Sandwich panels are one of the most frequently used building materials in recent times. Their sizes can be completely different. They are used in almost all types of construction.
Slope sandwich panel
Since windows are one of the main components in every room, their decoration is not the last. Slopes on plastic windows can be finished with high quality and easily using sandwich panels.

This structural detail is a ready-to-install element consisting of polystyrene foam "stuffing" and facing sheets. In addition, the convenience of this building material lies in the fact that you can install them yourself. They give the window an aesthetic appearance and are characterized by low thermal conductivity, which allows you to maintain a stable temperature in the room for a long time.
Roof and wall sandwich panel
From these building materials it is very easy and quick to build a building for any purpose, so they began to be in demand. They consist of external profiled steel sheets, andthe insulation serves as a kind of "stuffing" of the sandwich panel. The dimensions of wall panels can be varied, for example: length - 1000-12000 mm, height - 1185 or 1200 mm, thickness - from 50 to 250 mm.

There are mineral wool and polystyrene foam types of panels, where the quality of thermal insulation depends on the type. Dimensions within the specified limits are chosen by the customer, based on the requirements of the design. Also, wall panels are characterized by soundproofing ability, weight and fire resistance. Depending on these characteristics, the desired model is selected. The choice in this case is made depending on the purpose of the structure. In addition to the above-described characteristics of materials intended for the construction of external walls of buildings and internal partitions in rooms, roof panels also have their own specific characteristics. Their required thickness depends on the wind load on the building, the required degree of thermal insulation and strength. The facing material of the sandwich panel is also important. The dimensions are largely independent of the facing material, which can be gypsum board, ceramic, fiberboard, steel, chipboard or aluminium.
What are the benefits of sandwich panels

The sizes of these building materials are very diverse, which somewhat facilitates the construction process itself. It is also important that the terms of construction of technical buildings from sandwich panels are reduced by 7-8 times compared to the construction of buildings using traditionalmaterials. In addition, the panels have become popular due to their low cost. In addition, due to the thermal insulation ability of "sandwiches", the cost of heating buildings built from such materials is significantly reduced. A variety of models and different types of fillers also make it possible to construct original buildings and premises, and the relatively low weight of the material facilitates its installation and transportation. Now it is worth answering the question: “Should we trust the classics or, nevertheless, it is more profitable to use modern technologies?”