How many petals and leaves does a rose have?

How many petals and leaves does a rose have?
How many petals and leaves does a rose have?

Most women's favorite flower is the rose. The variety of colors and aromas of numerous species and varieties of roses amazes even botanists. The size of a rose flower ranges from 1.8-18 cm. They are both single and in inflorescences up to 200 pieces. But how many petals a rose has, we will tell in our article. It all depends on the shape of the flower and the variety of the plant.

How many petals does a rose have?

The number of petals on a rose
The number of petals on a rose

Firstly, there are about a dozen different flower forms. Sizes also range from miniature to very large roses over 15 cm in diameter. Accordingly, the number of petals will be different: from 5 to 128 pieces. It is believed that the more magnificent and voluminous the flower, the more beautiful it is.

Secondly, the number of petals in a rose depends entirely on the variety. In simple species, there are no more than 5-7 pieces in a flower. In semi-double varieties, you can count from 8 to 20 petals, and in terry ones - over 20. Moreover, back in 300 BC, the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus gave a description of roses from gardensGreece with 15, 20 and even 100 petals. So, it is impossible to name their exact number. It all depends on the type of plant.

How many leaves does a rose have?

Until a certain time, it was believed that the number of leaves in this fragrant plant is only 5 pieces. If there are more of them, then this is already a reborn rose or wild rose. However, today the situation has changed.

And indeed, in garden plants of the floribunda variety, climbing and semi-climbing roses (shrabs), the number of leaves is not only five, but can also reach seven or even nine. Therefore, before rejecting a shrub, you should carefully study all the necessary information about it. Perhaps it is for this variety that an atypical number of leaves is a variant of the norm.

What can be done with petals?

What can be done with rose petals
What can be done with rose petals

A beautiful, fragrant, but already fading pink bouquet does not have to be thrown away as soon as it begins to lose its presentable appearance. It still has some useful uses.

So what can be done with rose petals:

  1. Bath. By adding rose petals to water, you can get rid of fatigue, relieve stress, tone and soften the skin.
  2. Bath s alt. To prepare it, you need to pour 200 g of sea s alt into a glass jar, add the petals of five roses, shake the container well and put it in a warm place for 2 weeks. After the specified time, 6 tablespoons of aromatic s alt should be dissolved in 1 liter of warm water and added tobath.
  3. Alcohol lotion. Pour rose petals into a glass jar and fill them with about the same amount of alcohol. Infuse the lotion for 1 month, then use it to wipe the face.

In addition, rose petals can be used to make natural soap, tea and even jam.
