What is rust in architecture? Applications

What is rust in architecture? Applications
What is rust in architecture? Applications

You can learn about what rust is from architectural terminology. This is one of the low cost surface treatments that are considered affordable for processing large objects or parts of them. Outwardly, rust looks like a rectangular stone, fitted in size and having an original texture.

use in the interior
use in the interior

Application in architecture

What is rust? This is a stylization consisting of rectangular stones. Examples of the use of such decoration can be found in different eras and periods. As for the cross-sectional shape, here it may be different.

In architecture, stone trim is used to visually weight the building, making it more massive. For rustication, natural stones are used. The surface must be composed of individual elements. If you use large slabs with different cross-sectional shapes, but the stone is not rectangular, then the style is not rustic.

In the modern world, they no longer remember what rust is, because, in fact,The installation process is labor intensive and time consuming. The alternative is rusticated stucco or individual slabs combined with other elements.

individual elements
individual elements

Material classification

There are several popular types of rust that were used in different periods of history. Greek rustication consisted of rectangular, well-polished stones, which were joined on a special basis. A variation of it was Roman rustication, which looked the same in shape, but the texture of the stone was grainy and uneven.

What is rust? These are options for finishing the surface of stones. Most often there are rectangular elements, no matter what surface, attention is focused on the shape. The seam on the stones should have a normal depth to create the effect of fullness.

Beveled rust was used to give weight to the structure. With such decoration, the building looked larger and more massive. The cross section on the surface has the shape of a rectangle. Rust - what is it in construction now? This is the application of sections of different parameters and sizes to the plaster.

stone building
stone building

Rounded rust as one of the types has a rounded section shape, which softens the lines a little. The grooved rust looks massive, but here it is necessary to calculate the proportions between the holes on the surface and the seams so that the former do not look small. Textured rust is considered heavy in terms of execution, since it consists of many elements, each of which requires detailed implementation.

Invoice creation

Two methods can be used for this: stuffing or cutting. It is necessary to bring the construction ruler closer to the surface of the plaster or stone and, with the blows of a mallet, deepen it into the surface, creating beautiful lines. The maximum depth is 15 mm. This is enough to create a clear line and highlight one element.

In the process, you need to make sure that the edges of the rusts do not break due to a sharp stretching of the ruler. In the process, it is also necessary to ensure that there are no cracks on the surface of the texture, if the rusting is performed not on stone, but on plaster. Experts advise using a length of no more than 7 mm for a flooded surface. The process will require two rulers: one for horizontal rusting, and the second for vertical.

For high-quality work, a special template is used, thanks to which an even ornament is created on the surface. In addition to stuffing, you can use cutting, this method is better and faster in terms of work.

rustic style house
rustic style house

Cutting Rust

Performed with a hacksaw or special rails. The first option is suitable for a small area. Cutting with a hacksaw occurs on the surface of the hardened plaster using marks that are made by the rule. The cuts are quite even and deep.

Polished slats are inserted into the solution and removed after it hardens. Reiki can be installed both in the covering layer and in the ground. As a result, the rust will turn out smooth and beautiful. The likelihood of cracks is minimal due touniform and smooth surface and removing the slats just before the mortar has completely cooled.

What is ceiling rust? It is also one of the architectural elements to decorate the building. It is performed in the same way as on the walls. But instead of plaster, thinly sliced natural stone is used here.

Expert Tips

Although, due to its massiveness, rustication is used less frequently, it is still used to decorate individual elements of the building. In order for the styling to be not too cumbersome and not to make the walls heavier, you can use plaster instead of natural stone. For cutting rust, it is better to use slats, as they guarantee a perfectly even result.

You should not combine several stylizations in one building, although rustication looks great in a duet with conceptualism. For a detailed study of the execution technique, see the photos below. What is rust? This is a great way to make an object original and exclusive. There are different color combinations and a choice of shades for the building. The use of style will make it possible to make the building unusual and moderately strict.
