Many owners want to have a beautiful and environmentally friendly home. However, many families cannot afford the cost of real wood. But there is a way out of this situation. Finishing can be done in such a way that no one will distinguish it from a bar, and this can be done at the most minimal cost.

Imitation of timber
Imitation of a bar, the sizes of which are very different, has two indisputable advantages: excellent quality and significant cost savings. This material is in many ways similar to conventional lining. It differs only in more massive dimensions (width and thickness) and careful processing of the front side of the board. Docking of panels is carried out according to the "thorn-groove" principle, but after connecting the boards there is no intermediate gap. There is also another significant difference between imitation timber and lining - installation can only be done in a horizontal plane.

Imitation of timber, the dimensions of which will be given below, has a fairly wide range of applications. This versatile finishingmaterial used:
- for interior cladding (walls and ceiling);
- for exterior decoration of buildings (walls, gables, foundations).
For outdoor work, as a rule, a wider board is used, and for interior decoration, a narrow one (135-145 mm wide).
Imitation timber is ideal for finishing:
- country houses;
- restaurants;
- offices.
Panels decorate miniature structures:
- arbors;
- baths;
- multifunctional outbuildings.
The imitation of timber is used to decorate rest rooms in the bathhouse, offices, hotels, attics, greenhouses, etc.
Imitation of timber: dimensions
Precise observance of dimensions is one of the prerequisites for the production of high-quality finishing material. Otherwise, some difficulties may arise during installation, and the final result will be very far from ideal.
Lumber imitation refers to a rather specific lumber, which, as a rule, does not have any specific standards. Given the specifics of the finish and the requirements of customers, manufacturers produce this material in different sizes. According to GOST, the imitation timber board has the following dimensions:
- The width is from 110mm to 190mm. The appearance of an already finished room largely depends on this indicator. The most popular width is 135 mm. Due to the small number of knots and the convenience of dressing, this width has Extra and A grades.
- Thickness: 18, 20, 22, 28, 34mm,however, imitation timber dimensions may have 16, 14 mm, but this is not a standard. The most popular thicknesses are 20 and 22mm.
- Length 3 or 6 m. But there are boards 2, 2, 5, 5, 4 meters, but these figures are considered non-standard.
- Weight of panels - 11 kg per sq. meter of dry products. The humidity of products ranges from 12-14%.
Block house imitation timber dimensions are as follows:
- material length from 2m to 6m;
- thickness from 2 to 4cm;
- the width can be very different - 14, 17, 19, 20 cm or another, depending on the wishes of the customer.
Choose size
When choosing the board size, consider:
- what will be the finish (external or internal);
- length of finished wall.
Imitation of timber must be chosen so that there are as few joints as possible. This will help to achieve a beautiful and maximum imitation of a structure made of logs or timber.
If the joints of the interior decoration can be closed with decorative elements and furniture, then the exterior cladding is always in sight. Therefore, the type of material should be chosen taking into account the purpose of the finish.

Size of imitation timber for exterior finish
For facades, as a rule, panels with a thickness of 25-30 mm and a width of at least 150 mm are used. So you can get the maximum resemblance to a house from a real timber. If you use narrower panels, then the lining will be similar to the clapboard trim. Why then overpay? If the walls are longer than 3 m, then it is more advisable to use panels of 6 m. This will help to achieve a minimum number of connections.
But do not forget that the larger the size of the material, the greater its weight and, accordingly, the more difficult the installation. The greatest difficulties arise when facing walls with large panels - 35 by 190 mm.

Imitation timber: dimensions for interior decoration
Interior finishing with a wide board is not recommended, as this will visually reduce the room. As a rule, panels are used, the width of which is at least 110 mm, and the thickness is 16-22 mm. Moreover, indoors, this material can be mounted in different directions, which allows you to choose a more convenient length. The most commonly used lengths are 2 and 3 m. It is not practical to take 6 m panels for interior decoration.
To imitate timber, special so-called kleimers are sold, which differ in number. The value of the number is equal to the width of the hook, into which the panel enters with its groove. The sizes of the kleimers for simulating timber are different, so it is very important to choose them correctly so that they fit the board. They are sold in packs of 100 or 200 pieces along with self-tapping screws or nails for fastening.