The kitchen needs a lot of all sorts of tools and appliances. Some of them work with electricity. But there are many hand-held devices that greatly speed up the work and facilitate the process of cooking food. These include vegetable cutters. They are produced by different companies. One of the most famous and high quality is the Borner vegetable cutter.
The German plant Borner GmbH has been producing vegetable cutters for over 50 years. During this time, its specialists have developed and created a whole collection of these devices.

In addition to vegetable cutters, the plant manufactures graters, vegetable peelers, knives from various types of steel (rolled and forged) and accessories for them.
The difference between graters and vegetable cutters
Graters are designed for grinding foodstuffs into an almost homogeneous mass. It may consist of larger or smaller particles, but it will not be possible to select individual pieces from it for processing.
Vegetable cutter processes vegetables and fruits into fairly large pieces of the same shape, cubes, straws, sticks, pieces prepared forfurther processing.
The vegetable cutter is called a V-shaped grater on some websites.
Vegetable cutters are made of durable environmentally friendly plastic and stainless steel cutting parts. They don't need to be sharpened. And the Borner vegetable cutter should serve at least 10 years.
Borner is a vegetable cutter whose knives are designed to process three tons of products. You don't need to sharpen them.
But usually one type of vegetable cutter is not enough to cut different foods. Therefore, different lines have been developed:
- V3TrendLine.
- V6 ExlusivLine.
- V5 PowerLine.
Accessories for vegetable cutters: trays for finished products, multiboxes, spare parts.
Each of the vegetable cutter kits includes a fruit holder that helps to chop food. With its help, vegetables are pressed against the plane of the knife and cut without injuring the hands. This increases the safety of the vegetable cutter.

Multiblock, or block for inserts, can be included in the kit, be a gift to it or be bought separately. It serves as a stand for the entire set. It can be mounted on the wall or furniture. In this case, the vegetable cutter will always be at hand.
You can buy several blocks by combining them into one set.
There is even a video with detailed instructions on how to use the device. After all, it is only at first glance so simple. But in fact, in order to fully master all its capabilities, you need to know some of the features.
Detailed instructions are included with the Borner set. It describes how to use the vegetable cutter. There is information about additional attachments.
At the end of the instructions there are several recipes for dishes prepared with a vegetable cutter.
Great attention is paid to safe work with the tool.
Optional accessories
- 10 mm insert cuts vegetables into strips, 10 mm cubes.
- Vessel for installing a vegetable cutter during operation. Finished products are poured into it without falling out on the table. The handle has slots so that the grater is firmly fixed in it. You can pour oil and vinegar into a sudok and store ready-made salad in it.

- The DEKO vegetable cutter is similar to a grater, but wider. With it, you can make various decorations and spirals from vegetables.
- A variety of vegetables and fruits, including oranges, are peeled with a peeler. Cut out recesses of various shapes in zucchini for stuffing.
- The "Baby Greater" grater is designed to make mashed potatoes for children. But, turning it on the other side, you can rub chocolate, cheese or garlic. It is made of food-grade plastic, easy to clean, cuts food efficiently.
Vegetable cutter "Prima-Plus"
Vegetable cutter Borner V Prima has 5 parts. The main knife can be removed by pressing the button on the body and changed to one of three inserts.

The Borner Prima vegetable cutter of this modification can perform 3 times more operations,than the previous model. It has inserts.
Flat without a knife is used for cutting vegetables into rings of different thicknesses. It can be adjusted to four positions. To do this, lightly press on the insert. Return back by pressing the button on the case. It can be used to lock the blades of the main frame for storage
- Insert 7 mm high. She cuts vegetables into straws, cubes and other shapes of 7x7 or 7x3, 5.
- The 3.5mm insert does the same but is twice as thin.
Vegetable cutter Borner Classic
Vegetable cutter Borner Classic consists of:
- V-frame for mounting inserts;
- knifeless insert;
- inserts with knives of 3, 5 and 7 mm;
- fruit holder.

With its help you can:
- cut any food into rings;
- cut them lengthwise, in long layers;
- shred into pieces of different lengths and thicknesses;
- cut cheese and sausage;
- cut vegetables into thin and thick sticks, straws.
Vegetable cutter length - 34 cm, width - 12 cm, thickness - 2 cm.
Vegetable cutter Borner Trend for Korean carrots
There is a vegetable cutter for cooking Korean carrots among Borner products. Its body is strong, though made of plastic. Sharp stainless steel knives sharpened on both sides.
With its help you can get:
- thin long and short straws 1.6 mm thick;
- small chips;
- small crumbs.
Consumer reviews say that the straws for Korean carrots are even and thin. It is noted that the vegetable cutter washes well.
When using a vegetable cutter, you can use the fruit holder.
Borner Fruit Holder
Reviews about fruit holders are contradictory. Some people really enjoy working with them. They talk about keeping hands safe.
Others say they are inconvenient to use. The teeth of the fruit holder penetrate the vegetable, but do not hold it well. It's easier to rub it by hand. Slightly better results when working with boiled vegetables.
This vegetable cutter is very fast. The Borner kit does a good job of doing things that electrical appliances can't. A tray of chopped vegetables can be obtained in a minute. But there is no need to rush. After all, the blades are sharp and cut themselves for a short time.
Particularly successful is the ability to adjust the thickness of the slices offered by the Borner vegetable cutter. Reviews note that the rings and slices are neat and beautiful.
Users note that they are so used to the Borner grater that they can no longer imagine life without it.

Borner is a vegetable cutter to learn how to operate. In order to fully use its potential, you need to study the instructions, watch the video. And most importantly - it's your experience, which gives skills and dexterity.
Borner is a vegetable cutter, indispensable in the summer when harvesting for the winter.
But there are also not very enthusiastic reviews. Users complain that the Borner vegetable cutter cannot be washed in the dishwasher. Yes, and a simple washcloth is not easy to do. Because it's all cut to shreds. But there are reviews that the vegetable cutter washes normally in the car.
Reviews say that the fruit seeds fall between the teeth of the vegetable cutter and get stuck there. Therefore, you need to stop work and pull them out.
Vegetables are not cut all the way even when using the fruit holder. The remaining parts must be cut with a knife or thrown away.
What the ads call cubes are actually flat diamonds.
Cutting cheese and sausage (except for boiled meat) is difficult. The pieces come out from under the knives uneven. This is due to the fact that the inserts for cutting them are not fixed on the frame and they stagger during operation. But she cuts vegetables well.
Users conclude that it is convenient to cut with a Borner vegetable cutter:
- carrots, parsnips, beets, eggplant, ginger;
- onion for frying;
- potatoes for frying julienne;
- cucumbers for salad;
- vegetables for baking;
- toppings for pies;
- oranges and lemons.
Vegetable cutter Borner serves for a long time - for 10 years or more. Sometimes you have to change nozzles. Fortunately, they are sold separately, so you can buy additional.
But some users say that it would be better if the set had more nozzles, because it is not easy to buy them. But then the price of the kit will be higher.

Vegetable cutters are differentset and color. But their quality remains consistently high. They say that food processors can compare with this device. But not everyone wants to wash it after every frying. And the vegetable cutter can be simply rinsed and put to dry.