Chlorophytums are in demand among flower growers. And this is not surprising, because the plants look attractive even with minimal care for them. There are many varieties of this culture. And further in the article, reviews of orange chlorophytum will be provided to your attention.
Home care, diseases and pests, growing problems - you will learn about all this later in the article.

Chlorophytum orange, also known as winged, star orchid or orchidastrum, is a prominent member of the Asparagus family. It has a wide spreading crown, reaching 40 cm in height. The flower is distinguished by wide lacent leaves of an emerald hue, strongly tapering towards the base. They are located on long petioles and grow from the center of the rosette. The leaves are 6–10 cm long.
But the main feature of the variety lies in the unusualpetiole color. They are painted in soft pink and bright orange orange tones. This is how the species got its name.
The plant produces short peduncles. The buds in them are arranged in a spiral manner and exude a pleasant aroma. After the seeds are formed, and the peduncle takes the form of a corn cob.
There are many varieties of this flower. But the most popular are Fiery Flush and Green Orange. Reproduction of chlorophytum of this species is carried out by seeds, aerial daughter rosettes or dividing the bush.

Benefits of a flower
Chlorophytum orange is a very useful plant. Its wide leaves absorb carbon dioxide from the air in large quantities, so that the atmosphere in the room where the flower pot is placed becomes much cleaner. In addition, the plant releases phytoncides that destroy pathogens. Moreover, an adult specimen is able to kill up to 85% of the bacteria that are next to the peas. Therefore, the cultivation of chlorophytum helps to improve the microclimate in the room. And if you pour ground charcoal into a pot with a flower, then the cleansing qualities of the flower will double.
Providing proper care for orange chlorophytum (winged) at home is not so difficult. After all, the plant only needs the following:
- regular and abundant watering;
- frequent foliar spraying;
- maintaining the optimal temperature in the room;
- periodic feeding;
- transplantation.
Next youlearn more about these agrotechnical measures.

Chlorophytum orange (winged) prefers nutritious and loose soil with a neutral reaction. A store-bought mix will work, but if you want to make your own substrate, mix these ingredients:
- part of humus land;
- two pieces of sheet soil;
- two pieces of turf;
- one piece of sand.
Be sure to decontaminate the substrate before planting. To do this, bake the mixture in the oven or hold it for a couple.
Chlorophytum orange is a photophilous plant. And its beauty is more pronounced near the east or west window. The culture takes root in the north in the shade, but over time, due to lack of light, the bright color of the stem and leaves is lost, and the flower loses its decorative effect.
If your windows face south, you can place the pot in this direction. But at the same time shade the flower at noon. And keep direct sunlight on the leaves for no longer than 2-3 hours.

Chlorophytum orange calmly tolerates heat, temperature changes, drafts and other vicissitudes of home weather. Therefore, growing a plant is a pleasure. In the summer, be sure to take the culture to the balcony, loggia and even to the garden. Thanks to this, the flower will receive a lot of fresh air, which will positively affect its condition. But do not forget to protect the chlorophytum from strong gusts of wind or heavy rain.
In winterthe plant tolerates temperature changes and is not naughty if it is located near heating appliances or batteries. Most importantly, do not allow the temperature to drop to +11 ° C in the apartment. Chlorophytum orange in such a cold freezes, gets sick and even dies.
Water and humidity
Regular and abundant watering of a flower is the basic rule of home care. Irrigate orange chlorophytum 2-3 times a week. And do this from spring to autumn. But in winter, reduce moisture, otherwise the roots of the culture will rot. But do not allow the soil to dry out, as the decorative effect of the leaves will noticeably suffer from this. For irrigation, use settled water at room temperature.
The plant loves moist air. Therefore, he needs daily spraying with warm water from a spray bottle. In summer, in the heat, carry out such procedures 3-4 times a day. Once every 1-2 weeks, give the flower a warm shower. And it is also advisable to install containers with water near the culture or put the pot in a tray with wet moss.
Chlorophytum orange responds very gratefully to top dressing. To achieve a lush crown and excellent growth, fertilize your pet during the growing season 2 times a month. Use for this liquid organic and mineral top dressing intended for decorative and deciduous crops. It is advisable to alternate different types of fertilizers with each other.
In addition, it is useful to water the flower with water in which activated charcoal, chalk or starch is diluted.

