Maxwell MW-3715 G steamer: reviews, pros and cons

Maxwell MW-3715 G steamer: reviews, pros and cons
Maxwell MW-3715 G steamer: reviews, pros and cons

If you are not someone who likes to iron clothes, then it's time to get modern technology in the form of a steamer, which will speed up and facilitate this process. With the help of such a device, you can remove the smallest folds from delicate and thin fabrics, as well as from clothes with frills, frills and lace. And yet, without removing from the cornices, you can iron the curtains.

The mentioned equipment will save your time. It will not be able to completely replace the iron and rid the fabric of stains, as well as disinfect it. But you will no longer face the risk of damage to jewelry, bows, buttons and rhinestones on clothes.

You will need to decide before going to the store which model you need - manual, floor or combined. In the first case, we are talking about a device that looks like an electric kettle. This unit is compact, light weight, small water tank and medium power.

Floorsteamers are great for home use and are divided into gravity and steam pressure. In a separate class should be allocated combined units that provide steaming and steam cleaning. Such devices look like traditional counterparts. However, steam is supplied under a pressure of at least 3 bar. The intensity is also quite high at 70 g per minute.

The only drawback of such devices is their impressive cost. In order to decide which model to give preference to, you need to familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons, as well as the opinions of consumers. A great example to consider would be a steamer option labeled Maxwell MW-3715 G.

Feedback on the main features of the model

maxwell mw 3715 g steamer reviews
maxwell mw 3715 g steamer reviews

So, you have decided to purchase an analogue of an iron. Then you should consider the Maxwell MW-3715 G steamer. Product reviews of this brand are presented in the article and should help you. This option of equipment will cost the consumer 1,900 rubles. The device is floor standing. This is liked by consumers, as such a design facilitates operation. The power of the Maxwell 3715 G garment steamer, reviews of which are usually positive, is high and reaches 1,500 watts. The body is made of plastic. It provides for the presence of a capacity of 1 liter. According to the hostesses, this volume is quite enough for long-term work. Water heating time is equivalent to 1.5 minutes.

Equipment capable of running for 30 minutes. Before you buyMaxwell MW-3715 G steamer, you should definitely read reviews about it. From them you will be able to find out that the kit includes a nozzle in the form of a brush. Consumers also like the presence of a carrying handle. As additional features, the automatic shutdown function should be highlighted.

Distinguishing Features

maxwell mw 3715 g steamer photo reviews
maxwell mw 3715 g steamer photo reviews

The pros and cons of the Maxwell MW-3715 G steamer, reviews of which are useful to read to the consumer, suggest that with the help of the equipment you can cope with the wrinkles that occur on the fabrics of clothing and bed linen during storage. The model helps to remove bacteria and odors from the treated surface.

Opinions on security and mobility

steam cleaner steamer maxwell mw 3715 g reviews
steam cleaner steamer maxwell mw 3715 g reviews

The device has a capacious water tank. Power provides a high level of efficiency in all conditions. Reading reviews about the Maxwell MW-3715 G steamer, you can understand that using the device is very comfortable, because the device will be ready for use in 90 seconds. The continuous run time mentioned above is sufficient for processing large volume fabrics.

Consumers love security. It is provided with the option of automatic shutdown when the unit runs out of water. The device is also protected from overheating. Designed with a steam hose that is equivalent to 1.6m long. The power cord is 2m long for mobility.

Maxwell steamer reviewsMW-3715 G say that you can use the device without an extension cord. The delivery set includes a nozzle for steaming arrows on trousers and a nozzle in the form of a spray. The mass of the unit is small, it is only 2.2 kg. Consumers point out that this low weight makes it easy to move the equipment from place to place.

Main advantages of the model

steamer maxwell mw 3715 g product reviews
steamer maxwell mw 3715 g product reviews

Among the pluses, we should highlight the high intensity of steam supply, which is associated with power. The last characteristic affects the first. The aforementioned machine can process even thick fabrics, on the surface of which wrinkles are removed very quickly.

Customers also like uptime. It is also impossible not to mention the configuration. The nozzles supplied by the manufacturer are quite useful. With their help, you can expand the scope of the steamer.

Main cons

Many modern housewives do not at all consider that the described equipment is an indispensable device in the house. This is due to several factors. Firstly, the price of the Maxwell MW-3715 G steamer, reviews of which are presented in the article and can help you make the right choice, seems to some to be quite high. Secondly, this equipment takes up a lot of space, although it is quite compact. This feature becomes relevant in small apartments, where it is difficult to find a free corner for an iron.

garment steamermaxwell 3715g reviews
garment steamermaxwell 3715g reviews

Thirdly, the consumer does not always have the opportunity to understand the many functions and characteristics that this or that model has. They end up buying a device that doesn't live up to expectations.

Another negative to watch out for

pros and cons maxwell mw 3715 g steamer reviews
pros and cons maxwell mw 3715 g steamer reviews

Before you go to the store for the described equipment, you should consider its shortcomings. It is they who sometimes force consumers to refuse such an acquisition. After reading the reviews about the Maxwell MW-3715 G garment steamer, you will note that using the bed linen unit is not always convenient. This is due to the fact that sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers will have to be hung around the room, which is not always realistic. Using the device on the balcony is also inconvenient. After all, if it is not glazed, then dust particles will settle on the fabric.

In closing

Experts advise to purchase outdoor devices for home use. They make it easier to work, because the hands will not be occupied by a heavy device. You will only have to hold the iron itself.

Reviews of the Maxwell MW-3715 G steam cleaner-steamer indicate that the described device is just right for solving everyday problems. This is confirmed by additional functions such as the possibility of forming arrows on trousers, which with the help of an iron can seem quite problematic.

An additional advantage of the above model is that withwith it, you can remove some dirt, as well as disinfect the fabric. There are a huge number of models of this type on sale today, but not all of them have such an option, which cannot be said about the Maxwell MW-3715 G steamer, reviews and photos of which will allow you to make a choice.
