Chlorophytum crested is in great demand among flower growers. And this is not surprising, because this beautiful plant is endowed with a non-capricious character, and caring for it does not take much time and effort. In addition, the culture is able to purify the air from harmful impurities and bacteria.

Chlorophytum crested is a herbaceous culture of the Asparagus family, which came to us from the subtropical and tropical forests of South Africa. Translated from Latin, the name of the flower means "green plant".
In its natural environment, a perennial shrub grows up to a meter in width and height. In room conditions, its size is a little more modest. The plant has strong roots that go to a depth of 10-15 cm. The oblong leaves of the culture are collected in a small rosette, and their length reaches 50-60 cm. They are painted in green tones, but some varieties have white or yellow longitudinal stripes.
Annually, the rosette produces several peduncles, on which small white buds grow. In the future, the flowers turn into children -small outlets with air roots. In some cases, pollination of the buds occurs, and a seed pod is formed on the plant.
Unlike other southern perennials, chlorophytum is not capricious and takes root well at home. In addition, its lush juicy greenery fits perfectly into any interior. Therefore, the flower is used to decorate apartments and offices.
But beauty and unpretentiousness are not the only advantages of the plant. Scientists have proven that chlorophytum purifies the air and destroys harmful impurities, toxins and pathogens. Therefore, flowers are recommended to be planted for people with pulmonary diseases, as well as in rooms located near industrial facilities.

Breeders have bred many varieties of plants. The following varieties are especially popular with flower growers:
- Variegatum. The leaves of the plant are emerald green with white stripes along the edge.
- Maculatum. There are several yellow longitudinal stripes on the green leaves of the crop.
- Mandaianum. The difference of this variety is a wide yellow stripe in the center of the green leaf.
- Bonny. The variety is compact in size. It has curved green leaves with a white longitudinal stripe.
- Vittatum. The central part of the leaves is painted in a snow-white color, and the edges are rich green.
Each of these varieties will decorate the grower's collection. In addition, an inexperienced gardener can also grow them, because an unpretentious character is a quality for whichcrested chlorophytum.
Features of home care: lighting
Chlorophytum is a light-loving flower, but it has enough scattered rays. Therefore, place the plant in any part of the room. Of course, on the bright south side, the color of the foliage will become as saturated as possible. But do not forget to cover the plant from midday rays, otherwise burns will occur.
The plant feels great near the western or eastern window. The culture also adapts to the dark, northern side. But here the leaves will lose their bright stripes and become monochromatic. In addition, from a lack of light, the plant will not give children. Therefore, do not forget to highlight the culture with a phytolamp. This technique should be resorted to in the winter.

The plant tolerates temperature changes well. But the optimal range for it is from +16 to +23 ˚C. In summer, you can take out a pot of culture on a balcony or veranda. But make sure that the flower is protected from rain and sudden gusts of wind. In winter, do not allow the temperature to drop to +10 ˚C. Otherwise, the perennial will die.
Chlorophytum crested does not impose special requirements on the soil. The main thing is that the earth is loose, moisture-intensive, breathable and nutritious. An all-purpose store mix for ornamental plants will do.
If you decide to prepare the substrate yourself, then mix the following components in equal parts:
- leaf land;
- turf soil;
- humus;
- peat;
- sand.
To this mixtureit is advisable to add a little bone meal or horn shavings. But before planting, be sure to disinfect the substrate, because pathogenic microbes and pests can live in it. To do this, calcine the soil in the oven or hold it over a steam bath.

Chlorophytum crested - a moisture-loving plant. And for normal growth and development, he needs regular and plentiful watering. From spring to late autumn, moisten the soil abundantly 2-3 times a week. Use boiled or settled water at room temperature for this. Don't forget to drain excess fluid from the pan.
In winter, the plant has a dormant period. At this time, reduce watering to 2 times a month, while making sure that the earth ball does not dry out too much.
Give the flower a warm shower from time to time. In addition, chlorophytum is grateful for spraying. In addition, dust accumulates on the wide leaves of the culture, which must be removed with a damp soft cloth.
From May to August, chlorophytum is actively growing and developing. At this time, feed him twice a month with complex mineral compounds. But if there are a lot of children on the plant, then the flower needs to be fertilized more often. After all, the shoots take a lot of strength from the mother plant.
But don't overfeed the plant. From an excess of nutrients, the immunity of crested chlorophytum decreases. And flowers become vulnerable to germs and pests.

