DIY underfloor heating repair

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DIY underfloor heating repair
DIY underfloor heating repair

Video: DIY underfloor heating repair

Video: DIY underfloor heating repair
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Each of us cares about creating comfortable living conditions for his family, so many modern homes have underfloor heating. Thanks to this, our children can run barefoot in an evenly heated apartment in the cold winter without fear of catching a cold. Such systems have been appreciated by the owners of small-sized housing, because due to the absence of bulky radiators, precious square meters are freed up. However, no one is immune from such a situation when it may be necessary to repair underfloor heating.

The device and the most common causes of breakdowns

Underfloor heating is considered one of the most convenient ways to heat a home. It is an electrical system built into the floor structure. Under the screed or tile there are wires that provide uniform heating. The electricity supplied to the heating element passes through the thermostat, which allows you to set the desired temperature and ensures the system is turned on / off. In the event of excessive heating, the heating is automatically switched off.element. But like any other system, it can suddenly fail, and then it will be necessary to repair the underfloor heating. Before you begin to troubleshoot the problem, you need to identify the cause of the problem. The most common breakdowns include problems with the heating element, thermostat or temperature sensor.

underfloor heating repair
underfloor heating repair

What to do if there is no voltage at the input of the heating cable?

Before you start repairing underfloor heating, you need to make sure that there is voltage at the input of the electrical system. If it is not there, you should find out if the disconnecting machine has not worked. If the toggle switch is triggered, you just need to restart it, but if this does not help, then you will have to look for and eliminate the cause of the problem on the supply line.

electric floor heating repair
electric floor heating repair

What to do in case of mechanical damage to the heating cable?

In most cases, such a breakdown occurs during the installation of the system, and for some time it may go unnoticed. Sometimes the cause of damage is the careless actions of the homeowners themselves, who started a major overhaul. If during the use of a saw or an electric drill the integrity of the heating electric cable was accidentally violated, then you will have to independently open the area of the floor covering and look for the place of damage. Burnt or broken wires must be carefully cleaned and connected using sleeves of suitable diameter, whichsubsequently crimped with press tongs. At the joints, a heat-shrink sleeve is attached, heated with a building hair dryer. In the process of cooling, it shrinks, firmly sealing the joints. After that, the underfloor heating screed should be repaired.

underfloor heating screed repair
underfloor heating screed repair

What should I do if the temperature sensor or temperature controller breaks?

Noticing that after the warm floor has warmed up to the set point, it still continues to heat up, you can be sure that the temperature sensor has failed. In this case, the repair of the electric underfloor heating comes down to replacing the defective element. To do this is quite simple. To do this, you need to remove the broken part from the corrugated tube, not forgetting to mark the exact place where it was located, and replace it with a new one. If the installation of the old equipment was carried out in violation of the technology, without the use of corrugations, then in its place you can install an air temperature sensor attached under the thermostat.

If the cause of the breakdown lies in a faulty thermostat, then the repair of underfloor heating comes down to replacing it.
