Rudbeckia perennial - the sun in your garden

Rudbeckia perennial - the sun in your garden
Rudbeckia perennial - the sun in your garden

For the owner of a summer cottage, a flower garden is a special pride. With what pleasure the owner of a colorful flower bed can demonstrate his own bright, unusual plantings to friends and neighbors! Plants that look like colorful suns are especially pleasing to the heart. Such is the perennial rudbeckia - a herbaceous plant that can reach a height of one and a half meters. Flowers with inflorescences-baskets are large, from ten to fifteen centimeters in diameter, their color combines yellow, orange, black and purple. The birthplace of the flower is North America. There are thirty varieties in total.

rudbeckia perennial
rudbeckia perennial

This plant is attracted by its unpretentiousness. It is not demanding on the composition of the soil. But the best option is sandy or loamy soil, its acidity should be neutral. Easily perennial rudbeckia tolerates drought and intense heat. She is not afraid of temperature changes. When planting for a flower, you need to choose a well-lit area, as it loves the sun. Seeds can remain viable for two to three years. In April, to obtain seedlings, seeds are sown in boxes and planted to a depth of three millimeters. The first shoots appear after nine to twelve days. To harden themcan be taken out to the balcony or open veranda. The plant is planted in open ground from May to July. Between landings there should be a distance of twenty-five to thirty-five centimeters.

perennial rudbeckia
perennial rudbeckia

Rudbeckia perennial blooms in the second or third year. The flowering period continues until frost. For the winter, the plant does not need to be covered. To prolong the life of a flower, it can be rejuvenated, propagated by dividing the bush. This operation should be carried out after three years. When planting, a distance of forty centimeters must be observed between the bushes, as the roots of plants grow strongly.

To ensure longer flowering, it is necessary to feed plantings with manure. You can not replant the flower, then the perennial rudbeckia grows every year, the bush becomes thicker and more and more flowers appear on it. It is necessary to remove already faded inflorescences in time. Care is required traditional. It is necessary to remove weeds, water regularly and fertilize with humus. As a fertilizer for young seedlings, mixtures for flowering plants are suitable. Twenty days after the first top dressing, a solution prepared on the basis of ten liters of water can be added to the soil, to which the Rosa fertilizer and nitrophoska (1 tablespoon) must be added.

rudbeckia perennial photo
rudbeckia perennial photo

A wonderful addition to the decorative design of the garden is the perennial rudbeckia, the photo shows how beneficial it looks as a backdrop for a flower arrangement. It can be planted on the south side of the gardenfences. The flower is suitable for a tapeworm, as a border, it will look great in a flower bed.

The plant does not suffer from pests, it is distinguished by extraordinary vitality, it is resistant to spring frosts. In winter, perennial rudbeckia does not need shelter. Since autumn, its stems are cut at the root, then mulching is carried out with humus, and it is applied with a layer of five to seven centimeters.
