Today, the construction industry uses a huge number of various fasteners. One of them is a dowel-nail. It has been widely used not only at the professional level, but also in everyday life.

At present, due to its versatility, it is the most popular hardware product for fasteners. It is used when necessary to fix something on any solid support, even in concrete. The dowel-nail is indispensable when performing heat-insulating work, constructing ventilation, electrical installation.
It belongs to the impact type dowels, and the available special thread greatly facilitates the process of fastening. Mounting dowel-nail according to the method of use is divided into two types:
- for mounting gun;
- for hammering.
In the first case, it is a sharp steel rod with a wide head and equipped with a special washer. A mounting gun with a shot is able to drive a dowel-nail into any surface, even into a metal structure.

Using fasteners
Depending on the base material and the conditions in which the operation will take place, a fastener is also selected, since they have different design features and properties. For example, for thermal insulation work, a dowel-nail with a wide outer cap is used. Its design prevents heat from escaping through the mounting hole.
The most important advantage is that this product can be used to fix various thermal insulation materials on any surface, be it concrete, natural stone or solid brick. In this case, the following material can be used as a heater:
- foam;
- polystyrene;
- cork;
- mineral wool;
- polyurethane.
All of them are easily fixed on a solid base with a dowel-nail, while they do not break or crumble at all. This type of fastener is also called facade, as it is most often used specifically for insulating the walls of buildings. In the case of constant exposure to moisture, it is recommended to choose plastic fasteners. It is most effective because the material from which it is made will never rust and, despite the negative effects of water, will last a very long time without being destroyed.

Varieties of this fastener
Mounting dowel-nail can be of two types:
- threaded;
- withoutthreads.
The first variety is screwed with a screwdriver and can be used many times. The second option resembles an ordinary nail, which is driven into the body of the fastener with a hammer.
The design of the countersunk dowel-nail includes a body and a screw, and there is also a countersunk head. First, a hole is made in the wall or in another base. Then the case is inserted into it, and finally the screw is screwed in. When the rod is deepened, the spacer zone of the product is wedged and the dowel is thus firmly fixed.
Designed for fastening to hard materials such as concrete or natural stone, various wooden elements, such as stucco battens or door and window frames.