do-it-yourself wood shed in the country house

Frame, strapping and four supports - the basis of the polycarbonate structure. When buying this material for the construction of a canopy, it is imperative to consult, choosing the most suitable and corrosion-resistant hardware, pay attention to the specifics of installation and fastening, since they are different for each type of polycarbonate.

Choose a place

There are two types of firewood sheds:

  • standing apart;
  • attached to the wall of the main building.

Of course, attaching to the wall of some building is much easier and faster, but this is not always possible. For example, it is not worth attaching a canopy with firewood to wooden buildings for reasons of fire safety, and hordes of wood-boring bugs will gladly move to the walls of the house. If it is not possible to place the canopy separately, a sheet of iron should be nailed to the wall.

The construction of the firewood shed itself is built quickly, the preparatory stage takes longer. If the layout of the courtyard is incorrect, transferfirewood with your own hands will be inconvenient. You should think about this in advance when planning recreation areas and domestic needs.

wood shed photo
wood shed photo

Usually, a firewood shed is located in the back of the yard, away from the main building. It is necessary to consider how convenient it will be to approach the shed, delivering firewood with your own hands.

When choosing a place, it is recommended to prefer a hill so that after a rain the woodcutter does not end up in a puddle. If the future canopy will still be located in a lowland, you need to worry about water drainage.

You may have to pave a small path to it, laying it out of improvised materials. This should be taken care of in advance, as in the autumn slush, the garden path to the shed is very useful.

It is better to place the building in a warm, sunny place, in a draft, in order to always have well-dried firewood.

Having chosen a place, they start cleaning it from grass and various debris. The site should be carefully leveled.

Fundamentals of frame construction

It is necessary to draw a drawing of the future building or make a drawing with dimensions. A wooden canopy is the simplest. The very principle of erecting a structure is easiest to disassemble using his example.

In the corners where the canopy poles will be located, dig holes 60-80 cm deep.

how to build a wood shed
how to build a wood shed

Gravel or crushed stone is poured into the bottom of the pits, support pillars are installed. In order to increase their service life, the lower part of the pillars should be carefully coated with bitumen or tar and only then installed. Pits are covered with a mixture of clay and fine gravel. Moreover, the finer the gravel, the better the pillars will be strengthened. They are installed strictly in a vertical position, placing the upper ends in the same plane.

For the proper arrangement of the roof, the rear pillars are placed so that they are lower than the front ones. This is necessary so that the water flows freely without falling on the firewood stored inside.

Strengthening the building

You will need good, strong boards for tying. They are placed diagonally to hold them tighter and nailed to the posts. On the sides of the canopy, narrow slats are stuffed, the gaps between them are not closed so that air circulates, ensuring high-quality storage of firewood. Sometimes, instead of rails, an iron mesh is used as an additional element, or as an option to use its remnants.

In such sheds, firewood dries no worse than in more enclosed structures. To prevent snow from clogging inside, sheets of plywood are placed from below for the winter. They are removed in the spring.

Building a roof

Having installed the frame and completed the strapping, the roof frame is fixed. Using wooden beams, a crate is made, and then a coating is made. For this purpose, slate, polycarbonate, metal tiles, roofing iron or other materials that remain after the installation of the roof of the main structure are suitable.

The roof should be large enough, the overhangs should be made wider.

wood shed
wood shed

Having covered the canopy, they start making firewood. To do this, pallets are made from boards of equal size. If the canopy is large enough, the sections are positioned, leaving a passage in the middle. This will make all rows of logs available.

The last step in making a firewood shed is painting. In order for wood-boring bugs to eat less wood, it is advisable to treat it with a composition with bio-protective properties.

If you approach the matter creatively and with love, everyone can build a practical, durable and beautiful firewood shed on their site. The photo proves it.
