Despite the fact that the roof looks very simple, it belongs to complex structures. For this reason, even the slightest violation of technology leads to the fact that the operation is accompanied by problems. Some of them are detected immediately, others - only after a while. However, the result is the initial violation of the seal and the subsequent destruction of the roof. In order to ensure a comfortable microclimate in the house, it is necessary to properly equip the roofing cake, among the elements of which there is a vapor barrier.
Need to use a vapor barrier

Vapour barrier for the roof is absolutely necessary, because the room for any purpose, whether it be a kitchen or a bathroom, requires the presence of a certain amount of water vapor. After formation, they rise upward, penetrating into the space under the roof, where the insulation material is located. If you do not take appropriate measures, the thermal insulation will absorb moisture, which over time will certainly lead todestructive processes. This necessitates the use of a vapor barrier layer, which must be present in every roofing pie. Those owners of private houses who are going to save on the purchase of vapor barrier should be aware that its use allows you to get some benefits. Among them, one can single out the exclusion of the likelihood of decay and corrosion, which can occur during the interaction of metal and wood, as well as water vapor. If you use the described layer, then you can save on the repair and maintenance of the roof system, which will not be exposed to aggressive moisture. Such measures will extend the life of materials. A vapor barrier for a roof will cost less than repairing a roof and fighting fungus and dampness that can occur in living rooms.
Vapour barrier materials

Visiting a building materials store, you can get acquainted with the range of special films designed for arranging a vapor barrier layer. They are designed to perform the same function, but have different properties and quality characteristics. You have to choose from waterproofing films, anti-condensation materials, as well as vapor-tight barriers. As for the first variety, it is used to prevent steam from entering the insulation layer. Such material has a special internal micro-perforated structure, which allows vapors to pass into the outer space. Installation of this filmmust be carried out in such a way that it is removed from the roofing by the thickness of the elements of the crate. This gap allows air masses to circulate freely between the under-roof space, improving the quality of the vapor barrier.
Using this material, you can be sure that it will provide one-sided permeability while keeping structures and thermal insulation material dry.
Anti-condensation films

This vapor barrier for the roof has a fleecy fabric that is applied to the inner surface. The structure is able to retain moisture, excluding its runoff on the insulation. Air circulation, which occurs in the ventilation gaps, contributes to the rapid weathering of moisture. With the help of this material, it is possible to provide reliable vapor barrier, improving the quality of the insulation. When laying such a film, it is necessary to turn the adsorption layer towards the inside of the living rooms. In this case, the distance between the rafters should not be more than 1.2 meters. The layer is fixed on a counter-lattice with a small ventilation gap.
Vapor-proof films

Vapor barrier for roofing with the help of such materials forms a kind of protective barrier, which is located on the inside of the insulation layer. This film may have an aluminum reflective foil which is used as an additional layer. It is positioned in such a way that the radiant energyreflected into the room. This allows you to achieve the effect of a thermos. It is necessary to install the layer close to the thermal insulation, providing a ventilation gap that prevents the formation of condensate on the inside of the material. Such films not only perfectly protect the entire structure from moisture, but also reduce heat loss.
Material selection guide

If you will be performing a vapor barrier of the roof, the material must be selected before the start of work. In this case, attention should be paid to vapor permeability. This value is characterized by the rate at which the vapor pressure between two media separated by a film is compared. The more impressive the thickness of the film, the lower its vapor permeability. It is also important to consider the strength of the material. The more impressive the margin of safety, the more reliable the finished coating will be. If the insulation layer loses its original elasticity, this will cause sagging, while the vapor barrier will prevent the destruction of the insulation, which is affected by gravity.
Fireproof and durable

Before a roof vapor barrier device is produced, you must take into account some characteristics that the described layer must have. Thus, it must be flame resistant. This condition is necessary in order to guarantee fire safety. Among other things, pay attention to environmental friendliness. Should be based onbe ingredients that are safe for he alth. Pay attention to durability, the warranty period will determine the period during which it is absolutely not necessary to carry out repairs.

After you have chosen a vapor barrier for a flat roof, you need to familiarize yourself with the installation technology. The mentioned layer must be strengthened under the outer finish from the inside of the roof. When arranging, it will be necessary to form a ventilation gap, the width of which is 5 cm. This will prevent the effect of water on the ceiling finish if high humidity occurs in the room. The vapor barrier and waterproofing of the roof must be overlapped. This must be taken into account when cutting the material. One canvas should overlap the other by 15 cm. The joints must be securely sealed with construction tape. The design features of the system will allow you to determine whether to carry out one-sided or two-sided fastening.
Recommendations for the master
If you will be laying a vapor barrier under the roof, before cutting it is necessary to take into account seasonal fluctuations in temperature and humidity, which will affect the layer. This indicates the need to fix the material without tension, the sagging should be 2 cm. In those areas where the vapor barrier will be adjacent to the walls or roof, it is necessary to make a thorough seal. Around the perimeter, everything should be glued well. When installing, you need to use a construction stapler,the brackets of which are installed in the elements of the rafters. Fastening should be carried out using rails, this will exclude the possibility of water seepage into the insulation material.
Reviews on vapor barrier "TechnoNIKOL"
Today, vapor barrier for roofing "TechnoNIKOL" is widespread on the building materials market. Consumers respond very positively about it. According to professionals, its distinguishing feature is the ability to maintain properties when external conditions are characterized by high humidity. Such a film shows its qualitative characteristics in the conditions of the Russian climate. This indicates that the material continues to perform its tasks over a wide range of temperatures, which varies from -40 to +80 degrees.
Reading the reviews, you will be able to understand that this material is very easy to install, it can be fastened with nails with a wide head, as well as a construction stapler. If you have to work in the space of insulated floors, then you need to bring the canvases to the walls by 25 cm, making a thorough seal.
Installation of the vapor barrier of the roof must be carried out strictly according to the technology. For example, special attention must be paid to tightness, which is especially true where the material is adjacent to the penetrating elements. Among the latter, ventilation ducts, chimneys, etc. can be distinguished. These rules must be taken into account and observed during the work, otherwise the funds and effort will be wasted, and after sometime the roof will require repairs, which will be time-consuming and costly. Experts recommend at least entrusting the calculation to professionals.