Beautiful do-it-yourself plasticine peacock

Beautiful do-it-yourself plasticine peacock
Beautiful do-it-yourself plasticine peacock

It is very interesting and fun to make crafts with children from plasticine. To make work on a masterpiece enjoyable and move quickly, parents should prepare. First you need to choose a colorful character. An ideal option would be a plasticine peacock that can decorate a shelf in a children's room.

Plasticine peacock
Plasticine peacock

Which material to choose for work

Plasticine peacock should turn out bright and beautiful. It should be noted that a lot of material will be needed to make the figurine, since most of it will be for the formation of a magnificent tail.

You need to choose bright colors that will be used to model the fan. It is necessary to take yellow, red, light green or light green, blue. The main figure can be made from dark green, blue, brown or black plasticine.

To start making a peacock, you should properly organize your workplace and select a sketch. The complexity of the sketch, the number of small details and elements depends on the age of the child and his skills.

amazingpeacock craft
amazingpeacock craft

The principle of making the main details of the figure

Before you mold a peacock from plasticine, you need to think through the whole algorithm. The step-by-step implementation of actions consists of the following steps:

  1. A piece of plasticine of the main color is divided into 3 parts, but not equal. It is necessary to divide the whole piece in half, and then cut off another 1/3 part from one of them - this will be the head; most of the tail; half is the torso.
  2. From a small part, first make a sphere, which then needs to be converted into an oval. This shape will be ideal for shaping the head.
  3. From a piece for the body, separate a small piece that will need to be rolled into a sausage - this is the neck. It is worth considering that in a peacock this part of the body is short and not too fat.
  4. The body is formed according to the same principle as the bird's head.
  5. The third part should be divided into several equal pieces. Each part is a feather, and therefore the more parts, the better. To do this, roll out all the pieces into sausages, which should turn out to be approximately the same length and thickness. Flatten each element, forming a long teardrop oval.

A full-fledged plasticine peacock will turn out only after assembly and finishing, which should be done according to the principle of pottery.

Tailed peacock made of plasticine
Tailed peacock made of plasticine


In the process of forming individual parts, the question arises as to how to make a plasticine peacock more natural and "alive". It all depends on build qualityprocessing each item.

You need to connect the blanks of the head, neck, torso and attach each feather from the tail. To hide the transitions between the details, you need to use well-mashed plasticine. All cracks and joints are rubbed with a small amount of material.

Depending on the main color, an additional one is selected, which will be correctly combined with the main one. Wings are formed from it, which are made in the form of drops. To hide the connection of the tail feathers with the body, you need to make many small circles from the additional color and attach them at the base of the tail. A little extra color should be spread over the tail feathers.

plasticine peacock
plasticine peacock

What decorative elements can be used additionally

To make the figurine more colorful and bright, you can use other materials instead of plasticine to decorate the feathers of the tail and wings: beads, beads, rhinestones, sparkles, stained glass glue. It is necessary to apply several layers of circles from larger to smaller, and at the top of each layered overlay, place a bead (pebble, pearl, etc.)

A plasticine peacock should also have eyes, a beak, paws and a crest. A head fan can be made from thin pieces of wire with one bead on top of each. Such elements need to be prepared 3-5 pieces.

Ordinary matches can become paws, which then need to be stuck into an island prepared from plasticine. Additionally, you can use any techniques and materials to decorate crafts.