In special pruning, the plant is notneeds. But do not forget to remove damaged and diseased leaves. This will improve the appearance of the plant, and also protect it from diseases.
With proper care at home, crested chlorophytum grows rapidly and becomes cramped in an old pot. Therefore, annually transplant young plants into a larger container. Otherwise, the culture will stop growing, produce flower stalks, and may even die.
Replant adult chlorophytums every 2-3 years. Carry out this event in late February-early March by transshipment. Keep in mind that the flower has delicate roots, so transplant it carefully. Water the plant thoroughly after the event. Keep the culture in a shady spot for the first 2-3 days.
Choose a clay pot with a porous inside. Its volume should exceed the size of the previous one by 10%. Please note that in a spacious pot, the plant will not bloom and will not give children. But the strong roots of culture are quite capable of damaging a cramped container.
If the chlorophytum has grown strongly, then divide it into parts. You will learn how to do this in the next chapter.

Reproduction by dividing the bush
For this breeding method, plants aged 3-4 years are suitable. Before the procedure, prepare the soil and several suitable pots in advance. Also, water the mother plant generously. Then it will be easier to get it out of the container.
So, how to reproduce crested chlorophytum:
- Pour a 5 cmlayer of drainage and cover it with 1-2 cm of substrate.
- Carefully remove the mother plant along with the earthen clod.
- With a sharp knife, divide the bush into several parts. Make sure that each of them has a strong root process.
- Treat the cuts with crushed charcoal.
- Put the delenki in pots, fill the voids with soil and lightly compact.
After the procedure, be sure to water the flowers. Protect plants from direct sunlight at first.

Reproduction by babies
Chlorophytum crested produces a lot of arrows on which flowers appear, and then rosettes with aerial roots and young leaves. These shoots, called babies, draw strength from the mother plant. Therefore, sooner or later they need to be removed.
But don't throw away the babies, because you can grow new flowers out of them. And this is done in several ways:
- Select a strong offshoot and cut it off with a sharp knife. Put the baby in a container of water for rooting. To speed up the process, add a little Epin to the liquid. Do not forget to pour water into a glass, because chlorophytums “drink” a lot. When the roots of the plant reach 2 cm in length, carefully transplant the flower into the ground.
- Place a pot with a substrate near the mother plant and root the shoot with the shoot in it without cutting off the arrow. Give the plant the usual care. Chlorophytum crested will quickly take root. And when the sprout is strong enough, cut off the arrow.

Problems and Solutions
The flower has strong immunity, and it is not afraid of disease. Occasionally, chlorophytum infects aphids. And to get rid of insects, wipe the leaves with a damp cotton swab. Then treat the crop with insecticide.
The flower is unpretentious, but with improper or insufficient care, it loses its decorative effect. Common mistakes and solutions:
- The tips of the leaves dry up. This phenomenon occurs due to lack of watering or too dry and hot air in the room. To cope with the problem, increase moisture and regularly spray the flower with settled water at room temperature.
- The tips of the leaves turned brown. This phenomenon is associated with a lack of nutrients in the soil. Remove damaged areas and feed the flower at least once a week.
- Chlorophytum leaves turned pale and wither. This leads to a lack of lighting and too hot conditions. To solve the problem, move the pot closer to the window, and do not forget to ventilate the room.
- Brown spots have formed on the foliage. This happens due to abundant watering in winter. Reduce moisture and move the plant to a cool location.
- The rosette of leaves is rotten. The cause of the phenomenon is excessive moisture. Most often this happens in winter. In addition, heavy soil causes decay.
- The plant does not produce flower stalks. This happens if the crop is grown in a cramped pot.
- The leaves have lost their variegated color. Chlorophytum lacks light. Move the pot to the sunny side, and the problem will pass by itself.yourself.
Attractive crested chlorophytum is not in vain loved by flower growers. After all, this plant is beautiful and fits perfectly into any interior. In addition, the flower is unpretentious, and even an inexperienced grower can grow it.