With proper carechlorophytum orange, or winged, grows rapidly, and it becomes crowded in an old pot. Therefore, annually transplant young flowers into a new container. For adult specimens, hold this event every 3-4 years. Start the procedure in late February - early March, before the active growth of the culture. Choose a clay pot for a plant, with a volume of 10% more than the previous one.
How to transplant a crop:
- Pour a layer of drainage on the bottom of the container. For these purposes, use small pebbles, broken bricks or expanded clay.
- Sprinkle drainage with a layer of substrate.
- Carefully remove the flower from the old pot and move it to a new container along with an earthy clod. To make the plant easier to remove, moisten the soil well the day before transplanting.
- Fill the voids with substrate, compact it lightly and water well.
Transplanting stresses the plant. To facilitate its adaptation, hold the culture for 3-4 days in a shaded place, and only then return it to bright light.
Growing from seeds
This method of propagation of orange chlorophytum is not so simple and is suitable for experienced growers. The fact is that the germination of seeds of the culture is low - about 20-40%. And in order to get sprouts from them, you will need to create comfortable conditions for the grains.
Start the event in early spring. For the substrate, mix peat and sand in equal amounts. Be sure to calcine this mixture in the oven or hold it over steam to kill harmful microorganisms. The day before planting, soak the seeds wrapped in a napkin inwarm water. And then change the fluid every 4 hours.
Sow the seeds on a moist substrate and lightly press them into the soil. Cover the landing with glass or polyethylene and put the greenhouse in a room with a temperature of 22-25 ° C. Make sure the seeds get enough light without being exposed to direct sunlight.
The grains will germinate in 1-1.5 months. All this time, regularly ventilate the greenhouse and wipe the condensate from the glass. Do not let the soil dry out and spray the soil with warm water from a spray bottle. When seedlings appear, gradually accustom them to open air. To do this, remove the glass first for 10 minutes, then for 20 and so on. When sprouts have 2-3 leaves, transplant them into separate pots with a substrate suitable for mature plants.
Reproduction by lateral processes
As the plant develops, it produces lateral aerial shoots with daughter outlets that can be used for propagation. To do this, separate the young plant with sharp scissors and transplant into the prepared substrate. You can grow chlorophytum with orange petioles from aerial shoots at any time of the year.
If the child sockets are small, put them in water. Over time, they will take root, and they can be planted without fear in the substrate. For this breeding method, use only settled and filtered water. And change it every 2-3 days.

Reproduction by dividing the bush
This breeding method is quite simple andsuitable for specimens aged 3-4 years. Carry out the event during the transplant. To do this, prepare several containers, fill them with drainage and some substrate. Take the plant out of the pot. To make this easier to do, water the ground well a few hours before the event. Next, cut the bush into several parts, while making sure that each of them contains at least 3-4 leaves.
Before planting, inspect the roots and remove rotten, damaged shoots. Sprinkle the cuts with wood ash. Plant plants in moist soil. The first time after planting, provide the flowers with gentle care. To do this, keep them in the shade and do not allow the soil to dry out. You will carry out the first subcortex three weeks after planting.
This event is not mandatory in the care of winged chlorophytum. However, if you want the plant to have a more lush crown, then immediately remove the whiskers with child rosettes. After all, they draw the juice and strength from the culture necessary to build up the green mass.
He althy flower leaves do not need to be cut. But dried or damaged, remove immediately. Microorganisms are introduced into them over time, causing diseases of the culture.
If you properly care for a flower, then no pests are afraid of it, because insects do not start in he althy specimens. With care errors, flower growers often encounter such parasites:
- mealybug;
- aphid;
- spider mite;
- thrips;
- nematodes.
To kill insects, wash the foliage with soapy water. In one procedure, it will not be possible to remove all pests. Therefore, repeat the event at intervals of 3-4 days until the colony of parasites is completely destroyed. In extreme cases, treat the flower with insecticides such as "Aktar" or "Aktellika".
Growing problems
The described culture for the most part does not cause problems for flower growers. But if you do not follow the rules of care, then troubles happen to the plant:
- Chlorophytum orange leaves turn black if you do not water the flower enough in hot weather. To remedy the situation, increase irrigation and remember to mist the plant's foliage daily.
- If the tips of the leaves of the crop dry, then perhaps a lot of sodium has accumulated in the soil. Stop fertilizing that contains this substance, and over time the flower will restore its decorative effect.
- If the leaves of a flower turn yellow, then first move it closer to the window or organize additional artificial lighting. If this does not help, then increase feeding. After all, a lack of nutrition or light leads to yellowing of the foliage.
- The lower leaves of chlorophytum turn yellow due to root rot caused by regular waterlogging of the soil. Transplant the flower into new soil while removing all damaged and diseased shoots. In the future, provide the plant with proper irrigation.
- If brown spots appear on the leaves, then you keep the plant in a cold room and at the same time moisturize it a lot. To remedy the situation, put the pot inwarm place or reduce watering.
- Leaves turn brown and wrinkle along the edges due to chronic drought. Moisten the plant more often and the problem will resolve itself.
- If the plant is already quite mature, but babies are not formed on it, then you keep the flower in a too tight pot or the culture does not have enough light. Transplant your pet into a spacious container and place it closer to the window. And after a while you will be able to propagate Chlorophytum.
- And finally, if in winter the leaves turn pale and begin to fall off, it means that the plant is hot and there is not enough light. To correct this situation, move the pot to a cool windowsill.

Chlorophytum crested is in great demand among flower growers. According to reviews, this plant is the best choice for a beginner, because it does not require special attention, and caring for it does not take much time and effort. In addition, the flower is decorative, and its beauty, according to the owners, complements any interior. And the plant is an excellent natural filter that can clean up to 80% of the air in the room. Thanks to all this, according to flower growers, growing crested chlorophytum is not only pleasant, but also useful.