The market offers a huge range of adhesives for a variety of jobs. Based on this, most people believe that flour paste is a thing of the past, and at present it is mainly boiled by those who feel sorry for the money. Why look for a way to cook flour paste? It's easier to go to the store and choose what you need. But

it's not. Firstly, it is an environmentally friendly product, it does not contain any chemical impurities. Secondly, a properly welded paste has excellent qualities, for example, it will hold the heaviest wallpaper on the wall, it is possible to tear them off the walls only with plaster (although others think differently). Thirdly, to perform certain work, for example, papier-mâché crafts, you need a flour paste.
How to cook flour paste
For the preparation of a paste, it is better to take low-quality flour, as it is more viscous. And why do we need flour of the highest or first grade, because we are not preparing a biscuit or cookies. There should be no lumps in the flour, soit must be sifted. Next, mix the flour with cold water. For mixing it is better to use a mixer: quickly and efficiently. Cooking a paste is a matter that requires constant attention, otherwise it will either burn out or turn out with lumps that will interfere with the work process. Cooking must be done on a slow fire. With constant stirring, bring the mixture to a boil, after 1-2 minutes, remove, cool. Hot (warm)

paste is not good for work. You can also cook it in a water bath, then it will not burn, but it will take much more time to cook. This method takes a long time. How to cook flour paste faster? Put a pot of water on the fire, bring the water to a boil. During this time, mix the flour thoroughly with a little water. Pour the mixture into boiling water with constant stirring, bring to a boil and remove the pan from heat. Quantity of ingredients: for 1 liter of water 4 tbsp. l. sifted flour.
Paste for various purposes
How to cook flour paste? It can be prepared for various purposes: for wallpapering, for making papier-mâché, for making flowers from fabric, etc. For wallpapering, the paste is cooked according to the main recipe. If you add a small amount of PVA glue to it, then the wallpaper will never be torn off the walls, you will have to tinker with them for a long time before changing to others. To make papier-mâché mannequins, you need a thick paste of flour. How to make one? It is cooked in the same way as described above, but you need water and flourtake in a ratio of 1 to 3, i.e. 1 part flour and 3 parts water. Mannequins made in

papier-mâché technique, are so durable that plastic ones dry out and crumble faster than those made from paper. Papier-mache products are afraid of one thing - a lot of water, although it is not so easy to soak them. Knowing how to cook flour paste, it is easy to prepare it for impregnation of fabric, which is used in the manufacture of flowers. Adding a little sugar or vanillin will give the fabric more elasticity and shine.