Clocks in the interior: from antiquity to the present day

Clocks in the interior: from antiquity to the present day
Clocks in the interior: from antiquity to the present day

Watch saw the light more than three hundred years ago, and since then mankind cannot imagine life without them. But we must pay tribute to the fact that more and more often we use other gadgets to determine the time, for example, screens of phones, tablets, fitness bracelets and the like. But this did not make interior clocks less in demand, they just more and more play only a decorative role.

History of watches

Sunglasses and hourglasses have been used by people since ancient times. But the exact time of creation of the accessory with the dial is unknown. It is believed that they were invented by the Arabs - an unwitting confirmation is the use of the dial with Arabic numerals until now. And, by the way, a historically proven fact, which has documented evidence. This is a gift that was presented by the Arab caliph to Charlemagne - a device with a clock mechanism familiar to us.

For the first time, clocks in the interior began to be used back in the Renaissance, when these mechanisms began to be used inarchitecture, decorating the buildings of many European capitals.

Vintage clock in the interior
Vintage clock in the interior

Since the 17th century, Europeans have been the first to constantly count time. Galileo Galilei contributed a lot to this - it was under him that the clock began to show the time most accurately. Later, the habit of counting time spread throughout the world. At the same time, a real watch boom began - aristocrats and commoners began to use them not only to keep track of time, but also as decoration. Over time, many models have appeared, both expensive, jeweled chronometers, and simple, uncomplicated.

Wrist, on a chain, watches in the interior - photos of such accessories appeared a little later. Carelessly sticking out of the folds of clothes or hanging on a chain on the side, or an aristocrat in rich clothes against the background of a watch - illustrations of those years indicate how much people valued this invention.

Russia got acquainted with the "England mechanism" thanks to its innovator - Peter I. It was he who brought them to our country, after which the wholesale fashion for watches began. They were collected, paid for goods, passed on by inheritance. By the way, if not for this tradition, we would probably never have held antique mechanisms in our hands, and even in our time you can find real old clocks in the interior of modern decoration.

clock in the interior photo
clock in the interior photo

What is the dial like?

At one time in Russia there was a sign that said that you should not give a watch as a gift. Butnow empty superstitions are receding into the background and watches have become a good gift for a housewarming, wedding, and just a birthday.

Of course, we are not talking about shabby alarm clocks, but a large clock in the interior of the living room is very stylish. And given that such a mechanism is quite expensive, then it’s not a shame to give them as a gift.

But what makes a watch stand out in the first place? Of course, the dial. Modern designers manage to make them works of art. What are watch faces?

  • With Arabic numerals.
  • With Roman symbols.
  • With strokes that replace numbers.
  • With a phantom dial with no characters at all.
  • With a bitmap - a kind of line art, but the latter are replaced by dots.
  • With electronic dial.

Quite popular is the version of the wall clock in the interior, when the arrows are mounted directly on the wall, and the dial itself is completely absent. Sometimes such a mechanism merges so much with the surrounding interior that, it would seem, stop the hands and no one will notice the clock at all.

A truly expensive watch will never be gaudy and flashy about its price. On the contrary, these are usually modest movements with some kind of “zest” and very accurate timing.

In antique watches, Roman numerals were most often used, sometimes elongated towards the middle and as if turned upside down. Now hand-made masters love to use this design technique, that is, handmade.

wall-mountedclock in the interior
wall-mountedclock in the interior

Types of watches

There are many variations used to decorate rooms:

Interior. Very often, such clocks in the interior are used as decoration, it doesn’t even matter if they show the time. A prerequisite for such watches is a memorable appearance. Most often they are used to convey some hidden meaning, for example, about the transience of time. The main function of such devices is interior decoration. Quite ordinary watches can be attributed to the same category, on the dial of which some date was fixed, for example, the birth of the first child

Interior clock
Interior clock

Desktop. The most functional clock in the room. Most often they serve as an alarm clock. But if the style is expressed in some strictly defined theme, then the table clock should be in harmony with the interior

Desk clock
Desk clock

Wall. Watch category with the largest selection. On sale there are wall mechanisms of a wide variety of forms - in the form of a toy for a nursery, in the form of kitchen utensils. The most popular wall clock that came to us from our grandmothers is the cuckoo device. You can still find them on sale today, and they still make you smile

Wall Clock
Wall Clock

Outdoor. These watches are now found only in the offices of reputable companies. To meet such a mechanism at home is very rare. But once it was the most popular watch. People went to crime to take possession of them. They were smuggled insince such devices were not produced in our country

Grandfather Clock
Grandfather Clock

Fireplace. Also more popular in the Middle Ages than at present. Mantel clocks can also be found either in offices or in rich houses stylized as the Middle Ages. And those lucky ones who have preserved an old mantel clock use them in the interior as decoration even in the absence of a fireplace

mantel clock
mantel clock

Clock in the interior

Features of using such an accessory depend on where exactly you want to place it:

  • Living room. Often they use a large clock in the interior of the living room, "noisy", perhaps with a fight. For a modern home, devices made of light airy materials, possibly handmade, are perfect. The material can be anything, but must be combined with the overall style of the room.
  • Cabinet. A classic of the genre is a calm watch in a simple style, the main advantage of which is accuracy. An excellent solution is a mechanism with a case made of some kind of stone, for example, marble or malachite.
  • Kitchen. Preferably from washable materials with an interesting, perhaps even "appetizing" design. Available with built-in timer.
  • Dining room. Better in the form of fruit or some other kitchen utensils, such as a barrel of honey. Preferably in soothing colors.
  • Bedroom. Quiet running clock, you can just desktop.
  • Children's. This is where you can play out your fantasies - naughty, funny, bright and colorful, in the form of animals or technology - whatever your heart desires. But they must beinaccessible to the child and do not have a loud fight.
big clock in the interior
big clock in the interior


Today, the clock in the interior is more of a decoration than a functional item. But that doesn't make them any less popular. I would like to believe that for a long time they will not go out of fashion and will delight us with their monotonous ticking.
