Home solarium

Home solarium
Home solarium

How can you distinguish a tan obtained in a solarium from a natural tan acquired under the sun? If you compare their properties and appearance, then nothing. The development of the pigmentation process is exactly the same. Whether you tan in a home solarium or on the beach - in both cases, the tan will look natural. Your tan from a tanning bed can last as long as a natural outdoor tan.

home solarium
home solarium

It can be noted that, unlike a solarium, the Sun cannot take into account your skin type, it does not have a timer, it cannot be programmed. In the atmosphere, the power and ratio of UV-A beam and UV-B beam usually fluctuates and largely depends on the time of year and day, geographic latitude, light reflection power and air pollution.

The home mini tanning bed is equipped with UV lamps that provide a balanced combination of UV-A beam and UV-B beam. These rays completely exclude the possibility of the presence of UV-C gamma rays, which are detrimental to the cells of the body. The rays of a home tanning bed are safer than natural tanning, and besides, it has the ability to care for the skin before and after tanning.

We live in a country where the sun is not enough for the human body,and the solarium is a unique opportunity to take advantage of the positive effects of UV rays with he alth benefits. A tan will help boost your immunity, and you will be less susceptible to rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. Blood circulation will be improved, resulting in faster vitamin D synthesis, stronger bones, and faster healing of cuts and wounds.

home mini solarium
home mini solarium

Sunburn is good for affected skin if you have problems with fungus or acne. A home solarium can protect the skin from natural sun tanning. And finally, this fake tan will improve your mood and help fight depression.

People, especially women, have been getting a beautiful tan right at home for a long time. You can resort to folk recipes for getting a tan - start taking manganese baths, or drink freshly squeezed carrot juice to get a golden skin tone due to carotene, or take the rays of a blue lamp, which are treated for colds and inflammations. However, there is a more convenient way - a home solarium.

There are home mini-tanning beds designed for the face and décolleté area that plug into an outlet. They are simply placed in front of them on the table.

tanning creams in the solarium
tanning creams in the solarium

This solarium model is a mirror. You need to use special tanning creams in the solarium, as well as special glasses that protect your eyes from harmful rays. Women need to be attentive to the he alth of their breasts, be sure to coverher special plastic cone caps when they visit their home tanning bed.

In general, this home solarium is a surprisingly useful device. It can also be useful in the household. And if it comes to that, then with its help you can not only sunbathe yourself, but also grow seedlings of vegetables and flowers or warm your pets…
