For several years in a row, many residents of megacities have been haunted by a new misfortune: once a year, an invasion begins in apartments - they are attacked by flying ants.

How to get rid of harmful insects, the townspeople usually do not know, because before such ants were found only in rural areas. Many of us have no idea what it is: a new species? Mutants? Insects from other countries? Neither one, nor the other, nor the third. In the world, scientists have 13 thousand species of these hardworking insects, but flying ants do not belong to any of them. These are the most common ants in which the mating season has begun. In search of a partner, usually wingless insects grow wings, rise to a hill, and from there rush into a mating flight. Mating can take place both in the air, and on the ground, and on the branches of trees: where it was possible to find a partner. Immediately after mating, the flying ants part: the males die, and the females begin to look for a place for the future anthill. Having found a secluded corner (it can even be a city apartment, and not just a rural area), the femalehides eggs glued in one lump and waits for a week: after this time, the first - workers - ants appear, which begin to feed the starving female and build a new anthill. During this time, flying ants, or rather flying females, completely consume the fat accumulated before the mating flight, their muscles atrophy, and their wings fall off forever.

Flying ants (ants) become "machines" for the production of larvae. This is repeated every year. Scientists are curious about the behavior of these hard workers, but residents whose homes were attacked by flying ants seek to get rid of them as quickly as possible. What methods are recognized as the most effective?
Method one: espionage and attack
If there are flying ants in the house, then you have work to do. You will have to remove all food (even crumbs) from the kitchen, tighten the taps so that they do not drip, get rid of garbage and “stale” things. An absolutely clean house is not interesting for fertilized females: they need a warm place near a source of drink and food. But before you do a general cleaning, you should find nests where flying ants could already settle and destroy them. Cover all cracks, cracks, dry wet places. At the same time, insects can simply be collected: either by hand or with a vacuum cleaner.
Fight with improvised means

All dangerous places in the house can be treated with a special crayon, adhesive tape, gel or aerosol. The same drugs that are used forfight against common insects: Masha, Dichlorvos, Raptor, Regent, etc. You can treat the places chosen by ants with substances with a pungent (from their point of view) smell: garlic, sulfur, clove or eucalyptus oil. Only they must be mixed with borax: it will destroy the chitinous shell and those insects that "personally" try the poison, and those that will be in contact with them. It is better to carry out such processing repeatedly: the surviving ants can roam around the apartment from one place to another.
Calling the professionals
The best way to deal with any unexpected household insects is a pride station. Invited specialists for a very reasonable fee will treat the dwelling in such a way that not only flying ants, but also other insects will disappear from it for many, many years. And that was our original goal, wasn't it?